One of the neat things working with a site that’s based on markdown files is that you can add content in so many different ways.

Latest example: A Python script that pulls in my photos from @glass and add them to my (not yet published) #11ty site.

#indiedev #indieweb

#indieweb folks - three of the sharpest people from the ex-twitter alt-tech space have now set up a Will Make You A Website company, whether you need a site or just want to see the innards of contemporary non-corporate web production, check out:


One of the reasons I’m loving building my garden of an #IndieWeb blog is pulling all my silo'd posts from Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and everywhere else back into a space I can interact with.

I just came across this this imported tweet from 2009, referencing a paper I wrote for my Physics degree and *wow* I don't follow a word of the abstract! What a privilege it is to have this insight into a different me, with a totally different set of skills.

In case you want to easily decrease the data you send to Google, embed YouTube videos differently on your site:

#Privacy #Blogging #IndieWeb

@schizanon Yeah I’ve been trying to catalog some URLs that sites may/should have. Some are more common than others…

- Well-Known URLs:
- /Uses:
- /Now:
- /Ideas:
- Indieweb.txt:
- Humans.txt:
- ai.txt:
- /about: maybe?
- Sitemap.xml, Robots.txt

My “Website Component Checklist”:

#indieweb #smallweb

Not sure why Hugo removed their accessibility tag for themes, but you can still filter accessibility ready themes here for the moment, but Hugo should really enable the accessibility tag again when browsing for themes #Hugo #Accessibility #SmallWeb #IndieWeb

Knee deep in transition from Hugo / to @getkirby and Mastodon.

Have about 20 years worth of data to load back in, but the content structure is largely built.

In the interim, here are some photos of my #podenco on the hydrotherapy treadmill.

#buildInPublic #indieweb

Trying out @ben's new app to easily #ShareOpenly to any social platform, including those that might not yet be included in standard sharing mechanisms, like a specific Mastodon or #IndieWeb site or Bluesky:

I gather that the /about page in #aboutideasnow is supposed to be about the author, but what about the site? What url do we use to talk about the tools we used to build the site?

#indieweb #smallweb

I like the concept of #aboutideasnow. It feels like #microformats, but for URLs. It's kinda weird how few conventions the #web has for urls. Aside from index.html, robots.txt, and favicon.ico there are very few standard URLs that many sites support.

#smallweb #indieweb #webDev

Damn i was about to miss the #indiewebCarnival this month, and it's about two topics that I hold dear: the #indieweb and #accessibility. New blogpost coming over the weekend (

Integrating my website into the IndieWeb took longer than expected due to scattered resources and confusion. Should I do X or Y? Having too many options to choose from can lead to paralysis.

We don't want that, do we?

We want something simple, something that allows as many people as possible to get on board. An omakase 🍱.

Here's mine. You should start and finish everything within an hour at most!

#indieweb #smallweb #posse #webmention #webdev #blogging #ownyourweb

Thinking of going in this direction for #geminiprotocol #webmentions. In short: send #titanprotocol requests to an endpoint with the target page as part of the parameters. The receiving server will verify the incoming request then store in a database. Finally, the server can generate comment pages on demand, or create static gemtext files. Then you just link to the comments from your gemlog posts.

Integration with webmentions themselves will require an HTML page that corresponds to the Gemini page, and both pages will need to be able to prove they're controlled by the same person. Then, the server will proxy incoming web mentions to the Titan endpoint.

Repo and thoughts so far:


#indieweb #smallweb


Today I lised the 100th website in the directory.

It's been very enjoyable to visit the websites I listed in the past 6 weeks, re-discovering some of the personal, text- and image-based internet far away from dopamine drip feeds and walls of video advertising.

#SmallWeb #indieweb

@cferdinandi the #indieweb trend and more and more people getting their own personal homepage instead of relying on corporate platforms

👋 #Introduccion

Me llamo Diego López y soy desarrollador web.

Aparte de la programación también me gusta mucho la #tecnología, los #videojuegos, los libros de ciencia ficción, la #indieweb y la #smallweb

Además me gusta mucho el mundo #dj, en concreto los géneros #techno, #trance, #progressive y #eurodance.

Tengo una página personal y blog en el que comparto artículos sobre mis hobbies y las cosas que me llaman la atención.

Creador del blog de @codingpotions, ya en desuso.