I will probably need a larger VPS for my @cloudron instance shortly. Have been happy with Netcup and have no real plans to move elsewhere. But this is a good time to ask for suggestions.

So, what are you all using?

#indieweb #vps #SelfHosting

Tonight is RetroStrange Movie Night! Join us for The Hoodlum (1951), a film noir Directed by Max Nosseck Starring Laurence Tierney, Edward Tierney, Allene Roberts, Marjorie Riordan and Lisa Golm.

Watch starting at 5:30pm Pacific on https://live.retrostrange.com

We're only showing one feature instead of our usual two because station manager Phil is going to a concert. #IndieWeb #Streaming #Events #MovieNight

Is there some *modern* collection of antibuttons? Or is there someone making those in 2024? I'd like to find some for things like ko-fi or mastodon.

#indieweb #antibutton #SmallWeb

We need to have a conversation about this

This is the best argument for the indie web I’ve heard for a while


#corporategreed #darkpatterns #indieweb

I’m building https://lmno.lol, a new blogging service

- No #tracking
- No #ads
- No #paywall
- No #bloat
- No #distraction
- No registration to try

- #privacy first
- #light #dark mode
- Read anywhere (even on #terminal).
- #markdown drag/drop
- Bring your own #text #editor

You can check out my blog mirror at https://lmno.lol/alvaro

Happy to send invites.

Please help me get the word out 🙏

#vim #emacs #vscode #minimalism #indiedev #indieweb #indie

#クラフトインターネット とか #IndieWeb っていうワードはそういう流れを憂いたおじさんおばさん(自分含む)の嘆きのような気もする。
でもたぶん今の世の中に深くは刺さってない :tony_neutral:

i finished that eleventy-based webcomic template by the way, check out a preview on neocities and the source code on github! im very pleased with this one

#webdev #indieweb #webcomic #eleventy

Just signed up for @robb https://echofeed.app. Can't wait to try it out! #RSS #indieweb #fediverse

We’ve recently updated the homepage with the overall Indie Aisle model, along with services we’ll be offering, and pricing. You can now also sign up for a free account to be notified of releases!
#indieweb #SmallWeb #indieauthor

In reply to Ratika Deshpande (She/her): “Anyone else …

In reply to Ratika Deshpande (She/her): “Anyone else feeling incredibly tired of the #inte…” – A community for scientists and science communicators..

@ratika I tend to start off on my own homepage which has an RSS reader in the backend and browse from there. For example, your question wound up in my feed because I follow #indieweb via my feeds. I find that if I spend a few minutes curating, I don’t need to spend so much time “looking for something interesting” or worse, defending myself/shielding my eyeballs from assorted nonsense that comes along.

Anyone else feeling incredibly tired of the #internet. And also of being on the internet?



🗣️💬👍🚀♻️ ➡️



Reflections from day 75 of writing every day

After 75 days of writing I want to shake up my approach.


#blogging #consistency #indieweb #NoteTaking #smallweb #writingHabit

I put up a little blog post for this month's IndieWeb Carnival below. Thank you to #IndieWeb for hosting the event, and #RisingThumb for hosting this month's topic!


#blogging #thoughts #blogger #indiewebcarnival

New blog post, An Ode to Lost Friends

This was one of the first blog posts I ever conceived, and finally after 4 or 5 years I was able to find my words for it. In it, I take the time to reflect on people I once knew, and then one day just forgot about.


#IndieWeb #SmallWeb #PersonalSites

I've been thinking about this post https://jamesg.blog/2024/03/04/incremental-website-improvements-joy/ from @capjamesg and it just really hits home. My site has been around nearly 5 years and in that time I have gone through very active periods in terms of working on / writing for the site and very much inactive periods. But to see it *now*, knowing where it was 5 years ago is an immense source of pride and getting from there to here, 733 commits later, has been nothing less than real joy - one little change at a time.


@ratika In some ways yes. But, the #indieweb has been for me, a real breath of fresh air. Heck, I spend most of my time on the Internet these days on my own site (or my own social). It's literally home. Home is good.

Anyone else feeling incredibly tired of the #internet. And also of being on the internet?

#web #enshittification #IndieWeb



Alright, me creating the "Activity" feed on my site really kicked off a bunch of other things I've wanted to do…

- Activity feed (https://shellsharks.com/activity) now features #devlog posts
- Changelogs are bucketed weekly and visible inline in the Activity feed
- Devlog content series is now live (https://shellsharks.com/devlog)
- Devlog 1 published: https://shellsharks.com/devlog/initialization
- I have a new RSS feed for devlogs and an "all content" RSS feed for those who are crazy enough to sub to everything I write
