I have made a simple tool for "integrating" #GeminiProtocol capsule gemlogs (blogs) into the #Fediverse using #WriteFreely. It is called gemfreely, and written in #Rust. It primarily does one way sync from Gemini -> WriteFreely. The next major step is to implement a comments sync system, which is a bit difficult since WriteFreely does not store incoming replies from #ActivityPub.

crates.io: https://crates.io/crates/gemfreely
Main Repo: https://git.agnos.is/projectmoon/gemfreely
GitHub: https://github.com/ProjectMoon/gemfreely

The primary way of handling comments will probably be to take a second account with a
#Mastodon compatible API behind it, and listen for replies mentioning the second "CC" user (Which I think is the recommended workaround from WriteFreely).

gemfreely is already in use for gemini://agnos.is. The blog is directly available at https://blog.agnos.is, and the Fediverse user is @projectmoon@blog.agnos.is.

#smallweb #indieweb

Enable Mastodon Apps

“Social connection without the ads.” Corporate social media has marketing. The Fediverse has us. Download this promo as GIF, MP4, or JPG and share it with your world.

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#activitypub #Community #Culture #fediverse #indieweb #letsTryCivility #mastodon #mentalhealth #pixelfed #socialmedia #society

People in the #indieweb webring who break it by not including the links are my actual pet peeves. Like you exhibit no restraint and you take and you take and you keep winning anyway

I've redesigned my site. let me know what you think!


#blog #writing #indieweb #webdev

New page on my site for bookmarklets inspired by a post from @adactio . I've got a few there that I've used off-and-on over the years, and in general I find them to be a really neat concept that doesn't get much attention.

#IndieWeb #SmallWeb #CyberSecurity #InfoSec

Jatan Mehta blogs about the noisiness of most social networks, and how Micro.blog takes a different approach:

Micro.blog is the only Fediverse-compatible platform I know of which truly does away with likes, boosts, follower counts, and hashtags. I wish all social networks removed these pointless stats by default.

Some people like the extra activity of boosts and notifications, and that’s fine too. I do think it can help with discoverability. But not every network needs to work the same way. If every network was a clone of Twitter, the social web would be much less interesting.

Threads opt-in vs. fediverse migration


Not all platforms are based in the USA. But, in part, this is why #ActivityPub, #fediverse, #IndieWeb, and #selfhosting.

But the oddest thing about the concept of a TikTok ban is: many states including the USA try to facilitate working around blocking/banning parts of the internet as censorship. Such support would certainly be used by #usians to circumvent the USA's censorship of TikTok.

Personally, I look forward an ActivityPub-based platform alternative, just to see.

Essay #6 out of 200 is out now--all about overcoming fear by writing about it. Check it out!


#writing #WritingCommunity #inspiration #AmWriting #blog #blogging #IndieWeb

besides neocities i did site on https://yay.boo/ from @goodenoughllc, but it's a secret site (whispering). anyway, i recommend it for silly small sites!!! (which my own one is too)
#resources #indieweb

On my blog: Deeper in the Indie Web https://john.colagioia.net/blog/2024/03/20/indieweb-2.html - A one-week update on my exploration of Indie Web technologies and some gesturing at where I may go next. #blog #indieweb #programming #techtips

Finished my submission for the 32-bit cafe's third code jam! In response to the prompt, what has creating a website done for you, I encouraged everyone to join the indie web because participatory culture is so fun and rewarding: https://lostletters.neocities.org/join-indie-web/ #IndieWeb #CodeJam


Libraries like KaTeX and MathJax can help with the first three points. Maybe it's just my opinion, but after 25 years, W3C has not given the best recommendation for the implementation of the last point. Perhaps because it is such a complex issue, some protocols such as #GeminiProtocol choose not to provide support for displaying mathematical formulae at all.

#IndieWeb #SmallWeb #math

Build a website in an hour this Saturday 🌐

I am hosting an event where you are challenged to make a web page or a website in an hour. You can make whatever you want!

See event information here:


No need to RSVP — you can show up on the day!

#indieweb #personalwebsites #web

Finally got around making a dedicated portfolio website for my illustration work!

In the spirit of BeYourOwnPlatform it's self-hosted and static. Also, it's all nicely self-contained and completely cookie-free.


#portfolio #BeYourOwnPlatform #illustration #indieweb #hugo

#lighttpd is a wonderful web server.

For example, the module simple-vhost permit to configure automatically websites, you set the root directory where you store your websites (eg /www), the subfoldoer of the document root (htdocs). Then you just have to create a directory to enable a new site without restarting

$ mkdir -p /www/new.domain.tld/htdocs

$ echo "<h1>Hello</h1>" > /www/new.domain.tld/htdocs/index.html

pages.casa use this module to host static sites

What #indieweb-adjacent thing should I add to my website next? Help me avoid choice paralysis plz thx.

web rings!
blog roll!
links page!
stop procrastinating, more blog posts