Chyrp Lite is the coolest smol #CMS and tumblelogging engine. Has #Webmention support. SQLite and #PHP.

#indieweb #webdevelopers #webdev #tumblr

I would like to rent a bare metal server and install a simple webserver reserved to static sites (no CGI, php or whatever)?
I could share it and open registration for 1 GB space with a subdomain à la geo/neocities and provide an FTP over TLS and SFTP access.

Are you be interested?

#smolweb #smallweb #indieweb

no, there are already many or better solutions
yes, if totally free
yes, and I'd give a small tip
no, I want be able to use my own domain

I had a fantastic time over the weekend at #IndieWebCamp in Brighton! Lots of great people, interesting discussions, and new ideas.

Whilst it was all fresh, I figured I'd write done some of my thoughts, both on the event as a whole and the topics that were discussed.

A huge thanks to the organisers and the wider #IndieWeb community for making it such a success!


If you liked Introducing the BOOK my feed URL is #RSS #IndieWeb #SmallWeb

Google Drive is hardly #indieweb, but look beyond "corporate = bad" and consider the nature of the relationship. They provide a commodity service: you pay them, they store your files.

Those files are a medium of exchange. If (when?) Google screws around, you can easily move the files to a different storage provider. Switching costs for hosted platforms like Tumblr or Instagram are _far_ higher.

www-man tim berners-lee identifies an „issue“ with today‘s web:

„…the extent of power concentration, which contradicts the decentralised spirit I originally envisioned. This has segmented the web, with a fight to keep users hooked on one platform to optimise profit through the passive observation of content.“

and publishes it on medium 😀 #web #indieweb

This weekend I added the ability to click links on my website using a penguin avatar.

Learn how it works (and try it out) on my blog:

#personalwebsites #indieweb #web

I've just tried #Publii

It's a static site generator. Unlike many others, Publii is a graphical application, very easy to use. It manages content edition with 3 different methods:
- Wysiwyg editor
- Block editor (inspired by Medium IHMO)
- Markdown editor
Adding images is simple, you can select one as featured for Organic data, put one in the header for the site or for each post.
It runs on Windows, Mac and Linux.
#indieweb #smallweb #smolweb

Collaboration, compassion and creativity. I think the 3 C’s nearly describe the #IndieWeb.

A lot of great points by @louie on the merits of self-publishing.

“Every new thing that I add to my website works to regain my internet presence away from companies that do not have my interests at heart.”


Another great issue of “own your web”

I think I need to change my portfolio website into some kind of personal blog and start learning all of this

#indieweb #blog #portfolio

Hello! Thanks to some encouragement by the fine folks at #indieweb Camp last weekend, my blog is live! I won't be posting regularly, but if/when I have something to talk about, it'll be on there.

(I'll most likely post here when there's something new. There's also an RSS feed if you're cool enough to use those)

Check out the renewed Shelter for Creatures! (Background may not be final)

#VirtualPet #PixelArt #Adopt #Adoptable #IndieWeb #Furry #CreaturesInside #BoostMe

Recommendations and blogrolls on

(Boost for wider reach!)

The shelter is going to be rebuilt into an actual shelter!

Now it's up to everyone - what theme should the shelter be?

Vote below or share other options in comments!

#BoostMe #VirtualPet #PixelArt #Adopt #Adoptable #IndieWeb #Furry


What’s the ideal base website font size?
#IndieWeb #WebDev #AskMastodon