I’m following 300ish people on here and it still feels a bit TOO laid back. Who in the fediverse should I be following for The Good Shit a couple times per day? Indie web preferred #fediverse #indieweb

I love seeing these posts from Allison Seboldt about what it takes to run multiple SaaS products and be a completely independent developer!


#indiedev #indieweb #webdev #startups #saas

In relationship to that, though, what we need is an all-around client which supports both Fediverse, with emphasis on the AP API rather than a specific software's API, as well as the #Indieweb spec; webmention, post kinds, and what not. That's one of my project ideas, and it will be available via the #dotnet ecosystem if I can get existing libraries to behave with .NET core. One of the first experiments I want to run once I get accomplished as adding references and what not to projects, is compiling the P3K PHP library under .NET Core. That way .NET devs don't need a separate library, and PHP can be used in a scenario which is right now, more edge case, than not.

@dmje kinda, it’s possible to share a link from WP and have replies here be imported to WP. But not like Disqus. Look up #IndieWeb for more info.

I would love it when a lot of people that have perfect content just have a blog... a simple one with links and not feed X or other closed platforms day by day. But one can dream about the #indieweb

How to verify your Threads account using your Mastodon profile

Just signed up for Album Whale. It’s fun way to keep track your music. Check out my album list, Listening to… 🎧 , on Album Whale! https://albumwhale.com/escribitionist/listening-to #music #indieweb

When you post something about the #Indieweb only to realize that you're inside of the wrong IRC channel; right server,but wrong channel. Gods of Asgard, I'm tired.

2 new blog posts in 2 days? Wooow.

New blog post is up to tell the world that I'm live on #IPFS


I've reintegrated webmentions into owl-blog. It only supports incoming webmentions at the moment and is quiet limited. Webmentions will only been shown as a link on the bottom of entries.

#webmention #indieweb


"La vuelta a la autopublicación, las páginas web personales, los #blogs y los foros gestionados por usuarios es muy necesaria, más que nunca, así como el uso de motores de búsqueda alternativos."

Christian @the_cheis en Muros digitales, tecnofeudalismo y web pequeña

#smallweb #fediverso #indieweb

there's honestly nothing substantial i wanna promote about the blog post itself, but i just want people to see the fruits of my labor figuring out theme switching for the first time 🥺 #webmasterbaby #neocities #indieweb


New blog post today on how I went about using an old project of mine to learn about data compression.

#IndieWeb #blog #python #JavaScript

I’ve gotten out of the habit of posting to Threads. I like the foundation Meta has built with Threads and expect it to be successful, but I’m going to scale back my use until ActivityPub is ready. Most of what I write (including this!) needs to start on my blog.

Replying to a Mastodon post from the blog

#mastodonapi #fediverse #programming #blogging #indieweb

Updated my whoami page to update my career experience, and to remove my twitter link 💀


#Indieweb "silenced" #Liberdon not just without due process but without an accusation. Liberdon was put on a #blocklist with no reason given, and the Indieweb admin actually asked me to provide some accusations! He says he's still "investigating" the non-charges, but we're presumed guilty until he can think of something we're guilty of.

I got a spammy message via my contact page from “PostBy AI” trying to sell me on adding a chatbot to my site to answer customer questions, generate leads, yada yada. Annoying, but not a big deal in itself.

The part that really bugged me, though, was “I went ahead and created a custom chatbot tailored for your site, and want to let you try it out for free.” I find that to be a really creepy practice if they actually had their software train against the text on my site, so I replied with the email below. I’ll update here based on how they reply.

Was this message generated by a chat bot? It doesn’t seem like a human looked at my website at all. I have no need for any of the things listed because it’s not a business site and there are no sales. It’s just my personal site that I share things on.

I think it’s a creepy practice to create a chatbot tailored to my site without my request or permission. If you have scraped information from my site or trained an LLM against its content, please remove all such data from your systems immediately.

Also please let me know what user agent your software uses so I can add it to my robots.txt disallow list, or let me know what other methods your software respects to let a site opt out.

gRegor Morrill via email

Oof. They responded to me:

You're making a lot of demands for someone who did something nice for you. It's your responsibility to add your own robot files, not mine.

However, I've destroyed the bot and removed you from any scraping on my end.

I just wrote back:

What an absolutely unprofessional response. “Please remove my data” is a polite request and should be understandable for your business, regardless of whether you think you’ve done something “nice” for me.

Yes, robots.txt is for me to update. That’s why I requested what user agent your software uses so I can update accordingly. Please let me know.

I got a spammy message via my contact page from “PostBy AI” trying to sell me on adding a chatbot to my site to answer customer questions, generate leads, yada yada. Annoying, but not a big deal in itself.

The part that really bugged me, though, was “I went ahead and created a custom chatbot tailored for your site, and want to let you try it out for free.” I find that to be a really creepy practice if they actually had their software train against the text on my site, so I replied with the email below. I’ll update here based on how they reply.

Was this message generated by a chat bot? It doesn’t seem like a human looked at my website at all. I have no need for any of the things listed because it’s not a business site and there are no sales. It’s just my personal site that I share things on.

I think it’s a creepy practice to create a chatbot tailored to my site without my request or permission. If you have scraped information from my site or trained an LLM against its content, please remove all such data from your systems immediately.

Also please let me know what user agent your software uses so I can add it to my robots.txt disallow list, or let me know what other methods your software respects to let a site opt out.

gRegor Morrill via email

Oof. They responded to me:

You're making a lot of demands for someone who did something nice for you. It's your responsibility to add your own robot files, not mine.

However, I've destroyed the bot and removed you from any scraping on my end.

I just wrote back:

What an absolutely unprofessional response. “Please remove my data” is a polite request and should be understandable for your business, regardless of whether you think you’ve done something “nice” for me.

Yes, robots.txt is for me to update. That’s why I requested what user agent your software uses so I can update accordingly. Please let me know.