Okay, starting my journey with #indieweb and finally have my Micro.blog instance setup and tied it to https//micro.lounsbury.me for posting.

Much more to do but it is a start towards making some content and tinkering with different technologies/platforms and documenting my progress.

I really like personal homepages and have quite a list of them bookmarked. I'll post one every week until I don't. So here's Cool Personal Homepages #CPH Vol. 10: Lost Letters https://lostletters.neocities.org/

#SmallWeb #indieweb #smolweb #PersonalSites #homepage

Regenerating my #introduction post on the new instance:

My name is Mike (a.k.a. "shellsharks”) - I am a security researcher, #IndieWeb advocate, all-things #Fediverse convert and all around #tech enthusiast.

I write about #infosec, #technology and #life over at https://shellsharks.com

Here's some other stuff I like... #apple #sports #travel #battlestations #food #starwars #lotr #pokemon #gaming #space #fitness #nba #basketball #hiking #camping #music #coding #programming #cybersecurity


i cannot keep fighting these goddamn robots. i mean i know it is the modern condition to fight fucking robots.

In my weekly update I talk about writing weekly updates, my future plans for using Scribbles, web hosting, and the indieWeb more generally, my wife's adventure at the Royal Blackburn Teaching Hospital.

#indieweb #posse #processwire #microblog


"Don't be afraid to dive into the technical side of things. Embrace the learning curve. Revel in the challenges. Because the more you know, the more power you have. And in the indie economy, knowledge isn't power - it's independence."
- @Daojoan


#IndieWeb #IndieEconomy #JoanWestenberg

In this episode of What the Jam, @mikeneu and I talked about personal web, indie web, static site generators and the improvements in tooling.


#SmallWeb #IndieWeb #Eleventy #StaticSiteGenerator #Jamstack #WhatTheJam #FutureOfJamstack

#Business #Pitfalls
The creator economy trap · Why building on someone else’s platform is a dead end https://ilo.im/15ybw3

#SocialMedia #CreatorEconomy #IndieEconomy #IndieWeb #SmallWeb #Website #Blog #Development #WebDev #Frontend

hello #indieweb people

Think I’ve got WebMentions working properly on my site again, woohoo #IndieWeb

Think I’ve got WebMentions working properly on my site again, woohoo #IndieWeb

If you don’t have to be terribly picky about fonts on your web site, you can pick something from https://modernfontstacks.com and your visitors won’t have to download a thing. The stacks are well-organized into common typeface genres.

#webdev #indieweb

@inautilo Great article. I think you are right. I am a non-techie person trying to get to grips with being more "indieweb" and getting very tied up in knots with my Wordpress add-ins trying to #POSSE and #webmention.

Hopefully things improve and the #indieweb can become the #IndiewebForEveryone

Is there a platform (other than Google, Microsoft or other major companies) proposing to host mail service for a personal domain ?
I propose to host web pages with your own domain name on https://pages.casa/register-on-pagescasa.html and I'm looking for a complementary service for email. I could suggest it to #indieweb beginners.
I hesitate to open one because I'm afraid of spammers. It's easy to burn the reputation of a mail server.

Why do you share the Medium version of your post about #indieweb and not the one on your own platform ??


Very good article 👏👏