Inclusive hosting

Likes Notes on facilitating technical discussions in meetups by James.

A significant part of my responsibilities as host is ensuring that everyone feels included. Nobody wants to join a meetup that they think is interesting and then feel like they don’t quite fit in. For this to happen on the account of perceived knowledge one must have — often an […]

#IndieWeb #Technology

Scribbles seems like a great option for indieweb bloggers.

"On Scribbles"

#blogging #indieweb

I was chatting with a buddy last night about dating apps, which I haven’t had to negotiate in quite some time. Sounds like they haven’t improved.

I offered up the suggestion that he create a simple #smallweb site to better highlight who he is, what his hobbies are, what he's looking for, and so forth. A little extra peek into his life—perhaps a useful differentiator that might peak someone's curiosity.

Does anyone have an example of this I could pass along?

#indieweb #blogging #webdesign

I've been testing out Scribbles for the last few days. Here's my thoughts on why, what I think so far, and which I might (and might not) use it for.

#indieweb #posse

Why don't you have a personal website?

#website #PersonalWebsite #indieweb #poll

I do!
Too expensive
Too complicated
Nothing to put there
Don't have the time
Not interested
Something else?

After a long time, I reinstalled IndieWeb’s WordPress plug-in – Simple Location. It turned out that it automatically added all the posts to the geographical location of my current location. This is obviously unreasonable, because these posts are written in different places. Before installing the plug-in, posts did not have geographically related metadata. […]

#IndieWeb #WordPress

时隔蛮久重新装回IndieWeb的WordPress插件——Simple […]

#IndieWeb #WordPress

impact on the indie web is measured in meaningful interactions with real people

impact on regular social media is measured in reach and engagement.

The indie-web is de facto the *social* media/web where the social aspect is part of the equation.

Regular google web / meta platforms: publish platform where the curating editor is an algorithm

#socialmedia #indieweb #facebook

Also - I spent most of yesterday sprucing up my #blog design! Went with the newer Norrsken #WordPress theme from Anders Noren, whose themes have to be some of my favorites.

Yes, it's a block theme, which probably takes away some of the small amount of #IndieWeb cred I have (LOL is there such a thing as IndieWeb cred?). After refreshing myself on how to fiddle with block themes, I was able to get it how I wanted it to look. Not too bad if I say so myself.

Own Your Web – Issue 11: Welcome to the IndieWeb • Buttondown #smallweb #indieweb

看起来WebSu …

看起来WebSub和IndieBlock插件已经配合得很良好了。我在Monocle界面给post点赞后,就被传入、储存为了一条规范的IndieBlock like记录欸

#IndieWeb #WordPress

On my blog: Trying on the Indie Web, Part 1 - The start of an irregular series where I explore the Indie Web technologies. #blog #indieweb #programming #techtips

#Business #Anniversaries
Marking the web’s 35th birthday · A call for reforming the web to prioritize user rights

#Web #OpenLetter #Movement #WebCommunity #OpenWeb #IndieWeb #WebEcosystem #WebTechnology #Development #WebDev

#Business #Anniversaries
Marking the web’s 35th birthday · A call for reforming the web to prioritize user rights

#Web #OpenLetter #Movement #WebCommunity #OpenWeb #IndieWeb #WebEcosystem #WebTechnology #Development #WebDev

What I created while remotely participating at #IndieWebCamp Brighton 2024: wiki-gardened day 1’s BarCamp sessions notes pages, and documented my @-mention @-@-mention autolinking coding improvements I built the Sunday before.

Day 2 of IndieWebCamps is Create Day, where everyone is encouraged to create, make, or build something for their personal website, or the IndieWeb community, or both.

At the start of day 2, everyone is encourage to pick things to make¹. What to make at an IndieWebCamp² can be anything from setting up your personal website, to writing a blog post, redesigning your styling, building new features, helping other participants, or contributing to shared IndieWeb community resources, whether code or content.

Everyone is encouraged to at least pick something they consider easy, that they can do in less than an hour, then a more bold goal, and then perhaps a stretch goal, something challenging that may require collaboration, asking for help, or breaking into smaller steps.

For my "easy" task, I built on what another remote participant, completed the night before. gRegor had archived all the IndieWebCamp Brighton Sessions Etherpads onto the wiki, linked from the Schedule page³. gRegor had noted that he didn’t have time to clean-up the pages, e.g. convert and fix Markdown links.

I went through the 13 Session Notes archives and did the following:
* converted Markdown links to MediaWiki links
* converted (and some services) links to local wiki page links
* fixed (some) typos

With some help from (, I figured out how to create a MediaWiki Contributions summary link of my edits:

I point this out to provide an example of an IndieWeb Create Day project that is:
* incremental on top of someone else’s work
* community contribution rather a personal-focused project
* editing and wiki-gardening as valid contributions, not just creating new content

I point this out to illustrate some of the IndieWeb community's recognitions & values in contrast to typical corporate cultures and incentive systems which often only reward:
* new innovations (not incremental improvements)
* solo (or maybe jointly in a small team) inventions, designs, specs, or implementations
* something large, a new service or a big feature, not numerous small edits & fixes

In this regard, the IndieWeb community shares more in common with Wikipedia and similar collaborative communities (despite the #Indie in #IndieWeb), than any corporation.

For my "more bold" goal, I wrote a medium-sized post about the auto-linking improvements I made the Sunday before the IndieWebCamp to my personal website with examples and brief descriptions of the coding changes & improvements.

My stretch goal was to write up a more complete auto-linking specification, based on the research I have done into @-mention @-@-mention user practices (on #Mastodon, other #ActivityPub or #fediverse implementations, and even across #socialMedia silos), as well as how many implementations autolink plain text URLs, domains, and paths.

That stretch goal remains a goal, however I did collect a handful of prior posts on @-mentions which I plan to source for specifying auto-linking and @-mentioning:
#autoLink #atDomain #atPath #atMention #atMentions #atat #atAtMention

I was one of a few remote participants in addition to ~18 in-person participants, the overwhelming majority of overall attendees, who demonstrated something at the end of IndieWebCamp Brighton 2024 day 2. See what everyone else made & demonstrated on Create Day:

And read what other participants have blogged about their IndieWebCamp Brighton experience:

This is post 13 of #100PostsOfIndieWeb. #100Posts
→ 🔮


Create Day
IndieWebCamp Brighton 2024


#IndieWebCamp #Indie #IndieWeb #Mastodon #ActivityPub #fediverse #socialMedia #autoLink #atDomain #atPath #atMention #atMentions #atat #atAtMention #100PostsOfIndieWeb #100Posts
What I created while remotely participating at #IndieWebCamp Brighton 2024: wiki-gardened day 1’s BarCamp sessions notes pages, and documented my @-mention @-@-mention autolinking coding improvements I built the Sunday before.

Day 2 of IndieWebCamps is Create Day, where everyone is encouraged to create, make, or build something for their personal website, or the IndieWeb community, or both.

At the start of day 2, everyone is encourage to pick things to make¹. What to make at an IndieWebCamp² can be anything from setting up your personal website, to writing a blog post, redesigning your styling, building new features, helping other participants, or contributing to shared IndieWeb community resources, whether code or content.

Everyone is encouraged to at least pick something they consider easy, that they can do in less than an hour, then a more bold goal, and then perhaps a stretch goal, something challenging that may require collaboration, asking for help, or breaking into smaller steps.

For my "easy" task, I built on what another remote participant, completed the night before. gRegor had archived all the IndieWebCamp Brighton Sessions Etherpads onto the wiki, linked from the Schedule page³. gRegor had noted that he didn’t have time to clean-up the pages, e.g. convert and fix Markdown links.

I went through the 13 Session Notes archives and did the following:
* converted Markdown links to MediaWiki links
* converted (and some services) links to local wiki page links
* fixed (some) typos

With some help from (, I figured out how to create a MediaWiki Contributions summary link of my edits:

I point this out to provide an example of an IndieWeb Create Day project that is:
* incremental on top of someone else’s work
* community contribution rather a personal-focused project
* editing and wiki-gardening as valid contributions, not just creating new content

I point this out to illustrate some of the IndieWeb community's recognitions & values in contrast to typical corporate cultures and incentive systems which often only reward:
* new innovations (not incremental improvements)
* solo (or maybe jointly in a small team) inventions, designs, specs, or implementations
* something large, a new service or a big feature, not numerous small edits & fixes

In this regard, the IndieWeb community shares more in common with Wikipedia and similar collaborative communities (despite the #Indie in #IndieWeb), than any corporation.

For my "more bold" goal, I wrote a medium-sized post about the auto-linking improvements I made the Sunday before the IndieWebCamp to my personal website with examples and brief descriptions of the coding changes & improvements.

My stretch goal was to write up a more complete auto-linking specification, based on the research I have done into @-mention @-@-mention user practices (on #Mastodon, other #ActivityPub or #fediverse implementations, and even across #socialMedia silos), as well as how many implementations autolink plain text URLs, domains, and paths.

That stretch goal remains a goal, however I did collect a handful of prior posts on @-mentions which I plan to source for specifying auto-linking and @-mentioning:
#autoLink #atDomain #atPath #atMention #atMentions #atat #atAtMention

I was one of a few remote participants in addition to ~18 in-person participants, the overwhelming majority of overall attendees, who demonstrated something at the end of IndieWebCamp Brighton 2024 day 2. See what everyone else made & demonstrated on Create Day:

And read what other participants have blogged about their IndieWebCamp Brighton experience:

This is post 13 of #100PostsOfIndieWeb. #100Posts
→ 🔮


Create Day
IndieWebCamp Brighton 2024



Our first tool is live: a simple email newsletter template. The code is free to use and you can build and edit your emails using the @blocksedit visual editor (also for free). #SmallWeb #indieweb #email