now supports the #indieWeb #microformats #openStandard rel-me for distributed ✅ verification!¹ (supported since 2023-08-09)

My Threads profile already had my domain since it was created from my Instagram profile.

View source on and you can see the #relMe on a link tag:
 <link rel="me" href="" />

Instructions to add yours:
* Add your domain to your Threads profile "Link" field. That’s it.
Longer explicit steps:

Thanks especially to (, for requesting rel-me support² which one Threads engineer “decided to hack it together” one night!³

You can view Tim’s profile for a real world example of a Mastodon profile showing a green text ✅ verified link to a Threads profile.

Tim made several good points in his request:

“… a small, but disproportionately helpful addition would be to support this "rel=me" feature in your profiles. That could launch well before full ActivityPub, & show the first real integration to open social web standards”

Microformats (and IndieWeb) standards in general are deliberately designed as small, incremental building blocks which are disproportionately helpful as Tim says.

These small building blocks which directly enable user features are usually something a web developer can code at least some (often complete!) support for in one day/night which makes them particularly appealing as a way to rapidly support open #socialWeb standards used by the #fediverse and beyond.

Incrementally implementing microformats & IndieWeb standards⁴ also demonstrates good will and good intentions for supporting the #openWeb.

This is day 44 of #100DaysOfIndieWeb. #100Days

← Day 43:
→ 🔮

* 2023-02-01 supports multiple rel=me links:

³ now supports the #indieWeb #microformats #openStandard rel-me for distributed ✅ verification!¹ (supported since 2023-08-09)

My Threads profile already had my domain since it was created from my Instagram profile.

View source on and you can see the #relMe on a link tag:
 <link rel="me" href="" />

Instructions to add yours:
* Add your domain to your Threads profile "Link" field. That’s it.
Longer explicit steps:

Thanks especially to (, for requesting rel-me support² which one Threads engineer “decided to hack it together” one night!³

You can view Tim’s profile for a real world example of a Mastodon profile showing a green text ✅ verified link to a Threads profile.

Tim made several good points in his request:

“… a small, but disproportionately helpful addition would be to support this "rel=me" feature in your profiles. That could launch well before full ActivityPub, & show the first real integration to open social web standards”

Microformats (and IndieWeb) standards in general are deliberately designed as small, incremental building blocks which are disproportionately helpful as Tim says.

These small building blocks which directly enable user features are usually something a web developer can code at least some (often complete!) support for in one day/night which makes them particularly appealing as a way to rapidly support open #socialWeb standards used by the #fediverse and beyond.

Incrementally implementing microformats & IndieWeb standards also demonstrates good will and good intentions for supporting the #openWeb.

This is day 44 of #100DaysOfIndieWeb. #100Days

← Day 43:
→ 🔮

* 2023-02-01 supports multiple rel=me links:

#indieWeb #microformats #openStandard #relMe #socialWeb #fediverse #openWeb #100DaysOfIndieWeb #100Days

Naturally I get ideas for, and more importantly the energy to write, like, 4 blog posts all while my website is down 🙃

#IndieWeb #SmallWeb #WebDev

Non tanto diaria: sui perché e percome degli aggiornamenti del Wok. Ovvero, perché dovrei scrivere di piú sul Wok, o almeno riportarvi tutto quello che metto su #Mastodon

#Fediverso #PESOS #POSSE #Twitter #ikiwiki #indieWeb #microblogging

When starting my #programming #blog I couldn't find a guide that wasn't a recommendation for WordPress or full of affiliate links; here's my guide to help fix that:

Thanks to @hackernoon for featuring me on their home page; as a new blogger, it's great to know you can get visibility on your work without being completely beholden to algorithms!

#blogging #indieweb

When it comes to the #fediverse I'm more active on #Lemmy than #Mastodon because it fits more how I want to discover content and engage with it, it's more similar to old forums than to Twitter.

Last week was quite tourbulent with regards to defederation:

I'm all for every admin deciding what's best to de-federate from their server, but I really dislike that people are trying to influence other servers through shaming them for not de federating from the same servers as them.

That's the whole point of the fediverse so that I can decide myself who I want to engage with and who not, if every server has de federated from the same list of other servers what's the point of the fediverse?

I deeply enjoy the Fediverse and being part of the Indieweb with my website. Just joined another webring today. ☺️

And this evening I put together a blog post about finally enjoying the internet again:

#mastodon #pixelfed #fediverse #indieweb

Tonight I felt empty of tasks. Mainly cause I did what I wanted on my website and now I just have to enjoy life and post. So I took a break. Tomorrow I code. For now I dream of the #indieweb wishing people I know would jump in.

Is there a good, free RSS-to-Email service out there? Seems like services put that feature in a paid tier.

I’d just like to allow friends and family subscribe to my website in a low-tech way.

#Indieweb #Email #Rss

The second Community #codejam theme is "character", so you know I had to make a tamagotchi shrine. I'm definitely more than a little rusty when it comes to coding, but the shrine is looking so cute! :cat_hearts:​ I can't wait to share it. If you're 18+ and want to join in on the jam, check it out here: #yesterweb #indieweb folks, don't miss this! :blob_wave:

I now have Bridgy Fed ( set up on my website. It does all the heavy lifting so that websites can be a part of the Fediverse. While I was aware of Bridgy Fed I hadn’t quite understood it. A few minutes with Ryan’s docs and all became clear. My content should now automatically federate to I’m still using my account for reading my feed in Mastodon clients, but I intend to switch over.

After 10+ years of building my personal website with Jekyll, I took the leap and wrote my own static site generator based on It's great to work in the Python ecosystem now. I never got the hang of proper Gem-management, so updating Jekyll was always a bit of a chore.
I also updated the design, following the guidelines from by @davetron5000.


#brutalism #webdesign #staticsitegenerator #jamstack #indieweb #python

Yesterday I polished the look of the Writing Slowly website by switching to Matt Langford’s Tiny theme, and adding some font and colour-scheme customisation of my own. So long as you’re not alergic to CSS, makes this very easy to do. Anyway, dear reader, I hope you like it. #WebDesign #Indieweb ...

A key lesson from the #indieweb: if you don’t self-host, and this includes the Fediverse, you’re content is at THEIR mercy.

Development news! Reposts!

You will be able to repost from other Betulae and compatible websites in 1.1. You can repost posts hosted by any version of Betula. However, post descriptions only from Betula 1.1+ will be fetched. Else, no description.

What websites other than Betula are compatible? Those that implement the needed microformats. For example, Quill implements it, so you can repost Aaron Parecki's bookmarks:

No more copy-pasting from friends!


A plethora of in-person planning, and is no-go. It’s your < 10min update on the #IndieWeb community!

This Week in the IndieWeb audio edition for August 12th - 18th, 2023.

This Week in the IndieWeb Audio Edition • August 12th - 18th, 2023

#podcast #IndieWeb #this-week-indieweb-podcast

@forteller I also had problems with Mastodon sign-up, possibly due to my #SpamGourmet email address or my 72 character, high entropy password. Either way my account never worked.


I've been happy with #indieWeb social, , since I moved there, but I used a #DDG email,, and a (high entropy) password Mastodon can handle, for my account login.

Cc: @tchambers

#Tweet RT @soulcruzer: it's things like this that explain why you should have your own blog, run from your own domain, and syndicate it out to social media sites instead of using them natively. #indieweb

Twitter Deletes All User Photos And Links From 2…