halp please what's the best "format" for proper atom feeds... how do I make them Just Fucking Work Everywhere https://unix.dog/~yosh/blog/feed.atom

#indieweb #rss #atom

Is there such a thing as an old-school #indieweb #webring for #pkm?

@randomgeek it’s all making a comeback on the #IndieWeb.


I'd blog a lot more photos if I had a better workflow for mobile. Have to give that some thought. #IndieWeb

Great User Experiences For All

IndieWeb Carnival: Accessibility in the Small Web


Finally updated my homepage at https://rscottjones.com.

Boy, do I need to rework the whole site!

But I am really looking forward to getting it all in order and getting back to #blogging on the #smallweb #indieweb instead of posting everything on social media.

Last minute submission for this month's Indieweb Carnival: Accessibility and the small web https://grgml.xyz/blog/accessibility-and-the-small-web/

#indiewebCarnival #indieweb #accessibility #smallweb

I’ve updated my #blogroll to include sites I read and sites that inspired my design! It now features:

And more!

Check it out: https://justincox.com/blogroll/

#IndieWeb #blog

Here’s my weekly update on Scribbles.

This week I talk about losing my favourite hen Chewy, migrating from microblog to KirbyCMS and Mastodon, and about Darren England and Chelsea v Burnley.

#indieweb #buildinpublic #burnleyfc #weeklyreview


Tomorrow's the official start of #30DayFOSSChallenge! We've got a few people chatting in the #matrix already: https://matrix.to/#/#30DayFOSSChallenge:mozilla.org

Feel free to join us. Don't know what I'm talking about? Look here: https://nullarch.com/30DayFOSSChallenge.html

#foss #floss #opensource #freeculture #degoogle #indieweb

Bluesky mentions in Micro.blog

I just updated my website.
I added some links to the ever growing links page. Among others I am linking to the websites of
@lostletters@cutie.city, @deathkitten, and @tansy@wandering.shop. I hope that is ok!

I also finished copying all of my Discovery thoughts from here to there, except for the Short Treks. They are coming some other time.

#PersonalWebsite #IndieWeb #SmallWeb #neocities

April's #IndieWeb Carnival is hosted by Aaron on the topic of "Good enough".

I love the topic! So many ideas popping into my head about how to approach this.



Why a lot of my content is now gated

I'm gating a lot of my content on my website these days. The reasons are numerous, which I detail in this post, but namely - I want #AI companies, #Google & other corporations to "work for it" if they want my content to boost their profits, and also: I want to keep some stuff more private.

#Indieweb #Internet #SocialMedia #Blogging


Readers of my regular blog are probably wondering why a lot of my posts are now gated. Meaning, you need to subscribe to the website (ie give me your email) so that you can access them. I totally understand why some people may think “screw this” and scroll away, but I have many reasons to do what I’m doing.

Gated content are for those who are truly invested in my content

I still share ungated content. You don’t have to subscribe to my blog to read what I write. But the ones behind a “gate” or a subscribe box is for those who want to keep updated with what I write. I create exclusive content for them.

I don’t want to keep newsletter content on just Substack

I am currently mirroring my newsletter content on both Substack and my website. I believe in owning my content, but I also believe in tapping on the platform’s networking abilities. Yes, as I’m not a programming whiz, it’s not automated. I have to copy and paste this. I often publish on the blog first before Substack.

I want to stick it to Google

These days, I don’t really care about Google. I have more or less have given up on the Google SEO train and am relying solely on the power of networking and recommendations, which feels more fulfilling and wroth it. If I do get SEO juice, great. If I don’t, I no longer car. I just do not want to dance to the algorithm anymore.

AI, baby.

Since Google slyly said that it would scrape all content on the web to train its AI apps, I decided to give it the middle finger and put most of my valuable content behind a gate and my archive and most personal writings behind a paywall (coming soon to this website once I get off my butt to set it up). Sure, the protection may be illusory, but if Google or other nefarious corporations want to take it, they’re gonna have to work for it.

I want a sense of privacy

I’ve grown increasingly protective about my personal life and thoughts. I’m especially conscious of those “checking me out” for reasons that I’m not comfortable with. So, having my private and more personal thoughts behind a paywall or subscription form helps to ensure that those who bothered to hand me their email and money are not simply trolls.

Not guaranteed, of course. But again, if they want this content, they’re gonna have to pay or give me their emails to get it.


#blogging #ChatGPT #indieweb #Internet #socialmedia

.@capjamesg I've been thinking about blogging about coffee (and getting a bit distracted thinking about representing coffee with #microformats/ #gohugo content types). But my actual decision tree is probably less complex than yours.

re: https://jamesg.blog/2024/03/30/coffee-to-drink-decision-tree/

Also a fan of #mermaidjs but discovered GoAT via the #gohugo docs: https://github.com/bep/goat

#coffee #blogging #indieweb

I think it would be fun to (co-)organize an East Coast IndieWebCamp this year, mostly because I would like to go to an East Coast IndieWebCamp this year. Perhaps there's scope for an IndieWebCamp NYC in September / October?

For those who just got a “you’re now following” message: I’ve moved my presence that was jlgatewood @jlgatewood over here to cut down on managing Mastodon accounts.

🙆🏾‍♂️ The Vivaldi.net instance is also better because it doesn’t block every single instance under the sun unless there’s a direct threat first (I’m looking at you Fediblock folks with the whole “let’s block Threads because Zuck sucks” mentality) Not sure if intentional or not, but I couldn’t see Threads accounts over there and I’m really trying to inform everyone on the merits of open source networks.

😎 This instance also has a 1337 character limit. Fun! But also good for me when my microblogging becomes macroblogging.

💯 Also I’m @starrwulfe everywhere else, and never really use my “guhmint” name out there and kinda want to keep some consistency.

✨ Finally, I want to line everything up with how I use my website http://starrwulfe.xyz as a “hub” for most of my original posts because it’s a first party member of the fediverse too (please follow @starrwulfe@starrwulfe.xyz and @starrwulfe@abc.starrwulfe.xyz too!)

🚧 As such, there may be a few more moves of followers to these domains as I try my best to #OwnMyPosts and be a good example of how #indieweb, #fediverse and #openSNS works.

I appreciate your support and follows! ✌🏾