I wrote about how someone couldn't figure out how to get ahold of me because I wasn't on Facebook and how that really frightened me https://robertkingett.com/posts/6552/ #Tech #Technology #IndieWeb #SmallWeb #SMS #Email

So I made a little tool to make bookmarklets, if you know what they are:


#bookmarklets #indieweb

@fedi More generally, URL rewriters and shorteners considered dangerous.

And for anyone else who wants to explore the small/ #indieweb, there's a bunch of directories and search engines at the end of Manu's latest post: https://manuelmoreale.com/the-web-is-not-dying

How would you add a small server-side generated content to otherwise fully static site? Iframe

I want to add a guestbook :-)

#SmallWeb #indieweb #blogging

Attempt no. 2456 of getting off my ass and starting on the rework of my personal site with support for WebMentions and ActivityPub.

This would mean reversing the step I took from a "server language" into using a static site builder, as I'm more comfortable using PHP to write an actual server implementation for these things, as opposed to writing some SSG plugins or comparable to handle this. I also might need a database of sorts too.

#Blogging #IndieWeb #WebMention #ActivityPub #WebDevelopment

For fun I added my website to the IndieWeb Webring. ๐Ÿ•ธ๐Ÿ’

I'm just hearing about the https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/British_Post_Office_scandal British Post Office scandal, wherein people were convicted of stealing because of accounting software bugs. (via @marksuth who mentioned it in passing in this morning's #IndieWeb event). I learned the term "moral crumple zones" a few weeks ago and this certainly is that. When computers fail, someone must be blamed. Ultimately someone must be held responsible. All the more reason we ought to understand what computers do. https://estsjournal.org/index.php/ests/article/view/260

Found a fantastic anti-capitalist tech blog! I chose to link their support page because you can browse their posts/RSS feed for an example, but it's nice, long form content, in clear language! Give them money if you like their stuff! https://theluddite.org/#!support #Blog #Blogs #AI #IndieWeb #Capitalism #Tech #Technology

Anyone know of a good #RSS embed alternative to #Mastofeed? I was enjoying #Mastofeed on my #wordpress site and then it stopped working.


#posse #indieweb

i'm a quarter century late but i quite like 88x31 buttons. do people just put up the ones they like? is there like mutual agreement before showing each other buttons? btw made one for myself because i want in!!

#88x31 #indieweb

<a href="https://alemi.dev/"><img src="https://cdn.alemi.dev/profile/pic/88x31.gif" title="i rarely make sense but still make things"></a>

I'm not a perfect Luddite.

Ah yes! I love the #IndieWeb! I did find this anti capitalist tech blog, though! The RSS feed is https://theluddite.org/feed.rss @claudinec

Where I'm coming from

I'm not a perfect Luddite.

@weirdwriter Not so much about Luddites/Luddism, but the #indieweb movement is really trying to capture the spirit of the old (and weird) internet. Browsing the wiki at https://indieweb.org/ I've discovered many interesting bloggers as well as lots of ideas about tools to help make our experience of the internet more human-centred.

Hmm, maybe it is time for me to start a #blogroll.

So this is new (to me). Gmail now marks outgoing links to "unknown" domains as "suspicious" and "might be harmful".

About the half of the indie websites and blogs in a recent newsletter popped up this warning!

How many people are going to ignore this warning or click on Show Details to see that there's *nothing actively harmful* about the site? They just haven't paid their protection money, I guess. ๐Ÿ˜ 

"Suspicious," indeed. Google is flat-out evil.

#google #indieWeb

Podcast AP

Hereโ€™s a handy service that allows you to follow a Mastodon account that updates when a new podcast episode is released from any podcast you like.

#podcast #mastodon #fediverse #rss #feeds #following #subscribe

I'm reading a lot about #ActivityPub, #indieweb and the #fediverse at the moment. I don't necessarily understand all of it, but it's cool. As a complete noob to this kind of thing, do you think it's worth me investing time into learning about servers, hosting, syndication, coding etc.?

Long term goal is to maybe have a blog where I own all the data on it and know where it sort of goes. I'd also like to access info like on reddit but without a corp involved. Easy and fun or complicated and slow?

ActivityPub โ€“ The evolution of RSS