Question for #WebDev #indieweb #gitea and #Mastodon crew about the Mastodon API and Gitea Actions:
I'm trying to take a commit to main branch commented like "Post YYYY-MM-DD" and get the title and description and post a link to it, but my env/terminal variables aren't working right.

Right now they just output $VAR instead of <variable value>.

How do I fix that?

To my fellow #WebDev crew, #indieweb, and #hugo SSG developers:

I want to add a comments section to my personal blog but I'm not too keen on the default Disqus option. I'd prefer something FOSS like #Fosstodon and something with better moderation features like our community. Supported solutions here: Thoughts?

Terence Eden’s Blog

A blog post can be a plain text document uploaded to a server. It can be an image hosted on a social network. It can be a voice note shared with your friends.

Title, dates, comments, links, and text are all optional.

No one is policing this.

#blogging #writing #indieweb #sharing #titles #indiewebcamp #brighton

https://Pages.Casa — Host your small handcrafted static website
#IndieWeb #SmallWeb #WebHosting

Calling #indieweb. I would love to explore a more graph-based internet community form.

I was thinking about how posts and comments onFacebook, Reddit, etc. is so short-lived. Forum fixes this, but things can also be quite detached from each other. Ex. News about an event can come in multiple threads -- what if we could follow the trend of this, especially after many years.

I am thinking of something like a knowledge graph like Obsidian, but for internet communities.

If you're participating in the wonderful #WeblogPoMo2024 blogging month, I invite you to double up and spend one of your May blog posts to also participate in this month's #IndieWeb Carnival where the theme is Creative Environments.

Instructions for how to participate are at:

The second submission to #IndieWeb Carnival comes from Manu (who also runs a great People and Blogs interview series that you should check out: ).

#blogging #creativity

The first submission for this month's #IndieWeb Carnival by Andrea rolled in this morning.

Super excited to get to read all these stories from people, keep them coming.

#blogging #creativity

If you liked Maybe we should SMS again. my feed URL is #RSS #IndieWeb #SmallWeb

🔗: What are you interested in? via Chris Burnell #IndieWeb #SmallWeb #WebDev #Tech

New #bsd article:

"There’s a multitude of Operating Systems to choose from. You may have been using something like Windows or MacOS and be perfectly happy with it. You can step up and use Linux, Haiku or even Amiga OS. So, why do I think a BSD system may be a great choice?"

#freebsd #openbsd #netbsd #smallweb #indieweb #100daystooffload

For anyone who's thought of starting a website/blog and has struggled find “success”, connection, meaning or general consistency, I offer this very simple advice...

Be yourself.

Shoutout to @xandra who shared this lovely piece on Embracing the #Smallweb for Connection

It got me thinking about the many ways in which the #indieweb has been a wellspring of joy, motivation and introspection for me and my writing.


I love that services like, Scribbles,, etc. are enabling more people to share their thoughts and experiences with the world on their own terms. #indieweb

And now, complies with #smolweb guidelines

Even @dillo can display it.

And #netsurf give the same render as firefox.

#smallweb #indieweb

Here's a collection of posts about why the #IndieWeb is so awesome and isn't just because we dislike change! #SmallWeb

The day that was. Later start. Coffee. Facetime call colleagues. Work. Jaunt to Paddington NSW. Home. More coffee. Lunch. More work. Write blog post. No walk, rained off. Read #IndieWeb blog posts. Supermarket. Tea. Stream movie. To come: read, lights out. #OnlineJournal

“Own Your Web – Issue 10: Links Worth Sharing” by @matthiasott


> many of us seem to instinctively drop most of the interesting links we find right into the timelines of the many – oh, so many! – social media silos. With the recent revival of personal websites and blogs, however, a lot of people are rediscovering a more thoughtful and persistent alternative: sharing links on their personal…

#links #IndieWeb


Is “personal website” and”blog” synonymous for you?

#indieweb #SmallWeb #blog
