I'm still a happy user of Notist (https://noti.st), a platform where I keep slides and links for my public talks.

One feature I love is that I get `/hdv.json`, which makes it trivial to fetch events for display on my own website. Just added an “upcoming talks” section to my site in under an hour https://hidde.blog/speaking/#upcoming-talks #indieweb

What do you use to host video assets for your projects/articles?

I don't want to rely on YT (privacy) and I'm ok with using a CDN.

My ideal: Cloudinary but with better UX and a usage-based pricing.

My traffic is < 300gb pm. Example article with vids:


Homebrew Website Club (Global) starts in ~one hour.

Join us to chat about all things personal websites!



Interested in a blog in the fediverse. I've tried to different write freely instances and federation doesn't seem to be working on mastodon. Any suggestions beyond mounting my own write simply instance or paying WordPress for their plugin?

#writefreely #fediverse #smallinternet #indieweb #blog #blogging #help #suggestions #advice #tech #wordpress #federation #federating #writing #mastodon

A couple new lists of personal sites crossed my radar last night. Gossip’s Web the directory of handmade webpages https://gossipsweb.net/ and PersonalSit.es https://personalsit.es/. Adding them to the garden: Interesting Websites https://techlifeweb.com/garden/Interesting%20Website%20Directories/ A couple of us that I know of are collecting these. If you have one you want to post, we've decided on the hashtag #WebDirectory #indieweb #smolweb

Own your little corner of the web they said.

Jekyll ruby conflicts: 1 week to figure out
Cloudflare pages build errors: 2 hours to figure out
Jekyll sass not compiling now.

{throws hands up}

I wouldn’t have it any other way though. #indieweb

Just about ready to start banging this digital garden together.

I'm going in with the mindset that acknowledging the limits of my skills and capabilities is the first step in expanding those limits.

Which is the kinder way of saying that it's gonna be ugly, but at least it will be something. And I hope to make it better as I learn how to!


#DigitalGarden #Indieweb #blog

New Brain Rot

「And therefore we are here, the Super Hero movie. It’s the last Toryiama’s Dragon Ball. I expected nothing and still left disappointed.」


(I think I've been focusing in Brain Rots a bit too much lately. I have one more star trek and the D&D movie in the pipeline, and after that I'll return to tech webmastering)

#anime #dragonball #100daystooffload #indieweb #smallweb

@Meyerweb #IndieWeb Community's got you covered! https://events.indieweb.org/tag/frontend (this was something I only learned last week, that event tags then feed into limited calendars)! I'll cross my fingers you can make it!

@orels1 Last week started it again. I mean it is all the rage with #indieweb to go back to Atom and similiar.
I think you'll find plenty of people in those sub groups. Outside? Very little I'll presume.

"[...] support your admins, your friends' admins, if you have the means, and go buy some stickers and plushies!"


#fediverse #FediverseSustainability #funding #indieweb #OpenWeb

Links pages and blogrolls were once building blocks of online communities of likeminded people, but began vanishing about fifteen years ago. But, along with a resurgent interest in personal websites, blogrolls are making a comeback, at least in indie and small web corners of the web.

I've just reactivated mine, after a long, long absence:


#BlogRolls #IndieWeb #SmallWeb

I need a change of scenery when I want to flex my creative muscles. Being creative while sitting at my desk where I work is just very hard.

For this month's #IndieWeb Carnival, I explored my thoughts on how different types of blog posts I write require different kinds of environments and how much I love being in pubs to think, read, write and ponder.


#creativity #blogging

Very please to have discovered the blog of @capjamesg

Lots of very nice observations on life and some really good content about #blogging and #indieweb!