Are likes on #Mastodon supposed to be synced to #WordPress via #webmention? It worked for me months ago until I switched to #Cloudflare, and I only got things working again after finding a solution to simply posting to Mastodon and getting replies to sync to my site.


Added a couple WP-CLI commands to
#IndieBlocks’ development version. These help me clean up and repair webmention avatars that I’d messed up experimenting in the past.

Then fixed the ol’ theme up a bit.


Not sure if I’ve shared this here before or not, but either way here goes… If you find yourself on a lot of teleconferences (Teams, Zoom, etc) and you need a little diversion, try Conference Call Bingo. I made it and it's ugly but it pretty much works.

#OwnYourWeb #IndieWeb #WorkFromHome #WFH

@mike I'd like to suggest @manton as a future #DotSocial guest. Watching my recent chat with him (link below) will give you an idea of how much he's contributing to the #IndieWeb and #Fediverse communities. cc: @miaq

.. if we want a true #indieweb we must be prepared to fight for it. Hope is not enough. H/T @twoodwar & @Downes

Thinking of tiny self-hostable apps that can also be composed together.

My first one is `/threads`: -- a way to select social posts and (in the future) offer fine-grained topical subscriptions.

Depending on your requirements & resources, you can also have your own threads deployed on your site, either of the two options

Though I still have to write down instructions and make that easy

#webdev #frontend #threads #indieweb

This post by @Daojoan is spot on, and the reason I decide to (re)launch @indieaisle. I would add that you should use tools, resources, and other people to help develop your site. Work with a designer, a developer, a template, a system. BUT understand how it all works together and how you can make changes if you need to.

#indieweb #SmallWeb #diy #web

New bookmark: ActivityPub on a (mostly) static website.

There have been other attempts to document the process of bringing ActivityPub to a (mostly) static site, but this is my favorite so far. I wonder if I should give it a go, if POSSE ever stops serving my needs.

Originally posted on See Original (POSSE). #IndieWeb #Security #Web

The next #IndieWeb Front End Study Hall will be on May 7, 2024

"I see EchoFeed as (to merge my own words with Kev's) a
no-hassle cross-poster for the IndieWeb
. For independent
writers to syndicate their posts to social networks. EchoFeed is the
(second) S in POSSE."

#EchoFeed #indieWeb #posse

🍜 EchoFeed and POSSE

"I see EchoFeed as (to merge my own words with Kev's) a no-hassle cross-poster for the IndieWeb. For independent writers to syndicate their posts to social networks. EchoFeed is the (second) S in POSSE."

#EchoFeed #indieWeb #posse

🍜 EchoFeed and POSSE

Ended up being overwhelmed by awesomeness on my hunt for digital garden examples today.

I'm honestly impressed that my laptop fan isn't screaming at me over the number of open tabs I have right now!

Planning to do a full write up on my favorites tomorrow.

#DigitalGarden #Indieweb #blog

New Brain Rot!

"For me Severance is a perfect example of current TV drama state. You can clearly see that it was made with passion, it could have been great. But screw that, let’s have it for four years. Fill her up, please."

#indieweb #severance #100daystooffload

As TikTok ban threatens stability in social media ecosystem, some brands settle into the fediverse

Hey, what're you all up to in an hour? Want to nerd out about HTML/CSS? Come join @artlung as he hosts a pop up #indieweb event for all things frontend:

I added a 'Tech I Use' page to my website.


What #RSS feeds do you think I should add to my reader for great texts about #AI (from the technological vantagepoint), #AI and #Democracy / #Society, #Indieweb, and #GTD / #PKM?

@adamghill … 3) JS has become the entryway to a web presence.

WYSIWYG editors had their problem (e.g. presentation over semantics meaning very poor accessibility), but anybody with access to a computer could fire up FrontPage, Dreamweaver, and the like to have at it.

Since you're more exposed, do you think the #IndieWeb has gotten more or less approachable over the years?