Projects on my plate (in no particular order; or maybe it is in priority-order):

1. My personal #Hugo / #GoHugo boilerplate (with #a11y (accessibility), #microformats, #fediverse, #IndieWeb, support)

2. #Filipino language in #Hangeul. (Temporarily calling it #FilipinoHangeul.)

So far, I've mapped the IPA phonemic between Korean #Hangul and the Filipino language.

Inspired by:
a. #CiaCial Hangeul (actually in use)
b. #TaiwaneseHangul
c. #FilipinoHanzi (Filipino language in Hanzi [Chinese script])
d. Taiwanese Kana

3. #AnsalonMUD #MUDlet client.

I'm porting our #Lua / #LuaLang scripts from #MUSHclient to MUDlet, as well as, create a new UI and other MUDlet widgets.

I like the current version of MUDlet, it has come far since I last tried it; and personally, is now better than MUSHclient. Not only that, MUDlet is cross-platform while MUSHclient is Windows only. Since I'm using #Linux, a native client is much preferred than using #WINE.

4. An update to the #Philippines Unicode Keyboard Layout.

'Was put on-hold indefinitely. There is a plan to submit a bill to the Senate and Lower House to standardised keyboards and keyboard layout for the Philippines.

Whatever becomes the “law”, will be the next update for PUKL.

Layouts planned:
* A true #Baybayin layout.
* QWERTY (with Baybayin)
* #Colemak (with Baybayin)
* #Dvorak (with Baybayin)

Standardising this will ensure that the default keyboard layout for Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, iOS, will be the one we designed for Philippine / Filipino use.

In addition to that, physical keyboards will have the same layout, instead of keys flying here and there. If we need an extra key, then we'll include an extra key (like in the Japanese and Korean keyboards).

For this project, it's going to take a long time because my country is terrible when it comes to standardisation. Imagine this, only government agencies are required to use the SI/Metric system. Everyone else can use whatever they want, SI, Metric, Imperial, Traditional, or alien. (This is another project I'm thinking of taking on much later.)

I've been running a blog for about a week now, and I'm loving it. It's minimalist but customizable, and the Good Enough team are very friendly and open to feedback.

#indieweb #blogging

@habibcham @andyn And I hope everyone does the same! I love reading all of this great #indieweb content.

Question for the #SmallWeb #indieweb folks or anyone using a static site generator with #git . I know there's often git advice that says avoid storing large binaries in the repo because version control designed for plain text doesn't handle that well. For a static blog that may include a non-trivial number of large images, what's your approach? Ignore the avoid binaries guidelines, store them separately and just accept the extra bookkeeping, or something I'm not thinking of?

I started my #Blogroll here but oh boy do I want a way to automate this or to give people the option of subscribing to my OPML file, #Blog #Blogging #IndieWeb #SmallWeb

I am once again suggesting that you check out It is a one-stop shop for all your #indieweb needs, it's cute as hell, and it's made by awesome people. Here's some of the things offers:

- Email address
- static web page/profile page
- /now page
- static weblog
- statuslog
- pastebin
- URL shortener

Sign up and let them know I referred you by going to this link:

While we're talking about our #indieWeb sites, today I renamed my "Links Rhizome" page to just be an "Elsewhere" page, as that seems to be the naming convention folks are converging around.

A nice thing about a rhizome, though, is that it always might surprise you and continue on in unexpected ways!

alright fediverse, need some guidance: setting up a website for a client/buddy of mine, but the VPS provider we're using is starting to do some weird shit and i think it's time i find a different VPS to start using for both clients and myself.

does anyone have any recommendations for a relatively affordable (and ideally queer friendly) VPS provider? i'm setting them up a hugo-based website/blog and a masto self-host instance to start so we aren't looking for anything too intensive.

also not looking to use AWS, so that one's right out.

(please boost for visibility if you can)

#vps #tech #indieweb

The vision for “Project Tapestry” is very similar to the one we had for “Together” - - but with a native app. I do wish it supported bi-directional interaction with content, not just consumption. Together supports interactions such as “Like,” “Bookmark,” and “Reply” via MIcropub and syndication.

I see the social media preview card looks pretty good. This will motivate me to have these cards automatically generated by ds-dev when generating the app listing basic html.

I also have my avatar in there. If the app author's website has an h-card then I can get their avatar automatically. I really like this part of the #IndieWeb. Marking up data so that they are machine readable can make cross-site tools much more interesting and usable.

#indieweb carnival entry number 11 by Hayden White! 🥁

It's a beautiful tenacity, what they've got there. Check it out, yo!

#music #smallweb #blog #writing #internet #design #psychology #memory #happy #webdev

New page added to my site today; a list of links to things around the web I either find useful or just fun.
#IndieWeb #SmallWeb

People say content is being locked up in proprietary silos but look all I had to do to get an RSS feed of articles on a certain site was install a mitm proxy to intercept their mobile app's requests, fake an SSL certificate to inspect them, reverse engineer their internal APIs, then write a script to discretely query aforementioned APIs and generate an RSS feed file on a schedule. Simple! 🙄 #indieweb #rss

#coding this #neocities site makes me remember why I stopped advancing with coding...

Now I also regret not advancing with it 🙄😂

#webdev #indieweb

Any #indieweb folks have a recommendation for a good #Micropub client? Quill is the best I've tried so far but doesn't support image alt-text without a media endpoint, and seems to be in maintenance mode.

Current personal project: blog consolidation. I currently have three blogs (!!!) and I’m tired of putting my likes and hobbies into silos. You can either take all of me or none.

My plan is to have ONE personal blog, old school. Easy management, no fancy templates, very #indieweb focused. I’ve spent almost all weekend looking at 50 bazillion CMSes and SSGs and…I never thought I’d feel decision burnout for a dang website.

So, the ol’ standard of #Wordpress it is!