#Business #Anniversairies
RSS was released 25 years ago today · Born on March 15, 1999, and still alive and kicking https://ilo.im/15y9wc

#RSS #Newsfeed #OpenWeb #IndieWeb #Website #Blog #Content #Development #WebDev #Frontend

@trinux @AbsluteBeginner yo creo que hay espacio para navegadores más sencillos, e iniciativas tipo #indieWeb / #webSencilla e incluso protocolos como #gopher y #gemini, pero necesitamos una alternativa a Chrome para hacer trámites en el Ministerio de turno o tener una videollamada, y negar la mayor nos arrastra al monopolio de Google.

Hay que buscar una solución para una alternativa generalista, al margen de lo cómodos que nos sintamos en nuestro nicho (y me incluyo, que yo soy de FFX o eww)

🔗: The “IndieWeb” feels like coming home #Tech #IndieWeb #WebDev https://daught.me/blog/2024/indie-web/

Hey, if you have a few minutes, I'd appreciate help making some examples of simple personal web pages made with https://simplepagebuilder.app that I can feature on the site.

More details: https://stefanbohacek.online/@stefan/112095377362949802

Thank you!

#indieweb #PersonalWebsite

Any candidates to try this brand-new static sites hosting platform ?


Yes, I need a logo for it ! This 🏠 is just 🤢 😅
I accept your proposition 😘

#indieweb #smolweb #smallweb

@casraf @brentsimmons Oh nice! I’d definitely be interested in seeing MicroSub supported too; it’s a relatively new protocol, but it’s super interesting and deeply connected with the #IndieWeb movement! https://indieweb.org/Microsub

I put together a list of all the website directories I know by now. You can submit your own personal website to them and of course find other cool sites:


#openweb #indieweb #directory #PersonalSites


This weekend’s #indieweb tinkering on the #jekyll site:

- adding #IndieAuth
- adding #WebMentions

Wish me luck.


My all-time favorite RSS reader is NetNewsWire by @brentsimmons!

It runs on Apple desktop computers and mobile devices, syncs via various services, and is free and open source.

And it comes with a special feature for distraction-free reading: the magical reader view that can be enabled by default on a per-feed basis. So handy!


#NetNewsWire #RSS #RSSReader #OpenWeb #IndieWeb #opensource

Someone just posted a link to an IndieWeb article by a guy who is very big with IndieWeb folks, and I get why, I follow him too. But he talks about how there’s “some” truth to the idea that IndieWeb isn’t accessible to non-nerds, and that’s why we need more things like Indiekit. I’m thinking oh wow, we ha... eilloh.net

Once I’m done with this report I need to figure out how to set up a POSSE on my WordPress site.


(2/2)...and check it out, and it's...very nerdy.

I've had #IndieWeb conversations like this with many friends. Educated people. Professors. Librarians.

Them: "What's Node.js? <looks it up> Wait, what's a runtime environment? JavaScript, that's website stuff, right? I'm supposed to install this? But what even IS THIS? Wait what's all this stuff in brackets? How is this accessible??!!!"

Me: "I'm sorry, can I show you micro.blog? Will you still talk to me after this? WE'RE STILL FRIENDS, RIGHT?"

And check out these lighthouse scores for the home page. It may be slow, but it's relatively accessible and findable. #web #indieweb #not11ty