Twitter is being rebranded as X. So, if one “tweets” on Twitter, will one then be “eX-iting” posts on X?
I think it’s a perfect time to eXit the entire platform. #IndieWeb #eXiting

#exiting #indieweb #silo-quits #twitter

Twitter is being rebranded as X. So, if one "tweets" on Twitter, will one then be "eX-iting" posts on X?
I think it's a perfect time to eXit the entire platform. #IndieWeb #eXiting

Addressing Child Exploitation on Federated Social Media

Wow! Is this X thing for real???
Great timingf for adding Mastodon support to my #Indieweb blog.

Webmention on ITHCWY #etc #ithcwy #bridgyfed #fediverse #indieweb #webmention Inbound and outbound webmentions are now supported for I Thought He Came With You blog posts.

Damn, 16 people watching my public domain TV channel, RetroStrange right now. The indie web cannot be killed. #IndieWeb



Hey all... I'm about to invite a bunch of people into #Mastodon.
I'm going encourage them to follow you because you've been helpful explaining key #fediverse issues... even if it's awesome Toots to read about and understand the #indieweb #FOSS #socialmedia

Please reply with more great #firstfollow names?


Behold! Themes and a theme toggle on my site (! I thiiink all the bugs have been worked outta the toggle (and other changes I’ve made over the past few days). So much work for such a little thing. But I know a lot more about CSS now that’s for sure.

I’m still tuning the color palettes a bit but am comfortable enough with where things sit now.

#indieweb #webdev #webdesign

Speak up. When something doesn't work. When someone is being hurt. When you don't agree. Speak up. Someone has to. It's a burden to see more, it's a duty and a privilege. So take care and speak up. You would be surprised how many people think the same and are equally afraid to speak up. Someone has to be the first.

Michal Zelazny

It’s not always easy to speak up, even more, if you’re the first. Good for you if other voices join yours. But if not, that’s ok too, even though some people might not like what you are saying.

One-hour website projects and denying consent to AI crawlers. It’s your < 10min update on the #IndieWeb community!

This Week in the IndieWeb audio edition for July 15th - 21st, 2023.

This Week in the IndieWeb Audio Edition • July 15th - 21st, 2023

#podcast #IndieWeb #this-week-indieweb-podcast

Spent a few hours yesterday trying to get to work better with Calckey (now Firefish). Made progress but not enough. ActivityPub remains extremely difficult to debug without reading the source code for other projects.

In the process of adding true mf2 support to [Feed Reader](

Random observation: a *lot* of RSS and Atom feeds are served up with a `text/html` content type.

#indieweb #microformats #WebFeeds


So far bridgy fed sends webmentions to my site. #indieweb

I wrote a blog post on my photography as my hobby. Just my interests and sharing some shots of past and recent.

#indieweb #photography #filmphotography, #DSLR #blog

Not exactly sure how I broke things on my site but sending webmentions to brigy fed stopped woking on new posts. Seem to still work on ones created over a week ago. #indieweb

Thinking about ActivityPub made me wonder what Tumblr has been working on, so I clicked around over there for a bit. I missed that Tumblr has live video now, with tipping in “diamonds”? Seems a little out of place with the rest of the platform.

I've been trying to figure out the role that Atom played in early development of the fediverse. I can find Atom in OStatus with Atom Activity Streams ...

... is that where it ends, before ActivityPump and ActivityPub? #indieweb

Asking for some help/tips from the #indieweb community out there. I'm looking to add a #notes ( feature to my site but am struggling to figure out the best way to do it. Currently my site is hosted on GitHub Pages (so statically generated via Jekyll). I'd prefer to implement something that plays well with Jekyll but am open to bolting something on or standing up functionality on a subdomain if that's better. In the pure IndieWeb sense I am looking to have all my notes permalinked and then #POSSE them out across the various services. Many thanks in advance!