For the #IndieWeb ideals of independence from intermediaries, not requiring corporate platforms or other organizational intermediaries¹, the best systems we have still depend on organizations. However they are all swappable, at will, by the individual:

1. domain names, depend on registrars, which you can switch
2. web hosts, depend on hosting providers, which you can switch
3. internet access, depends on internet service providers, which you can switch
4. web browsing, depends on browsers, which you can switch
5. personal devices, that have choice of web browser and internet access, which you can switch, upgrade, and use multiples of simultaneously

When you can migrate from one provider to another, one device to another, without disruption, without breaking your people-to-people connections, the providers and devices serve you, instead of gatekeeping you.

This freedom to swap, freedom to choose, depends on practical #interoperability across multiple implementations, multiple services. Open standards are the means to encouraging, testing, and verifying this user-feature interoperability across implementations and services.

This is post 6 of #100PostsOfIndieWeb. #100Posts
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Post glossary:

domain name
web host
The #IndieWeb is for everyone, everyone who wants to be part of the world-wide-web of interconnected people. The social internet of people, a network of networks of people, connected peer-to-peer in human-scale groups, communities of locality and affinity.These peer-to-peer links should not require corpora...
The #IndieWeb is for everyone, everyone who wants to be part of the world-wide-web of interconnected people. The social internet of people, a network of networks of people, connected peer-to-peer in human-scale groups, communities of locality and affinity.

These peer-to-peer links should not require corporate platforms or other organizational intermediaries, nor should they require depending on developer intermediaries, nor server administrator intermediaries.

This is the "indie" in IndieWeb, independence from intermediaries, not independence from people. Because the "web" in IndieWeb, is yes the Web of the World Wide Web, and it is also the Web of people.

The "indie" in IndieWeb is also the independent agency to opt-into human-scale groups, opt-into peer-to-peer connections, opt-into communities, opt-into publics. As the POSSE page says: “Figure out how you want to fit into the network”.

The "web" in IndieWeb is also an open acknowledgment and acceptance that regardless of what groups, connections, communities, and publics you opt-into, that they are all interconnected in a larger web, that even without connecting, you can accept and respect from a distance.

The IndieWeb is for everyone, everyone who wants independence from organizations, independence of agency to associate, and who embraces the web of humans that want to interconnect, to communicate, to value and respect each other, whether one degree apart or thirty.¹

This is post 5 of #100PostsOfIndieWeb. #100Posts
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Post glossary:



Bookmark Roundup – January

In which I dump a bunch of cool stuff I’ve found via my random browsing, the fediverse, or things people have sent to me.

Git stuff, Taxes, Radio Shows, Scrobbling, Cybersecurity Conferences, Books… and more

#2024 #bookmarks #indieweb #links

My /Now page now sports a “Supporting” section which simply lists the organizations, publications and people I am contributing to financially.

#NowPage #indieweb #IndieWebChat

Recent thing on my website, We need less objective journalism #IndieWeb #SmallWeb

More recently, I've implemented #lunrjs ( which was pretty easy to get set up in my dev environment. It indexes pages by individual search terms so is not as strong at searching for phrases (multiple words) as super-search was, but for what I often need to search for, this is a compromise I’m willing to take in order to get full-text search of everything on the site.


#Jekyll #indieweb #webdev #IndieWebChat #ssg

I've wanted to revamp my site’s Search capability for a while now. Up until recently, I've used super-search.js which came bundled with the #Jekyll theme I chose years ago. It’s fast but only seems to index a small portion of each page so if I want to search full-text in longer-bodied posts I was out of luck (I tried tweaking it but was unsuccessful, which isn't to say it can't be done by a more competent / patient tinkerer). #indieweb #webdev #IndieWebChat #ssg


After many weeks of tinkering I'm finally launching my new (and very first) personal homepage + blog + future project showcase:

I used @eleventy to build it and had a fantastic time: intuitive to use, well documented and easily extended.

In case you're curious, I prepared a little write-up on the process:

#webdev #Eleventy #BuiltWithEleventy #IndieWeb #Homepage

Check out this month's 7th #indieweb carnival submission 😄

It's not an easy topic... Kudos to those of you even *thinking* about attempting it.

#smallweb #blog #writing #web #internet #psychology #happy #memory #webdev #internet

Unable to login to Monocle

I added support for the finger protocol to my gemini capsule. You can read about it in my gemlog post.


or you can directly use the finger command:
👉 finger

#SmolNet #Gemini #GeminiProtocol #Finger #IndieWeb #SelfHosted

@mia yeah... that's pretty much how I feel.

In the context of the #indieweb, I just discovered a place where my site is preserving MD line breaks, which after getting passed through a few services are not being rendered as whitespace in a webmention on another site, and I really don't know where (or even if) the bug lies

Came across this really cool service called Feedbase. It turns your #RSS feeds into #NNTP (Newsgroup) posts that you can comment on! It's definitely grown quite a bit in the last year per the statistics on the website.

Feel free to add your own RSS feeds to your blog or newsletter to the service on the website to help grow the service! It's currently hosting 861 feeds, and serving 5,319,339 articles at the time of this post.

#Indieweb #Blogging #Newsletters #SmallWeb

Only 1 week left for this month's #indieweb carnival: positive internalization!

The submissions so far have been incredible and I really would love to read yours, fren! 🥰

#blog #smallweb #writing #web #webdev #fun #happy #memory #psychology

i want to start a linkblog as part of my existing blog, but i'm wondering if it should be a separate section on my website with a separate RSS feed.

what do people usually do? as a reader, i don't mind either way of doing things.

(one thing to consider is that i mirror my blog posts to a Buttondown newsletter. it might be irritating for the readers of that newsletter to receive 6 emails from me every day, each containing only a single link with some quoted text.)

#indieweb #rss #blog

reworked the desktop interface on browser example lmk what u think!
#color #css #hsl #generate #palette #design #IndieWeb

Patterns Day and more

#patternsday #conferences #events #brighton #talks #presentations #clearleft #designsystems #workshop #indiewebcamp

MastoFeed - Send your RSS Feeds to Mastodon

This looks like a handy RSS-to-Mastodon service.

#rss #mastodon #syndication #feeds #fediverse #posse #social #media #automation #mastofeed