Calling all fellow #indieweb #wordpress users…

I just finished setting up my new site (self hosted) and am interested in composing my posts in #Markdown instead of HTML. A cursory search for a Markdown post editor only turns up Jetpack - which I’d rather not have due to the size of the plugin.

Does anyone have recommendations for a #WP Markdown post editor #plugin? Thanks!

IndieWebCamp Brighton 2024

Yoooo! And with the surprise 13th and final entry for last month's #indieweb carnival

Zinzy leads us, lovingly, into February! ❤️

#love #blog #writing #psychology #memory #happy #smallweb

I am re-doing my website, and am once again weighing the pros and cons of #RSS vs #Atom. Which should I use?

And if both, which should get more prominence on the site? (E.g. `<a>` links in the HTML content on the overview page).

#php #feeds #blog #IndieWeb #SmallWeb

Only RSS
Only Atom
Both, with direct links to the RSS variant
Both, with direct links to the Atom variant

BIG 32-bit cafe news: we're expanding into starting february 15th! (sign-ups will be open then!)

if you've never really been into discord, deleted discord, or just want to diversify your communication platforms, you'll be happy to see this from us! you'll have way more ways to participate and engage with our community.

read more about the news here and why we're trying to expand out from the walled garden of discord:

#indieweb #personalweb #smallweb #internet #web #webdev #hobby #webrevival

Very late last night — in the last few minutes of January — I put my “2023 in review” post live. It’s probably too long and probably too personal, but hey, it’s the #indieweb.

ive made #neocities page for some reason. idk why but here:
im not a #webdev at all, im an artist with 2 brain cells, so don't b too harsh lol :breathe:
#indieweb #indiewebdev

Another wonderful blog I found out in the wild--every post is written as if the author could read my mind. And said it much better than I could! Check it out!

#blog #blogging #SocialMedia #IndieWeb #Writing

Bookmark of 'Discover the IndieWeb, one blog post at a time.'
A great way to find new voices and a bit of mind-stimulation…

Need some #IndieWeb / #webmention WordPress help. I (think) I've implemented support for sending, receiving and displaying webmentions, through the IndieBlocks plugin.

Through "reposting" ( ) I've sent a webmention to James' excellent blog post:

I see the mention, but there's no avatar or textual information showing. I'm at a loss trying to understand what's causing this, and how I can fix it.

Do I need to implement a sitewide h-card?

Yesterday I enjoyed some delicious burgers and wide-ranging conversation with and our mutual buddy @artlung at our local Five Guys. Meeting up in real life was a nice change of pace from our usual online hangouts with our other #IndieWeb friends and Homebrew Website Club zooms.

Been fiddling around with this blog/website, need to make it a little bit better but hey, I posted a new blog entry about the nostalgia of the yesterweb. (Also will probably need to figure out the social media cards that show up when you link websites)

#indieweb #yesterweb #nostalgia #oldinternet #neocities #blog

@neiman I’m in a similar boat; I love the idea of an #IndieWeb where putting another blog in my blog roll means helping host it via #IPFS.

One day I may complete my “auto Pinner”, which pins DNS-based /ipns/ references (so they’re always up to date). If IPNS records can be extended to include an assertion of the _dnslink TXT record signed with the site’s SSL cert then I could take your site with me off the grid & folks could still use it & trust it 😊

I paused posting to Threads last year because I thought the platform would be joining the fediverse soon-ish. They’re making good progress with the early enabled accounts, but it’s going to be a while until folks on Threads can follow my profile, so I’m going to resume posting there.

I came across a website that features small or otherwise lesser-known personal sites hosted on #Neocities! Found lots of really cool websites in the list!

#IndieWeb #SmallWeb

Thinking about types of posts on my web site and how to organize and present more clearly. I perceive a dichotomy between moments in time (e.g., blog posts) and living documents (e.g., literate configs) that's more meaningful than the common ones. Streams vs. gardens, or something?


@goodenoughllc also has a cool simple website host at YAY.BOO!

#indieweb #smallweb #webhosting

I'm so excited for February's #IndieWeb Carnival.

Manuel set us up with a lovely topic of digital relationships.

As someone who grew up making friends through async IRC discussions and have life-long friends I've never seen or met, I love this and my mind is buzzing with ideas.

#indieweb carnival submission number 12! 🕹️

What is Nostalgia? Take a dive with Psychcool, and maybe find out!

#nostalgia #retro #videogames #blog #writing #psychology #memory #happy #webdev #internet #family