Weighing up hosting and domain options at the moment (with help from some of the lovely #VirtualGothNight folks). Will hopefully buy my domain on payday in a couple of weeks and reclaim a corner of the Internet for my own waffle.

From a digital wellbeing point of view,
I think I struggle with timelines, algorithmic or not... #indieweb #digitalwellbeing

I added back the posting activity visualization that was on my site a while ago. Now it's on the homepage under my bio instead of at the bottom of each post. There's four shades of blue based on relative number of posts. Hovering on a square shows the date and number of posts.

screenshot of the bio on my homepage with the posting activity visualization underneath it: 30 small boxes with colors from gray to deep blue indicating relative number of posts each day

Next I would like to set up daily archive pages that each box can link to.

new website page up, its just several links that all take you to random handmade websites/pages, have fun


#oldweb #indieweb #smallweb #personalwebsites #personalsites #websites #geocities #neocities #webring #webrings

I used up 50mb of my hosting storage for my blog.

I’ve around 120-30 posts written, most of them are text only, some of them with many images (game reviews)

That’s 50%. Yes, I’ve only 100mb of storage.

Keep it small and simple

#IndieWeb #PersonalWebsite #blogging

I added back the posting activity visualization that was on my site a while ago. Now it's on the homepage under my bio instead of at the bottom of each post. There's four shades of blue based on relative number of posts. Hovering on a square shows the date and number of posts.

screenshot of the bio on my homepage with the posting activity visualization underneath it: 30 small boxes with colors from gray to deep blue indicating relative number of posts each day

Next I would like to set up daily archive pages that each box can link to.

manual until it hurts - #IndieWeb
"manual until it hurts is an IndieWeb development practice of resisting automating something until you have manually done it enough times to really understand it, and know that it is worth doing & automating."
thanks https://jeremy.hu/jetpack-hashtags-posts-shared-mastodon/
via @jeremy https://fedi.jeremy.hu/@jeremy/statuses/01H6XDPS62SVCVSYK351E61SMM
thanks @pfefferle
¹ https://mro.name/aub26kk

@Shrigglepuss have you looked at the #indieweb? I wrote a thing about it a while ago. https://beesbuzz.biz/articles/11127-What-is-the-IndieWeb

Do you use #webmentions by any chance? #IndieWeb

Please boost, I'm researching.

I used to...
What is that?

Steve Ivy

A tiny fediverse wishlist:

  • Quote toots
  • A real DM implementation w/ E2E encryption (black-box, ie. even the host cannot read them)

~ # 19:26 ~

Divisão entre web alternativa X mainstream:

I'm digging more into https://emissary.social/ today. And it seems to be something I've been thinking for a while.
Especially with this time where no for-profit platform is worth investing time anymore.

I'll test and see where help is needed. But for now, it seems quite impressive!

#golang #emissary #fediverse #IndieWeb

Splitting the Web

This rings true to me.

#web #split #division #tracking #javascript #advertising #business #indieweb

friendly reminder that the semantic web is the actual web 3.0 and the "web3" crypto shit is co-opting that for marketing. don't believe their lies, web 3.0 is not techno-feudalism, it's what #indieweb is doing with microformats, xfn, etc.

How many of the domains you own do you actively use?

#poll #domains #internet #web #OpenWeb #IndieWeb

I don't own any domains

A two-part poll:

How many domains do you own?

#poll #domains #internet #web #OpenWeb #IndieWeb


The notable list: August 2023

I wrote a blog post on "Entrypoints to the Indieweb", in which I share how I integrate some wholesome indieweb-surfing into everyday life.


#blogpost still doing #bringbackblogs #indieweb

I see there’s no #indieweb #lemmy / #kbin community. Anyone interested in starting one up? Or maybe there’s another better place (aside from Mastodon) that people thread stuff? I’m happy to start it but kinda new to the whole community as it is. That and I already admin/mod a few #threadiverse communities.

Who wants to roast my website (i.e. poke around and point out things I should add/fix/change)? If there’s anything you like you could call that out too but looking to add some things to my list to improve it. Thanks!


#roastmysite #indieweb #webdesign #webdev