Early today, I had a wonderful conversation with @manton about #Microblog, #IndieWeb, and #ActivityPub. It will be released in a couple of days as episode 4 of my podcast, as well as a video on my YouTube channel. https://vladcampos.com/podcast

My entry for this month's #IndieWeb Carnival ponders about the benefits of doing things "good enough".



Great article by @nachtfunke:

📝 Craft vs Industry: Separating Concerns
Reconciling the differences between the craft of making websites and the industry that has grown around it.

> Handcrafted websites are made by humans for humans. This is what differentiates our craftsperson from the factory worker—what the craftsperson does is valuable to people, not businesses.


#IndieWeb #WebDev #WebDesign

There's a million ways to capture, store, organise, engage with, and publish notes. This is my current flow for notes that end up published on the web in various places.
#Obsidian #smallweb #indieweb #rss #fediverse #workinprogress https://spyderooth.vercel.app//notes/notes-flow/

I’ve seen and talked to a number of people who don't feel that having a website is for them because they have nothing to share or put there ☹️. For many, having a website seems to mean having a "blog”, but I’m here to say that having a website *isn't* about blogging, it's about YOU.


Inside is a quick, hopefully mildly motivating writeup on things you can put on a personal website that have almost nothing to do with publishing "blog" content.

#indieweb #blogging

The Analog Web - The History of the Web

Owning your own piece of the Internet (to borrow a recent phrase from Anil Dash) is itself a radical act. Linking to others at will is subversive all on its own. Or as Jeremy Keith once put it, “it sounds positively disruptive to even suggest that you should have your own website.” The web still exists for everyone. And beneath this increasingly desiccated surface, there is plenty of creators still simply creating.

People create these sites simply so that they exist. They are not fed to an algorithm, or informed by any trends. It is quieter and slower, meant to tether us to a more mechanical framework of the web.

This is the analog web.

#analog #web #history #indieweb #independence #personal #human #digital #technology

What is a good font combo for titles/body on a text oriented blog?

#11ty #webdev #indieweb

I've only just discovered the #fediverse and found out #indieweb and #smallweb are what you call those cool, fun, real websites I've missed so badly.
I feel like I've just opened a door that I've only ever heard muffled crys of joy from the other side. It's completely bonkers in here. So much creativity. Am I late to the party or is it just getting started?

100 percent agree: we need to "rewild" the Internet. And the #Fediverse and #indieweb and #openweb are all part of that one big fight.

New scrap posted, Sic Erat Scriptum. Alternatively titled, Fun With the Curse of Knowledge!

#IndieWeb #SmallWeb #latin

Basic-ish #jekyll stuff but I just posted a new #devlog about using Jekyll's powerful "collections" feature.


Using multiple collections and remembering to use collections whenever you can makes building new cool stuff for the site A LOT easier.

Also worth mentioning that in the #indieweb world, having multiple "types" of posts (i.e. "post", "note", etc…) is a valued characteristic (per #indiemark at least https://indieweb.org/IndieMark#Level_2_posts)


The state of Indiekit

How and why I’m self-hosting my code demos.


New brain rot: Dune Part II

"But I was very skeptical. The trailers seemed to indicate a train wreck. They were full of explosions, angry screaming guys and the taglines about war. Dune was never about war. War was in there, but it was never the point. But cinema, SciFi especially, loves special effects, and big-booms are amongst the most used. I dislike a lot of SciFi movies from the USA, as the (so called) spectacle is all there is."


#dune #scifi #100daystooffload #smallweb #indieweb

Added a #now page to my personal site. Pretty bare-bones at the moment but it's a neat idea. https://www.jack-case.pro/now/

#PersonalSites #Website #Hugo #indieweb

I love this exact kind of tech you describe! The #SmallTech and the #SmallWeb and, by extension, the #IndieWeb @collinsworth

Robin Rendle — Good and useful writing

The most important lesson that blogging taught me is that writing is for thinking first, communication last.

#writing #blogging #thinking #sharing #communication #indieweb

I've only just discovered the #fediverse and found out #indieweb and #smallweb are what you call those cool, fun, real websites I've missed so badly.

I feel like I've just opened a door that I've only ever heard muffled crys of joy from the other side. It's completely bonkers in here. So much creativity. Am I late to the party or is it just getting started?


Discover the #IndieWeb, one blog post at a time.
