Steve Ivy

Dammit I started a branch on Goldfrog to play with the #micropub api, and now that it’s in pieces on the editor floor, I have 3 more features I want to add. #indieweb #blogging

(One is adding the ability for a note or post here to be a reply to another post on Mastodon.)

~ # 17:53 ~

I like eye-candy for my #WordPress #hCard and for the longest time I did override the generic icon for missing SVGs via CSS. This never fixed the titles thought and after starting to mass non descriptive links all named “website” I started to dig into the code class-relme-domain-icon-map.php of the #IndieWeb plugin.

Turns out Rel_Me_Domain_Icon_Map does some file system shacking for unknown domains in wp-content/plugins/indieweb/static/svg/ so I fixed myself some symbolic links:

discuss-dot-tchncs-dot-de.svg -> lemmy.svg
live-dot-famkos-dot-net.svg -> owncast.svg
nerdpol-dot-ch.svg -> diaspora.svg
social-dot-tchncs-dot-de.svg -> mastodon.svg
t-dot-me.svg -> telegram.svg
tube-dot-tchncs-dot-de.svg -> peertube.svg

The title is read directly from the SVG so adding a title tag so custom SVGs helps with that.

That’s a lot of CSS that I can remove now 🤓

#hcard #indieweb #wordpress

Pixelfed cross-posting in

Writing a new post for my cartoon blog to feature a few posts from this other blog that did a lot of great posts about old animation. But as I was writing and doing my research, I realized the posts for this other blog stopped in 2017 (after being active since 2009). Such a shame. It's always sad to see cool blogs disappear.

#IndieWeb #blogs #blogging #writing #cartoons #animation #PersonalWebsites

As a lifelong nerd and an #Indieweb fan to boot, I absolutely see the appeal of "Everything is just a post".

I also recognize that sometimes you have to compromise on perfect, symmetrical beauty in order to shape technology into how people actually want to use it. (And, perhaps more to the point, away from how people shouldn't use it.)

If you’ve ever wanted a one-page website for free, and the ability to connect your domain name to that website, also on the free plan(!), this new service looks really promising: realnice

#OnlineResilience #Indieweb

If you’ve ever wanted a one-page website for free, and the ability to connect your domain name to that website, also on the free plan(!), this new service looks really promising: realnice

#OnlineResilience #Indieweb

Great essay.

"When browsing on the "normal web", it is increasingly required to disable at least part of your antifeatures-blockers to access content.

"Most of the time, I don’t bother anymore."

Features Mastodon as the anti-"normal web" social media platform.

#Mastodon #AdBlocker #IndieWeb

Fellow #wordpress #blogging #indieweb friends, I have a question you might have an answer to. I want to import my Mastodon posts into my blog. The question is how. Please read what I’m looking for. Boost when you think your network can help me.

I’m still waiting to see how DMs evolve in the fediverse before deciding what to do with, but one thing I’m sure of: we’re not going to have messaging that isn’t encrypted. Private replies to Mastodon users (which works now) will remain as a legacy feature, mostly hidden away.

Interesting what is up to with a new messaging app called Sup. Early video demo is here. Sounds like it uses Mastodon to connect with users, but Signal protocol instead of ActivityPub for messaging. Meanwhile I still like Nostr’s approach to encrypted DMs.

What database do you prefer as a user of a self-hosted app? :blobthinkingeyes:

I want to support only one for

PostgreSQL is much more flexible and powerful from a developer point of view. It can also scale much better just in case.

But SQLite does not require additional hosting. It is one file that can be automatically created by the app itself.

Comments on your choice are appreciated :ablobcatheart:

#SelfHosted #IndieWeb #RustLang #Rust #SQLite #PostgreSQL #Developer #FOSS


Building Bots for Fun and…

#mastodon #programming #fun

Your August blog carnival theme is “gardening”. It’s your < 10min update on the #IndieWeb community!

This Week in the IndieWeb audio edition for July 29th - August 4th, 2023.

This Week in the IndieWeb Audio Edition • July 29th - August 4th, 2023

#podcast #IndieWeb #this-week-indieweb-podcast

Technology should exist for our convenience, not for the convenience of anyone who wants to interrupt us.
from #Hyperfocus by #ChrisBailey

This resonates deeply with me. I loathe constant phone buzzing or browser notifications. Sometimes it feels like we’re slaves to the technology instead of us being the boss.

FYI the #book is not aimed at the #neurodiverse at all; my goal in reading it is to find #research-backed information that can help me understand and handle my distractions and maybe - just maybe - he’ll have some #tips that will be useful for *my* brain.

For example, knowing that it takes 29 minutes to get back on track after distracting ourselves (vs 6 minutes when distracted by someone else) quantifies the consequences of distractions. Thinking that a distraction = losing half an hour feels much more tangible.

#Bookstodon #Quotes #ADHD #AdultADHD #POSSE #Indieweb #ADHDer #Neurodiversity

I've been following the #indieweb / #microformats movement for a very long time. Every now and then (and today is one of those days) I feel the urge of investigating it all again, creating my own blog with h-card, h-entry, webmentions... But somehow I feel it's an all-or-nothing approach: either you use WordPress + plugins (which I don't want for `$reasons`) or you build the whole thing yourself.

I wish there was something just at the right level of abstraction, an HTML framework of sorts (1/2)

as much as i love the #IndieWeb, i wish it had more traction in PoC spaces, especially in #SEAsia

fluffy rambles: Publ's insurmountable technical debt

IndieWeb Carnival August 2023: Gardening