Just got a wonderful treat for switching to a privacy-first web analytics tool.

Previously my site landing page performance was sitting in the 60s to 70s… Not ideal.

After scraping out Google Analytics, the other dependencies it required, and swapping in Fathom Analytics

Mobile to 84, Desktop to 99 🤯

Working to address some LCP issues on mobile (going to try preloading fonts) but… holy crap what a stark change.

#indieweb #seo

OK, the stars were consulted, and it has been decided:

Season 2 of Fern River Club will begin this Friday, March 29. 🌴

A new scene will drop every Friday for the next 10 weeks thereafter (with a few surprises sprinkled in...)

Tell your friends! 🛋️


#erotica #EroticFiction #EroticStories #indieweb #DigitalGarden #ShortStory #bisexual #lgbtq #SexBlog

I love RSS - there I said it!

In a few 1:1 coversations this year as well as a few online posts I've read, I've realiseed there are still people out there who don't know about this wonderful technology and that it's now getting some momentum again.

So now that I've back writing post again .. here's a little something.


#rss #indieweb

SO excited to announce everyone's submissions for our first anniversary #codejam are up and available to see! the prompt was "what has creating a website done for you?"

i love these, some really amazing submissions! i hope you'll give it a browse!


#indieweb #web #website #HTML #webdev #smallweb #personalwebsites #internet #hobby #coding

1 month into my journey as a non-technical person with #kirbycms :
- Installed MAMP for the first time and tested Kirby on localhost
- made sure my hosting provider supports PHP 8
- edited config files
- started to understand php code
- moved 3 websites to @getkirby
- @thezeroclub theme works great (for my needs).


#web #indieweb #opensource

Facebook and X gave up on news. LinkedIn wants to fill the void

I’ve been wondering, is there a #Podcast that’s basically like someone’s unedited audio blog or audio diary? Maybe just uploading random Pleasant conversations or just a soundscape of a night out with friends or just random thoughts when they wake up in the morning? I remembered listening to one years ago but I can’t remember the name of it. If there are others out there like an audio diary or audio blog, let me know. #IndieWeb #Podcasts

There is a lot of stuff happening with the IndieConnector plugin recently and I wanted to write it down because I keep getting questions about certain features. So here is the current state of the plugin:


#indieweb #webmentions #getkirby

The creator economy trap: why building on someone else’s platform is a dead end — Joan Westenberg

Craig and Jason are walking the walk here:

  1. Build your own damn platform.
  2. Treat social media like the tool it is.
  3. Build your technical skills.
#indieweb #independent #publishing #tools #social #media #ownership #technology #platforms #creators

Oh, someone has donated on https://liberapay.com/adele/

😍 🙏 😘

It will help to support https://pages.casa/ and https://pollux.casa/ hosting platforms!

#indieweb #smolweb #smallweb #smolnet #gemini #geminiprotocol

Como somos bastantes interesados en hacer #webSencilla #indieweb y en general recuperar los sitios personales, he pensado aprovechar la inercia del fin de semana y crear una sala en XMPP, por si os apetece (se agradecen boosts)


Edito: no sé si sirve ese enlace, el otro que me da es este: xmpp:websencilla@room.peeko.chat?join

If you were previously subscribed to my blog https://cool-as-heck.blog RSS feed, the new feed URL is:


#indieweb #blogging #RSS

I officially switched my personal blog https://cool-as-heck.blog over to Scribbles from Pika. Here's why:


#indieweb #blogging #scribbles

This resonated with me so much! I love the #IndieWeb but there's so much out of reach for regular non-tech folks, and the emphasis on these "features" without any acknowledgement of the learning curve, or how simply unnecessary some of these side quest are, was hugely discouraging for me (and others I've talked to).


Turns out this was because Hugo was doing it's own gzip compression instead of my server handling that. Turned off Hugo's compression and it finally works! #indieweb


So I tried to set up support for webmentions on my Hugo website. When I test locally using `hugo server` with the remy/webmention tool recommended by webmention.app, it accurately detects h-cards and what should be webmentions. BUT after hugo deploys to the CloudFront/S3 SSL production site, it fails to detect ANY h-entry or webmentions.

Oh, I can tell this one is going to drive me crazy.


My shoebox page is now "live" at https://mikegrindle.com/shoebox

I also wrote a #blog post about the concept and the appeal:


#smallweb #neocities #indieweb

@nhoizey @matthiasott Many years ago, my Notes¹ section (back then unfavorably called Gossip) distinguished between Opinions and Bookmarks. The latter indicated the primary content of a note was a link. Somewhere along the line I've merged the two subsections. Having read “Links Worth Sharing” made me wonder if I should bring bookmarks back as “Links”.

¹ https://cssence.com/notes/

#microformats #relme #fediverse #Threads