In the world of information overload, RSS (Really Simple Syndication) feeds allow you to stay updated with your favorite websites and content creators without getting lost in the noise of social media. But what if you want to find the RSS feed for a particular site or profile that doesn’t have an obvious link? Here are some tricks to follow:

but if I come across a website that doesn’t explicitly advertise an RSS feed, I try appending /feed/ to the domain[1]. For example A lot of the time – possibly the majority in the last few years – this returns an RSS feed.

Why does this work? Because, for better or worse, it’s probably WordPress under the hood. WordPress is reckoned to power over 40% of all websites. WordPress exposes the default feed on the /feed/ path[2].

This also works on Substacks.

If you use an RSS reader like NetNewsWire, you can harness the power of its NetNewsWire extension in your browser. This extension has a feed-detecting superpower, sniffing out RSS feeds wherever they may hide. Just browse to the website or profile you’re interested in, and if there’s a feed lurking in the shadows, the extension will reveal it to you.

Mastodon users rejoice: add .rss to the public profile URL. For example

YouTube, the land of cat videos and makeup tutorials, also offers RSS feeds, but they can be a bit trickier to track down. Why? Because you need to know the channel ID. But fear not, most RSS readers are clever enough to parse the source code of a YouTube page and uncover its hidden RSS feed.

Simply copy the channel’s YouTube URL, paste it into your RSS reader, and voilà! The feed will appear like magic. Here’s a fun example to try: Paste this URL into your RSS reader, and you’ll be treated to a stream of Just Josh Tech’s latest videos, delivered straight to your feed reader. How cool is that?

The key to unlocking the Indie web is RSS feeds. Once you’re subscribed to a few RSS feeds, you’ll start to see a whole new side of the internet. You’ll discover independent writers, artists, and musicians who are creating amazing content that you might have missed relying on a feed.

While you’re at it, you can also subscribe to this site’s feed via Enjoy! And thanks for subscribing.

Flare, Share or Toot

#indieWeb #openWeb #rss #web

# h-anniversary


<time class="dt-duration" duration="P20Y">    20 Jahre Microformats 🎉</time>


Vor zwanzig Jahren haben @KevinMarks und Microformats in einer Konferenzpräsentation vorgestellt.

Happy Birthday 🎉

Ich bin ein bisschen spät dran, ich weiß, ich weiß, aber es gibt wenig, was mich schon so lange (online) begleitet wie das Format und die Community (abgesehen vielleicht von WordPress), dass ich das nicht unkommentiert lassen kann!!

Microformats is the glue that bridges web content with a richer online experience.

Zu meiner Historie: Im Gegensatz zu vielen Anderen in der Branche, mache ich meinen Job nicht, weil ich Spaß am programmieren alleine habe. Ich hatte nie das Bedürfnis, als Kind oder Jugendlicher an einem Computer oder C64 herumzubasteln. Statt dessen bin ich Ende der 90er dem Internet/Web/Bloggen verfallen.

Das Web war:

But if you think of the years 1995-2005, you remember when the web was our social network: blogs, comments on blogs, feed readers, and services such as Flickr, Technorati, and BlogBridge to glue things together. Those were great years […]

Why is Not Another

Eigentlich passt auch die Beschreibung des IndieWebs:

It is a community of independent and personal websites connected by open standards and based on the principles of: owning your domain and using it as your primary online identity, publishing on your own site first (optionally elsewhere), and owning your content.

Ich habe damals angefangen Webseiten mit Frontpage zu bauen, hab den HTML Code verändert und geschaut wie sich das auf sie Seite auswirkt, hab CSS „drüber gelegt“, ein wenig Dynamik mit JavaScript dazu „gebastelt“… Es hat Spaß gemacht!

Ich bin also nicht durch die Freude am Programmieren im Web gelandet, sondern habe durch die Faszination am Web, programmieren gelernt 🙂

Wer sich damals, im deutschsprachigen Raum, mehr oder weniger seriös mit dem Thema HTML beschäftigt hat, ist früher oder später über die Webkrauts gestolpert und über diesen Dunstkreis, habe ich 2006 auch das erste Mal von Microformats gelesen.

Wenn man in letzter Zeit durchs Internet surft, stolpert man immer häufiger über den Begriff „Microformats“ oder sieht das grüne Symbol auf Kontaktseiten. Aber was genau sind Microformats und für was sind sie gut?


Ich glaub es war das Blog von @pixelgraphix auf dem ich dieses „grüne Symbol“ zum ersten Mal entdeckt habe.

Die Idee hat mich tief beeindruckt! Ein Format, „designed for humans first and machines second„! HTML als API „nur“ unter Verwendung von class und rel Attributen, also klassisches Plain Old Semantic HTML (PoSH)!

Und irgendwie beschäftigen mich Microformats bis jetzt:

Durch die Erfahrung der letzten Jahre habe ich mittlerweile eine etwas differenziertere Meinung zu „HTML als API“, das Ändert aber nichts an meiner generellen Faszination für Websemantiken.

Die Microformats Community hat mir außerdem die Welt des Open Webs und der Open Standards offenbart, immerhin haben Microformats direkt oder indirekt auch Initiativen wie, DiSo und das IndieWeb beeinflusst.

Danke Microformats und noch einmal Happy Birthday 🥳!

#IndieWeb #Jubiläum #Microformats #OpenWeb

Good summary blog post on some of the IndieWeb-related improvements @paulrobertlloyd has made recently. The updated design of the IndieWeb wiki pages is a nice improvement. Paul and others will be gathering in Brighton for IndieWebCamp… I’ll try to join remotely too if the time zones work out.

@rubenerd blog ( has a new theme!:-)

I think I’ll add a few webbuttons to my site. They were there at some point, but I never returned them. Do you have a library of ready made ones?:)

#indieweb #SmallWeb

'Winding Down The Evening With WordPress.'

Now that I’m rounding off the rough edges to my WordPress workflow – I’m emerging on a new satisfaction in maintaining a personal online presence outside of corporate owned platforms. …
#indieweb #opensource #PatreonAlternative #personalWebsite #selfhost #Web3 #Wordpress

#neocities #indieweb update: 🎐🦎
─ vidyagames directory
─ alt main directory
─ cleaning and editing stupid code
─ home directory cleaning
─ webfinds!!!!

For some reason Bridgy isn’t finding webmention targets when trying to back feed Mastodon posts?

Thanks for all your boosts and suggestions! I will try #phloggersgarage and #indieweb-chat on libera for a start.. see you there! 🙂

Very happy to see this new blogging service launched with links underlined by default! Introducing Pika #Blog #Tumblr #Accessibility #Blogging #SmallWeb #IndieWeb

I am using image maps to enable a new way of navigating my site.

Click on an object in the image on my Explore page to explore different parts of my personal website.

#indieweb #websites #personalwebsites

In case you were sleeping when I published my newest post: I wrote down everything I learned from overcoming my own troubles with sleep. You can read it here:

#indieweb #smallweb #sleep

Huh, I didn't know this was a thing #indieweb

I waited a while but here is my submission to this month's IndieWeb Carnival: Digital Relationships. The machine I am writing this on has been with me through a lot so I wrote A Love Letter to my Laptop.

#indieWebCarnival #indieWeb #blog

Small dents in the IndieWeb

Good summary blog post on some of the IndieWeb-related improvements @paulrobertlloyd has made recently. The updated design of the IndieWeb wiki pages is a nice improvement. Paul and others will be gathering in Brighton for IndieWebCamp… I’ll try to join remotely too if the time zones work out.

Sunday Paper -, ActivityPub and AT

Demoted, Deleted, and Denied: There’s More Than Just Shadowbanning on Instagram

@jlsksr #indieweb-chat och libera is nice 🙂

Can anyone recommend IRC channels for the SmallWeb and such? You guys idling somewhere?

#SmallWeb #IRC #smolweb #indieweb #GeminiProtocol

The shutdowns and layoffs at Vice, Messenger and BuzzFeed are prompting reflection on traditional publishing models and the tradeoffs of corporate ownership of creative output.

“If you’re a creative person, one of the most important actions you can take, full stop, is to take some ownership over your work.”


“It’s not hard to imagine a world where people write or create cool things, those things get syndicated by larger media outlets who monetize them, and everyone shares equally in its success—rather than what we have now, where your creativity is locked down in corporate shackles until they’re done with you.”
