@flockofnazguls this is cool and/but it's also worth mentioning that, if your #band already has a #WordPress site, you can easily add a free audio player to your site and be your own #bandcamp / #faircamp / #soundcloud. No 3rd party platform necessary.

Now that I have a band with a site, I'm (slowly) disinvesting in #streaming platforms and making my own site central to our distribution strategy.

FWIW your #WordPress site can also be your #Mastodon server!

#posse #indieweb #redecentralize

Unless I'm missing something, Google seems to have deactivated the "www.youtube.com/feeds/videos.xml" endpoint that is unofficially used to generate RSS feeds of YouTube channel video content. Now returns 404. Going to break a lot of feed reader and website/widget content pulling if so. #rss #indieweb #youtube #google

its that time to scream into the ether to introduce myself
i am syrup, trans gorl who plays #videogames and likes to write
i am a participant in the #indieweb though im not too active in maintaining my site
i like looking at the #weather and nature in general, and i am a CoCoRaHS member
if you like seeing #cringe posted infrequently, i can provide it and maybe more unique things as well

In 2019 I started my blog but knew nothing of the #IndieWeb or #SmallWeb. Thanks in large part to the awesome #Mastodon community I was introduced to these concepts and have been diving in ever since, adding IndieWeb capabilities to my site and exploring the Indie World in its entirety. To help introduce others to the IndieWeb as well as catalog useful/interesting things I encounter I decided to write a post about it.


That piece features a few cool lists like a list of webrings, blogrolls, IndieWeb search engines, indie site hosting providers and more!

To further help “score” my site on its “IndieWeb-ness”, I also wrote the following post about #IndieMark which includes my site’s score.


#blogging #mondayblogs #webrings #blogroll

#indieweb carnival submission number 10 by Steve Ledlow! 🔨


Memories of fathers and sons through the generations, yo. Check it out!

#smallweb #blog #writing #diy #internet #hardware #engineering #design #psychology #happy #webdev

New blog post! #indieweb #music

Ghost Atlas - "Dust of the Human Shape". A Short Review. — Shrediverse Music Blog


@zachleat Thinking about it from an #IndieWeb perspective, is this a use case for a linkblog and syndicating that post from your own website out to your various social accounts?

Trying the Old Reader, and while not as clean as Miniflux, to me, it was very accessible and syncing to Lire was a breeze, apart from a few unlabeled buttons. I hope it sticks around for a while even if I detest the social features in it. Now who can recommend some audiobook blogs to follow besides the Libro FM Blog, Audible blog, and Lovely Audiobooks since I already have those. #IndieWeb #SmallWeb #RSS

Anyone know of a fedi or at least free-ish alternative to SoundCloud? I like posting my stuff for archival and for whatever folks might enjoy listening to my brand of self indulgent improv, but I just have no desire to engage with that site anymore. What are the cool Indieweb kids using these days?

#fediverse #indieweb #music #synth

Here’s how I setup my blogroll to include all the things I follow on the web: https://distinctivequality.com/blog/following-page/ #indieweb #webdev #webdesign

Big changes as Casa De ODonnell last week.

#blog #indieweb


I'm hosting my OPML file on Github, but is there a way I could kind of embed those URLs in a nicely, hyperlinked, ordered list on my forked #Wordpress website?

I'd like to embed my #Blogroll, so when I update my OPML file on Github it just automatically changes everywhere that it's embedded, so that I get a nice list of blogs and feeds I am subscribed to, like the one below.


#RSS #IndieWeb #SmallWeb

I started to create a new #HTML5 and #CSS4 boilerplate, mainly for my personal use. I'm aiming for the following:

1. #A11y / #Accessibility support / #ARIA

Often forgotten. This time, it's deeply personal, it's now a must for me.

2. Avoid #IconFonts, use #SVG instead.

Same as the first item, but deserves to be mentioned separately.

3. #Microformats support

For #IndieWeb, #Webmention, #Fediverse, and related support.

4. Use the ‘rel’ attribute where appropriate

Same as those in the previous items.

5. Styling using style classes only. Not microformats classes, as those can be reused for other purposes.

I used to, and I also noticed others doing the same, use microformats classes for styling. And then just override it if the same microformat class is reused elsewhere. Makes everything confusing; and hard to track, especially if you're using someone else's theme/template/skin.

6. Avoid using advance CSS selectors as much as possible; without resorting to multiple styling classes.

Multiple classes, as well as, advance CSS selectors, can and do slow down rendering. It's easy to fall into this trap because it makes things easier. I'm guilty of it.

7. Drop deprecated stuff; and only use future-proof ones.

Like backwards compatibility with anything IE.

Also, many CSS resets are actually no longer needed.

8. Less JavaScript as possible.

If something can be done without scripts, use that method. Everything else is optional. The site should work with or without scripts.

Remember, we're creating a boilerplate that we can reuse. We build on top of it.

9. As semantic as possible.

For example, use “article”, “main”, “nav”, “aside”, “section”, where applicable, instead of “div” with a “role” and/or “id/class”.

We requested for those when HTML5 was being developed, but only few actually use it (especially blog templates).

10. BEM methodology


I hope those are everything worth applying in this journey.

Some notes:
* For #SchemaOrg, I prefer #JSON than embedding it in the HTML code through classes or itemprop.
* I understand there are a few with some of the goals I listed already implemented, but I prefer to learn along the way, not “how to use” this and that.


#introduction #reintroduction
probably some of you already knew me under the old handle starting with M and ending with N. if not, allow yourself to give me a carte blanche and start anew.

call me whatever is on my display name. I do art (love character design, often experiment with artstyles), I maintain a personal website @ lalafell.party, also I am the creator of Neorat emoji set and the PICMO emotes.

my commissions are always open, just DM me, and don't be afraid to ask for a discount if needed. I'm flexible.

I'm queer as in "i don't owe you telling you my labels", I'm disabled as in "fuck medicalists".

at the time of writing, a NEET.

I own a Wii and 3DS, so feel free to message me if you look for some gaming.

treat this post as an AMA. will not bite unless you're rancid or concern trolling.

#Gaming #VideoGames #Wii #3DS #Art #DigitalArt #MastoArt #FediArt #ArtistsOnMastodon #CharacterDesign #Illustration #Pokemon #IndieWeb #Webmaster #CommissionsOpen #BoostMe #NoAI #Disabled #ActuallyAutistic

Here is this month's 9th #indieweb carnival submission 🥞


Doesn't seem like it was "back to normal on Monday" for this John Hughes fan, yo! 🥰

#smallweb #blog #writing #movies #breakfast #web #internet #psychology #happy #webdev

"Sherlock & Co." sowie "Deutschland 33/45" sind derzeit zwei meiner meist gehörten Podcasts. Gute Beispiele für die Attraktivität des Mediums. #indieweb #podcasts https://kleinheld.ch/posts/holmes-hilter-podcast-empfehlung/