I made a guide to Static site generators for screen reader users. If you like it, share it but donate to me, as this took a very long time to write and break down https://robertkingett.com/posts/6529/ #Hugo #Zola #IndieWeb #SmallWeb #Accessibility #NVDA Also tagging @NVAccess in case they'd wanna look or share it.

Por un grupo de Indieweb en español

#fediverso #IndieWeb #mastodon

Juntémonos Indiewebs en español!

No me puedo creer que sea el único que esté dándole duro al rollo #Indieweb en español. Seguro que no.
Valga esta entrada para encontrarnos. Ecosistema de #mastodon #fediverso y demás ñoñeo interespacial.

¿Alguien con ganas de compartir trucos?

También en:

  • @danicotillas@comunicacionabierta.net/112209638616623004"> indieweb


And also, I encourage you, or anybody else, really, to take a day and try these different directories. Link at end, but I was trying to find the website that showed only weird websites, like a site that would play a cat meow every time you clicked a link, but I can't find that database now, but some other directories are at https://indieweb.org/directory #IndieWeb #SmallWeb @infosec_jcp @jrm4

This is incredibly sad. An #independent #publication that worked so hard to build up an audience over 5 years is at risk of going under because of #Google Search's algorithm changes last September drastically deranked them in search results, causing their organic site traffic to plummet and reducing their ad revenue by upwards of 85%.

#Indieweb #SmallWeb


This is a pretty damning look at google - https://retrododo.com/google-is-killing-retro-dodo/

It's also why the #indieweb is so important. I fear it's too late though.

IMHO tying your #publishing business model to #Google search traffic is not very different than tying your online content to a third-party publishing host platform like #Medium or #SocialNetwork like #Facebook. You’re relying on the network effect from an aggregator whose interests can and do drift from yours.

Both are examples of #DigitalSharecropping, a term coined by blogger Nicholas Carr back in 2006: https://www.roughtype.com/?p=634


Independent websites that publish expert professional content are dying because #Google search places them below:

• “From Sources” scraped answers

• poorly-differentiated sponsored ads

#Reddit forum results (whom they now pay $60M/year for #AI scraping)

• low-effort content from large media companies littered with affiliate links

And Google has the gall to tell these sites to reduce the ads they display to improve their traffic.



I recently got the idea to document the "Architecture" of my site from this post https://matklad.github.io/2021/02/06/ARCHITECTURE.md.html. It details a proposal for open source projects to maintain an ARCHITECTURE.md file that describes a number of things related to high-level architecture of a project.

Now I don’t think a statically-generated, personal, #indieweb site hosted out of a private repo on Github pages was the intended audience for this particular standard, but I've made it anyways 😄.


Goodbye Micro.blog

Goodbye Micro.blog

Micro.blog is a promising concept, but there is much room for improvement. I am tired of waiting.


#ExperienceReport #IndieWeb #microBlog

@pirsch How about a pricing tier for individual, personal sites? You’d be the only company offering that. You’d hoover up lots of #indieweb users looking to leave GA behind. Half-decent marketing tactic.

@pirsch @mikewink Would love to use something like @pirsch or @plausible or @usefathom but, unless you’re running 10s of sites, I can’t make the pricing model work for #IndieWeb projects. GA sucks, so I’m stuck with Cloudflare Analytics, which isn’t as nice as these others by some significant margin.

On my blog: Spinning(?) the Indie Web https://john.colagioia.net/blog/2024/04/03/indieweb-4.html - A (surprise) three-week update on my exploration of Indie Web technologies and where things stand. #blog #indieweb #programming #techtips

A big list of homepages with especially good designs.



I’ve been in a bit of a writing slump lately. My journal gets neglected nearly every day, and I feel like whatever I *do* write is kind of mediocre at best.

But I’m still publishing a little post about every concert I go to on my website, so there’s that!


#writing #blog #PersonalWebsite #indieweb #concerts

I’ve been writing a lot of nunjucks with 11ty and a lot of JSX-ish template code with astro and I feel like a bad #indieweb citizen when I consistently prefer the JSX but here we are

💻 Setapp: Apps I Currently Use | Notes from the Underground


#Blogging #Blog #IndieWeb