New #Blog: Disabling #webmention backfeeds

Reading a post by @robb recently set me rethinking my use of #bridgy and Webmentions.

In this post, I talk a little about why I've decided to turn off #socialmedia backfeeds and disable the display of webmentions on my site

#indieweb #privacy

I really like @xor's Python script for generating domain names from public domain books, so I turned it, with permission, into a website, to make it easier to use.

Hope you'll enjoy!

#DomainNames #tlds #internet #IndieWeb #SideProject #python #opensource #gutenberg #PublicDomain #literature #books

Timothy Cain of Fallout fame has an old chocolate-themed blog 🙂


Been trying to convert IndieBlocks’ “Location” meta box to a “proper” block editor sidebar panel.

Slowly getting there.

#WordPress #gutenberg #indieblocks #indieweb

halp please what's the best "format" for proper atom feeds... how do I make them Just Fucking Work Everywhere

#indieweb #rss #atom

Is there such a thing as an old-school #indieweb #webring for #pkm?

@randomgeek it’s all making a comeback on the #IndieWeb.

I'd blog a lot more photos if I had a better workflow for mobile. Have to give that some thought. #IndieWeb

Great User Experiences For All

IndieWeb Carnival: Accessibility in the Small Web

Finally updated my homepage at

Boy, do I need to rework the whole site!

But I am really looking forward to getting it all in order and getting back to #blogging on the #smallweb #indieweb instead of posting everything on social media.

Last minute submission for this month's Indieweb Carnival: Accessibility and the small web

#indiewebCarnival #indieweb #accessibility #smallweb

I’ve updated my #blogroll to include sites I read and sites that inspired my design! It now features:

And more!

Check it out:

#IndieWeb #blog

Here’s my weekly update on Scribbles.

This week I talk about losing my favourite hen Chewy, migrating from microblog to KirbyCMS and Mastodon, and about Darren England and Chelsea v Burnley.

#indieweb #buildinpublic #burnleyfc #weeklyreview

Tomorrow's the official start of #30DayFOSSChallenge! We've got a few people chatting in the #matrix already:

Feel free to join us. Don't know what I'm talking about? Look here:

#foss #floss #opensource #freeculture #degoogle #indieweb

Bluesky mentions in

I just updated my website.
I added some links to the ever growing links page. Among others I am linking to the websites of, @deathkitten, and I hope that is ok!

I also finished copying all of my Discovery thoughts from here to there, except for the Short Treks. They are coming some other time.

#PersonalWebsite #IndieWeb #SmallWeb #neocities

April's #IndieWeb Carnival is hosted by Aaron on the topic of "Good enough".

I love the topic! So many ideas popping into my head about how to approach this.
