#indieweb #blogging people - a question. I'm looking to move to another personal blog (really to condense all my websites into one thing), but I'd like to move AWAY from Wordpress. Are there any decent blogging services that y'all recommend? TIA!

Recent post thing was, We need less objective journalism so consider adding my feed? https://robertkingett.com #IndieWeb #SmallWeb #RSS

this post @capjamesg wrote is almost plucked right out of my brain; been having these thoughts for a while, and i'm so glad to share it. thank you for writing it, james!

"To have a personal website is, presently, an act of rebellion. It is a statement. You are saying: I want to define my experience on the web. I'll let you in on an open secret: Big tech companies aren't the only ones who get to decide how we share ideas on the web. The web is yours. You can put up a website where you share whatever it is that you want to share with others."


#indieweb #personalweb #smallweb #internet

Redoing my #introduction again since it's now been a quarter of a year since I first joined Mastodon:

Hello! 👋 I'm an #autistic Gen Z-er born in the mid-2000s, and I go by the name "Quinn" (with he/him pronouns) on most Internet platforms. I'm a fan of #Indieweb, #SmallWeb, #RSS, #NNTP, and the #Fediverse! 😁

The only two social media platforms I currently use are Mastodon and YouTube. I haven't really dabbled with any other social medias at this point.

My website is https://quinn9282.neocities.org!

I think I might be more of a "lowercase i & w" #indieweb fella.

> The internet has always been made of people, but it has not always been people-first. The indieweb reminds us that humanity is the most important thing, and that nobody should own our ability to connect, form relationships, express ourselves, be creative, learn from each other, and embrace our differences and similarities



"The indieweb is for everyone" - post from werd.io

Tantek Çelik has posted a lovely encapsulation of the indieweb:The #IndieWeb is for everyone, everyone who wants to be part of the world-wide-web of interconnected people. The social internet of… https://werd.io/2024/the-indieweb-is-for-everyone

The indieweb is for everyone

The internet has always been made of people, but it has not always been people-first. The indieweb reminds us that humanity is the most important thing, and that nobody should own our ability to connect, form relationships, express ourselves, be creative, learn from each other, and embrace our differences and similarities.

Ben’s ode to the indie web:

One could look at the movement as kind of a throwback to the very early web, which was a tapestry of wildly different sites and ideas, at a time when everybody’s online communications were templated through web services owned by a handful of billion dollar corporations. I’d prefer to think of it as a manifesto for diversity of communications, the freedom to share your knowledge and lived experiences on your own terms, and maintaining the independence of freedom of expression from business interests.

#indieweb #independent #personal #publishing #ownership #community

Ben Werdmuller blogs about how the IndieWeb is for everyone, inspired by a post from Tantek Çelik. Tantek:

The IndieWeb is for everyone, everyone who wants independence from organizations, independence of agency to associate, and who embraces the web of humans that want to interconnect, to communicate, to value and respect each other, whether one degree apart or thirty.

Both great posts.

The indieweb is for everyone

"I’d prefer to think of it as a manifesto for diversity of communications, the freedom to share your knowledge and lived experiences on your own terms, and maintaining the independence of freedom of expression from business interests."

#Area #IndieWeb

From https://werd.io/2024/the-indieweb-is-for-everyone

Great blog from @ben on the how the #indieweb is for everyone: “it’s about building a social internet of people: a human network of gloriously diverse lived experiences, creative modes of expression, community affinities, and personalities.”


#socialmedia #technology

#technology #tech #technews

#Development #Techniques
Make your feed easy to find, auto-discoverable even · How to help people find your RSS, Atom, or JSON feed https://ilo.im/15xspo

#Business #NewsReader #RSS #Atom #JSON #OpenWeb #IndieWeb #WebDev #Frontend #HTML

In a world where publishers are finding that owning their own digital presences and relationships with their audiences is imperative, the #indieweb is more important than ever before. https://werd.io/2024/the-indieweb-is-for-everyone

Last year, I revived a site I had built back in the late 90s as a tribute to Dynamite Magazine. Part of that nostalgia was adding a guestbook, and I even included the comments I received way back then. Even some of the original staff signed it!

99% of the comments now are just bots. It's a struggle to bring back old school web like this without serious moderation safeguards. Using Netlify Forms works pretty well.


#SmallWeb #IndieWeb #Retro #GenX

I have written too many words on another reason search engines have stopped working: what they are looking for no longer exists.

#indieweb #blog #100DaysToOffload


For the #IndieWeb ideals of independence from intermediaries, not requiring corporate platforms or other organizational intermediaries¹, the best systems we have still depend on organizations. However they are all swappable, at will, by the individual:

1. domain names, depend on registrars, which you can switch
2. web hosts, depend on hosting providers, which you can switch
3. internet access, depends on internet service providers, which you can switch
4. web browsing, depends on browsers, which you can switch
5. personal devices, that have choice of web browser and internet access, which you can switch, upgrade, and use multiples of simultaneously

When you can migrate from one provider to another, one device to another, without disruption, without breaking your people-to-people connections, the providers and devices serve you, instead of gatekeeping you.

This freedom to swap, freedom to choose, depends on practical #interoperability across multiple implementations, multiple services. Open standards are the means to encouraging, testing, and verifying this user-feature interoperability across implementations and services.

This is post 6 of #100PostsOfIndieWeb. #100Posts

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Post glossary:

domain name
web host

¹ https://tantek.com/2024/026/t3/indieweb-for-everyone-internet-of-people
#IndieWeb #interoperability #100PostsOfIndieWeb #100Posts
The #IndieWeb is for everyone, everyone who wants to be part of the world-wide-web of interconnected people. The social internet of people, a network of networks of people, connected peer-to-peer in human-scale groups, communities of locality and affinity.

These peer-to-peer links should not require corporate platforms or other organizational intermediaries, nor should they require depending on developer intermediaries, nor server administrator intermediaries.

This is the "indie" in IndieWeb, independence from intermediaries, not independence from people. Because the "web" in IndieWeb, is yes the Web of the World Wide Web, and it is also the Web of people.

The "indie" in IndieWeb is also the independent agency to opt-into human-scale groups, opt-into peer-to-peer connections, opt-into communities, opt-into publics. As the POSSE page says: “Figure out how you want to fit into the network”.

The "web" in IndieWeb is also an open acknowledgment and acceptance that regardless of what groups, connections, communities, and publics you opt-into, that they are all interconnected in a larger web, that even without connecting, you can accept and respect from a distance.

The IndieWeb is for everyone, everyone who wants independence from organizations, independence of agency to associate, and who embraces the web of humans that want to interconnect, to communicate, to value and respect each other, whether one degree apart or thirty.¹

This is post 5 of #100PostsOfIndieWeb. #100Posts


Post glossary:


¹ https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2008/aug/03/internet.email
#IndieWeb #100PostsOfIndieWeb #100Posts
For the #IndieWeb ideals of independence from intermediaries, not requiring corporate platforms or other organizational intermediaries¹, the best systems we have still depend on organizations. However they are all swappable, at will, by the individual:1. domain names, depend on registrars, which you can sw... tantek.com