Happy May my indie web friends!

I'm hosting this month's #IndieWeb Carnival and I'm inviting everyone to join!

The theme is creative environments. How does where you create affect your creativity? Do you have a favorite place where creativity blooms or do you craft your pieces anywhere?

You can participate by writing a blog post on the topic and sending a link to it to me by the end of May.


#blogging #writing #creativity

I created a system for automating creation of "repost-of" Mastodon Boosts on my site. https://techlifeweb.com/blog/2024/04/2024-04-30-post-222614/ #11ty #Obsidian #indieweb

All blog posts are now tagged in an attempt to make the blog more browsable. Each post also features a “Related reading” section at the bottom which links to other posts with the same tag(s).



Block spam bots in your forms without requiring your visitors to enter in a captcha.

#SmallWeb #indieweb #webdev #website #webdesign


@xandra Yes! I really enjoyed reading this piece 🧡. The #indieweb is a place to be yourself, and find others who are, well.. who THEY are. Forget about likes, forget about follower counts, forget about page views. I have found, both in my own experience writing on my site as well as in my journey exploring other sites across the "indieweb" that it's people being truly *genuine* in both their writing and their style that brings life back to the web.

Is there anyone in the #indieweb #smallweb community that has setup POSSE on a Github Pages site using the latest Minima theme with Github collections? I am taking inspiration from @shellsharks (with https://shellsharks.com/notebook) who is doing some absolutely amazing stuff but on a different theme.

I have also been through the official Jeykll docs but they are a little sparse and they don't seem to have a chronological list of posts in mind. Here's my starting point https://github.com/danielcberman/danielcberman.github.io.

Big thank you in advance!

i finished up this #blog entry about the #smallweb and embracing a slower, intentional way of being a website owner to find meaningful connection and healthy relationship with the #internet :)


#indieweb #personalweb #website #html #webdev #hobby #coding #online

Here I am watching a full astro blog video tutorial and wondering if i should just pick a premade site instead of try to make my own.

The Lazy version of me is like, yeah slap your blog posts in there and call it a day.
But the prideful part me is like, hey dont you want to make a site on your style with the stuff you actually want.

Decisions, Decisions

#Astro #SSG #Webcoding #IndieWeb

Friends in #Australia interested in websites: would you be interested in an online meetup to chat about blogging and making personal sites?

I’m happy to organize something with the same format we use for Homebrew Website Club London. #websites #indieweb

Recent thing on my website, Maybe we should SMS again. https://robertkingett.com/posts/6552/ #IndieWeb #SmallWeb

I really like personal homepages and have quite a list of them bookmarked. I'll post one every week until I don't or unless I fall behind this schedule. 😉 So here's Cool Personal Homepages #CPH Vol. 14: starbreaker.org https://starbreaker.org/

#SmallWeb #indieweb #smolweb #PersonalSites #homepage

I've recently learned about #weblogpomo2024 and will be attempting to participate this year. The goal? Publish content on my site each day for the month of May. Topics will vary, much like they already do - everything from #infosec to #technology to life-in-general.

I will be keeping a list of each days posting here https://shellsharks.com/notes/2024/04/30/weblogpomo-2024

If you're so inclined you can always subscribe to my various feeds https://shellsharks.com/feeds

Learn more about WeblogPoMo https://weblog.anniegreens.lol/weblog-posting-month-2024


The Library of Infinite Loan is a physical world practice I conceived of many many years ago¹, implemented in minimal prototype form 5+ years ago², shared a summary with the #IndieWeb community at least four years ago at the #IndieWebCamp Austin in 2020³ and last year in IndieWeb chat, so it’s about time I wrote it down.

Summary: lend a #book from your personal library to a friend, on the conditions that they do not donate sell or dispose of it, and instead when they are done with it they return it or lend it to someone else who agrees to these conditions.

My goal was to create a book lending system that:
* preserves books — effectively in a giant #distributed communal #library
* makes lending easier fiscally, psychologically, emotionally for both parties
* encourages direct person-to-person lending without intermediaries
* grows a culture of non-zero-sum sharing, preservation, and longterm thinking

The basic steps to create a Library of Infinite Loan:
1. Create a separate space (like a particular bookshelf) for #books to infinite lend. A small shelf in a guest room or common space like a hallway works well.
2. Move books there that you are ok lending out and never seeing again
3. Label that space your “Library of Infinite Loan”, or invite guests to borrow from your “Library of Infinite Loan”
4. When visitors ask what that means, explain the Rules

Rules for borrowing from a Library of Infinite Loan (“the Rules”)
1. Keep it as long as you like
2. Do not sell donate or otherwise dispose of it
3. You may give it
 a. back to the person you borrowed from
 b. or back to its original purchaser if they wrote their name and web address inside
 c. or (lend it) to someone else who agrees to the Rules

There are several ways to extend / expand the Library of Infinite Loan:
* custom book plate: design a custom book plate for yourself with room for your name (and web address) on it e.g. “From Tantek’s (@tantek.com) Library” (with space), print it on longterm adhesive paper, and place it inside new books you purchase. When you move a book to your Library of Infinite Loan, amend the book plate to say ”… Library of Infinite Loan” and attach a copy of the Rules.
* add a “borrowers log” with blank lines for anyone you lend it to or they lend it to, transitively, to optionally add their name, web address, and a date of borrowing. Then amend the rules to allow returning a book to who you borrowed from or anyone in the borrower log or original purchaser.
* more media: CDs, vinyl records, DVDs, LaserDiscs, VHS, cassette tapes, video game cartridges etc.
* other things
  * large tools — which usually come in a box with instruction manual, so there’s a logical place to put an “owners plate”, “borrowers log”, and copy of the rules.
  * artwork — a great way to rotate art among a community

This is what I remember off the top of my head and with a little web searching. I know I have a bunch more notes in various places of my thoughts (and conversations) over the years about a Library of Infinite Loan. As I find those notes, I’ll post them as well.

#infiniteLoan #libraryOfInfiniteLoan


¹ I’m looking through old personal logs for earliest mentions of “infinite loan”
² In my 2019 personal log I found a note that I “moved some books as library of infinite loan to guest room” where I had previously setup a small bookshelf for such books.
³ https://indieweb.org/2020/Austin/reading
I was also inspired by sharing the idea again to a couple of friends in an espresso-making livestream this morning
#IndieWeb #IndieWebCamp #book #distributed #library #books #infiniteLoan #libraryOfInfiniteLoan
The Library of Infinite Loan is a physical world practice I conceived of many many years ago¹, implemented in minimal prototype form 5+ years ago², shared a summary with the #IndieWeb community at least four years ago at the #IndieWebCamp Austin in 2020³ and last year in IndieWeb chatâ´, so itâs abou... tantek.com
The Library of Infinite Loan is a physical world practice I conceived of many many years ago¹, implemented in minimal prototype form 5+ years ago², shared a summary with the #IndieWeb community at least four years ago at the #IndieWebCamp Austin in 2020³ and last year in IndieWeb chat, so it’s about time I wrote it down.

Summary: lend a #book from your personal library to a friend, on the conditions that they do not donate sell or dispose of it, and instead when they are done with it they return it or lend it to someone else who agrees to these conditions.

My goal was to create a book lending system that:
* preserves books — effectively in a giant #distributed communal #library
* makes lending easier fiscally, psychologically, emotionally for both parties
* encourages direct person-to-person lending without intermediaries
* grows a culture of non-zero-sum sharing, preservation, and longterm thinking

The basic steps to create a Library of Infinite Loan:
1. Create a separate space (like a particular bookshelf) for #books to infinite lend. A small shelf in a guest room or common space like a hallway works well.
2. Move books there that you are ok lending out and never seeing again
3. Label that space your “Library of Infinite Loan”, or invite guests to borrow from your “Library of Infinite Loan”
4. When visitors ask what that means, explain the Rules

Rules for borrowing from a Library of Infinite Loan (“the Rules”)
1. Keep it as long as you like
2. Do not sell donate or otherwise dispose of it
3. You may give it
 a. back to the person you borrowed from
 b. or back to its original purchaser if they wrote their name and web address inside
 c. or (lend it) to someone else who agrees to the Rules

There are several ways to extend / expand the Library of Infinite Loan:
* custom book plate: design a custom book plate for yourself with room for your name (and web address) on it e.g. “From Tantek’s (@tantek.com) Library” (with space), print it on longterm adhesive paper, and place it inside new books you purchase. When you move a book to your Library of Infinite Loan, amend the book plate to say ”… Library of Infinite Loan” and attach a copy of the Rules.
* add a “borrowers log” with blank lines for anyone you lend it to or they lend it to, transitively, to optionally add their name, web address, and a date of borrowing. Then amend the rules to allow returning a book to who you borrowed from or anyone in the borrower log or original purchaser.
* more media: CDs, vinyl records, DVDs, LaserDiscs, VHS, cassette tapes, video game cartridges etc.
* other things
  * large tools — which usually come in a box with instruction manual, so there’s a logical place to put an “owners plate”, “borrowers log”, and copy of the rules.
  * artwork — a great way to rotate art among a community

This is what I remember off the top of my head and with a little web searching. I know I have a bunch more notes in various places of my thoughts (and conversations) over the years about a Library of Infinite Loan. As I find those notes, I’ll post them as well.

#infiniteLoan #libraryOfInfiniteLoan


¹ I’m looking through old personal logs for earliest mentions of “infinite loan”
² In my 2019 personal log I found a note that I “moved some books as library of infinite loan to guest room” where I had previously setup a small bookshelf for such books.
³ https://indieweb.org/2020/Austin/reading
I was also inspired by sharing the idea again to a couple of friends in an espresso-making livestream this morning

Likes Crosspost from Mastodon to Bluesky by Maurice Renck.

…who knew it could be that simple 🤷🏾‍♂️

#ActivityPub #ATProto #bluesky #Indieweb #mastodon

Is "release early, release often" as good a policy for personal blog posts as it is for software?

Certainly writing helps clarify your thinking, but what about the publication step? Is publishing a post and responding to feedback an essential step in finding out what you have to say on a subject?

