Anyone thinking about starting their own blog this year?

I thought I'd share my DigitalOcean referral link that gives you $200 to spend within the first 60 days:

DigitalOcean starts at $4/month and has one-click installers for WordPress and Ghost:


#indieweb #website #NotAnAd #referral

If you have a website with neo cities, just know that the creator actually likes AI, and will add it again based on this post alone. Moratorium on freaking out about AI #AI #IndieWeb #SmallWeb #NeoCities

What should be the default network limit when loading a single web page, including CSS and images? Can you tell why?

#SmallWeb #smolweb #indieweb

128 KiB
256 KiB
512 KiB
1 MiB

Since I was moving servers anyway, I finally registered a domain name for my personal site/blog! You can now find it at:

#Websites #IndieWeb #OldInternet #Blogging #Yesterweb

So not to sound the alarm or anything but #Neocities might be preparing to unveil an AI chatbot to help you with coding, which, đŸ€ź

This is different from the sarcastic April 1st Daria chatbot, check the comments on the post for links to Github comments laying out the "real" chatbot

#AI #IndieWeb #YesterWeb #Websites #HTML #OldInternet

Is Porkbun still considered a good domain registrar? Are there similar Canadian domain registrars?

#domains #blog #web #indieweb #smallweb

In an effort to support both human #writing and the #indieweb, I will try periodically to post links to blogs I follow. First up is an entry from The Urban Nature Enthusiast: Crow Sagas Part 5: BONGO AND BELLA’S EARLY START

#SmallWeb #smolweb

🔖 New bookmark: Grow Your Own Services – A beginner's guide to creating your own little corner of the Internet


Grow Your Own Services is a site encouraging people and organisations to create their own online services such as websites, social networks, personal clouds etc


#indieweb #selfhosting

Virittelin Àsken kotisivuille haun toimintaan. Sen pitÀisi penkoa hakutuloksia kaikesta sisÀllöstÀ mitÀ siellÀ on. Voi olla, ettÀ se vaatii vielÀ virittelyÀ, mutta onpahan nyt jotain.

Hauska kyllĂ€ oppia, ettĂ€ mihin kaikkeen staattiset sivujen generointityökalut kykenee. Kuvittelin aina, ettĂ€ ne soveltuvat vain todella yksinkertaiseen puuhasteluun, mutta ihan vÀÀrĂ€ssĂ€ olin â˜ș

Tekniikasta kiinnostuneille: sivut on luotu Hugolla ja hakutoiminnallisuus Pagefind-kirjastolla.

#kotisivut #homepage #haku #search #Pagefind #Hugo #IndieWeb

Hey #IndieWeb and #POSSE people, has anyone setup POSSE-ing for membership platforms like Patreon, Ko-fi, ect?

🔁 Boosts appreciated!

🔖 New bookmark: Having a website isn't about blogging, it's about you


Having a website is not just about blogging - it's about creating an online presence that reflects who you are!


#web #smallweb #indieweb

Interested in these topics: #blogging #tech #apple #gaming #indieweb #socialmedia

Check out some good blogs to follow via my Links page!

🔖 New bookmark: The Analog Web - The History of the Web


> I’m not the first person to observe that a lack of genuine and human-centered discovery does seem to be a significant void in the modern web.

The analog web is characterised by handmade websites and online spaces, and motivated by personal expression rather than optimisation for algorithms.


#web #smallweb #indieweb

#Business #Insights
The analog web · “What you create on the web can be whatever you want it to be.”

#Craft #OpenWeb #IndieWeb #SmallWeb #Website #Blog #Design #WebDesign #Development #WebDev

I really like personal homepages and have quite a list of them bookmarked. I'll post one every week until I don't. So here's Cool Personal Homepages #CPH Vol. 13: Tom Fichtner Leipzig / Taiwan

@tom_fichtner_leipzig is a good friend of mine and he's on Mastodon!

#SmallWeb #indieweb #smolweb #PersonalSites #homepage

📣 About blogging plaform PIKA by the good folks @goodenoughllc

I'm still so happy having switched from WordPress to Pika Pro. I've published hundreds of posts in almost two months; performance is rock solid. And the utter simplicity that first grabbed me is still fresh and lets me just write.

You can use markdown or not; just use the text formatting toolbar in the online editor. Works on the phone just as well.

Give it a try! 😀

#blogging #fediverse #indieweb

Askartelin lauantai-illan iloksi itselleni pienen scriptin Go:lla, joka seuraa blogin RSS-syötettÀ ja postaa uusista kirjoituksista automaattisesti töötin Mastodoniin.

Vaihtoehtoisesti töötin julkaisun olisi voinut sitoa blogin pÀivittÀmiseen, mutta pidÀn enemmÀn ajatuksesta, ettÀ RSS-syöte toimii tiedon lÀhteenÀ. Minulla on muitakin ideoita, joissa voin hyödyntÀÀ RSS-syötettÀ.

Ajatus ei ole oma eikĂ€ uusi. @robb julkaisi vain vĂ€hĂ€n aikaa sitten EchoFeed-palvelun, joka tekee saman ja paljon enemmĂ€n. Suosittelen tutustumaan mikĂ€li kaipaat vastaavaa toiminnallisuutta, etkĂ€ halua/osaa vÀÀntÀÀ koodia. PeruskĂ€yttö ei maksa mitÀÀn ja Pro-versiokin on vain $25/vuosi â˜ș

#ohjelmointi #programming #IndieWeb #EchoFeed

My site’s new look will be good enough