I've been reading think pieces all week on the #indieweb and #personalsites and when I read these at work during the day I get all fired up. I haven't updated my personal site in years, and I haven't changed the design in longer.

And then I get home and I'm just so fucking exhausted.

Started building a bit of a primer on digital garden research, which may actually grow into a garden entry at some point. I think that might actually be the way this works?

Also, discovered I was quoted on the IndieWeb wiki, and this absolutely made my day!


#DigitalGarden #Indieweb #blog

Some time ago I got into the fascinating world of indie web and today I published my own website containing my very first article on how an e-reader got me into reading again. Check it out and lmk if mayhaps you'd like to connect/make a webring or sth :blobhaj_smile:


#indieweb #ereader #books

I de-wordpressed my website today. Was originally playing around with it because I thought a dynamic website would be easier to manage. I guess in many ways it is, but in many ways it's much more annoying too.

Ended up solving most of my issues with includes, and now I don't have to change the same code a billion times. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ It's not like it's a complicated site. Wordpress was probably always overkill.

Anyway very much liking the static solution. #indieweb

Who wants to join a very simple /next, /previous style #indieweb #webring with me? à la https://indieweb.org/webring.

First person to raise their hand I will point to their site from shellsharks.com/next. The idea is that you would in turn point to someone elses site via <yourdomain>/next and point BACK to my site via <yourdomain>/previous.

HMU if interested!

In response to recent #weblogpomo2024 and #indieweb / #blogging posts introducing the /interests and /nope pages, I want to debut my own top-level /PAGE - /chipotle!


Yep! If anyone wants to know my usual Chipotle order then look no further, this has got ya covered. I encourage others to join the movement and share your own order at <YourDomain>/chipotle! 😄

Currently getting my head round webfinger, webmention, indielogin, and the like: a mix of standards, experiments, and some decent results.

When does it make sense to use webfinger link relations vs link tags with rel(ationship) attributes in the <head> section of a web page? Are these equivalent features that just happen to have grown up in parallel or is there some rationale delineating the two?

Any clarifying articles greatly appreciated, as are boosts.

#webfinger #indieweb #webmention

The second edition of Front End Study Hall will be 14 hours from now. Every day is a great day to learn and teach about good markup and CSS! https://events.indieweb.org/2024/05/front-end-study-hall-002-5oY7I2XFCyLV #indieweb

Truly an assault on the internet we've all helped build.

- "Dear Stack Overflow denizens, thanks for helping train OpenAI's billion-dollar LLMs" https://www.theregister.com/2024/05/07/stack_overflow_openai/
- "Reddit has reportedly signed over its content to train AI models": https://mashable.com/article/reddit-signs-ai-content-licensing-deal
- "WordPress and Tumblr will sell user data to train AI models: https://readwrite.com/tumblr-and-wordpress-to-sell-user-data-to-train-ai-models/

#IndieWeb #internet #TheWeb #ai #llms #capitalism #enshittificaton

Who knew digital gardening could spark so many ideas! I'm working towards a plan finally, and will get to crafting this week.

Worked up my initial concepts, and I think I’ll like the end results!


#DigitalGarden #Indieweb #blog

And another Brain Rot

"So, if you liked Movie 1 and want more - sure, this series gets my thumbs up (and therefore rating). But if the Movie 2 floored you but left hungry, don’t expect this series to come anywhere that level of ambition nor quality."


#anime #100daystooffload #smallweb #indieweb

@jbaty Yeah, they basically are. And they don't even use standard meta tags for their link preview, as I was telling @cory yesterday.

This is where I disagree with the #IndieWeb approach. The open web should not cater to social media; it was here first. Social media should be catering to the open web.


Learn how to search the 'Net w/o the mainstream engines.

Some of the best known alternatives are either getting bad, too (DuckDuckGo is pushing its own AI "solution"), others are "meta-search engines", which run your query thru Google, Bing, etc for you ... which is great for privacy but doesn't do much to improve the search quality.

Look at the various #SearXNG instances (https://searx.space/ ) ... those are meta-search services, but they hit a *lot* of primary engines.

Look for new engines, new projects, alternative solutions.

The #IndieWeb used to have a search engine https://indieweb.org/search ... looks like it might be dead now? But check it out anyway.

Check out https://wiby.me , an alternate search engine specifically for those old, alt, and independent web sites that the main engines are burying.

Search for search.

https://stract.com/ is a beta project, one-person show running on a server in the guy's basement, but it has promise.

https://clew.se is a *very* beta service, made by a kid who just graduated college last week (congrats @amin ! ), he is also trying to set up an algorithm that prefers alternate, home-made "real-people" websites.

There are many alternatives out there ... most are not "ready for prime time" and it's gonna be a learning curve to adjust.

Don't just use 'em. Promote 'em. Help them if you can. Many need non-tech help with documentation and translations and etc.


Thanks @jefklak for creating Go Jammin'! I have just used it to set up webmentions to my home page. Easy to use and well documented. Hats off! 👏


#IndieWeb #webmentions #GoJammin #OpenSource

It’s fine to have multiple social web protocols, because this is a good time to experiment and see what sticks. But there’s a limit, and I’m drawing the line at Farcaster. ActivityPub, AT Protocol, and Nostr each provide unique strengths. We do not need a blockchain-based additional platform.

I use https://fed.brid.gy/ and webmentions to allow people to follow me from the fediverse. To send webmentions I use a netlify build plugin but you could use something like https://webmention.app/

@nigel there's a tool for checking the various elements of your site https://indiewebify.me/ but I don't know about enabling a site. Maybe a certain template for the tool you are using to build your site? Most of it is all about microformats which is just html elements. #indieweb