Who could possibly forget the wonders of Apple's iWeb website builder? The amazing thing about the web is its stability. Just take a look at the source code under the hood of this site. Not pretty, but it still works. It just keeps on ticking. It chronicles our relocation from NJ to CA back in 2009.

#web #indieweb #not11ty


I just launched my new #Eleventy website! 🫣🎈

Feels like just the start, no doubt I'll be tinkering and tweaking forever.
#IndieWeb #SmallWeb #Neocities


Back to working on my blog, finished making a simple-layout version. Now you can access it on basically any device with a web browser :-)

Here's it running on a Nintendo DSi!


#indieweb #blog #web

Also, some new posts:

Simple layout, why not? https://realja.me/blog/simple-layout.html

2 Opera 8 quirks with the simple layout (dailynote) https://realja.me/dailynote/opera8-quirks.html

#blog #indieweb #web #dailynote

You don't have to be a “content creator” to have a website. https://ohhelloana.blog/just-get-a-website/ #IndieWeb #SmallWeb

An idea I'm playing with: A tool that lets you build a basic HTML page, and shows you how to host it for free.


#PersonalWebsite #indieweb #OpenWeb

Ben Werdmuller on a first-class fediverse platform:

I’m not bullish on squeezing long-form content into a microblogging platform, whether on Mastodon or X. Long-form content isn’t best consumed as part of a fast-moving stream of short updates.

It’s a good post. In some ways, Micro.blog best fits Ben’s vision. But not exactly. A theoretical fediverse-powered Medium might be a better match.

Hello! Sorry for lack of activity, but we have been on a break from site work.

All members who applied so far are accepted. There are 5 creatures left in the shelter, so you can still join Creatures Inside!

#VirtualPet #Adopt #Adoptable #PixelArt #IndieWeb #OldWeb #Furry #CreaturesInside

Seeking a first-class Fediverse platform

A place to read, to discuss, to share.

WebMention: My thoughts on other’s thoughts on the subject

WebMention is a protocol that allows you to comment on things from other things. Like, for example, commenting on a blog post with another blog post on an entirely different website. Better bloggers than I have been talking about WebMention and sharing their thoughts via ActivityPub (another cool thing) on Mastodon. These are my thoughts on their thoughts on […]

#ActivityPub #conversation #Fedi #feed #IndieWeb #noWrongAnswers #RSS #tribe #Twitter #Webmention #webmentions #BlogsAndBlogging #ReplyingToThings

I was trying to create an index of tags for my journal in json but it's a pain!!! So I'm going to attempt pain txt file next free time I have.

I really want to clean up both blog and journal codes case to share for those who simply wish to copy the files and start typing. But it's so much work after turning it into Frankenstein/Spaghetti code with so much experimentation. "it works! Don't touch it!" 🤣 and it's now a mess.

#smallweb #indieweb #personalWebsite #php

Tiktok and the Fediverse