Followed the steps on to integrate #webmentions on my #blog and made some real good progress after plenty of commits.

No clue though how to actually show them using @astro but that's Tomorrow Steve's problem not mine

#IndieWeb #WebDev #Frontend

I definitely want to add more pages, and once I add dropdowns within the menus, that'll be easier to organize. My main thing is that I don't know how to strike a balance of "personal" and "portfolio" in the content I put on my site.

Does anyone else have experience/thoughts on this? (2/2)

#IndieWeb #DigitalGarden #SmallWeb #SmolWeb #Blog #Composer #Musodon

I'm at an odd place with my personal website. Before Dec. 2023, it was a "professional portfolio" for my compositions. Now that I'm interested in the IndieWeb community, I want to make something more personal. I don't *think* I want to make two sites, but I do still need a portfolio for my composition work.

I just read @maggie's post on "digital gardens" and I really like that idea. (1/n)

#IndieWeb #DigitalGarden #SmallWeb #SmolWeb #Blog #Composer #Musodon

Site.js - Small web construction set

#smallweb #indieweb

@huwfulcher Lots of services to integrate with - several static generators have libraries one can use to capture and interact with web-mentions. See - I don't recognize your flavor of SSG but it looks to be in Rust? Peruse and if you see missing pieces feel free to login and update that page. #IndieWeb

The first update from Ghost about ActivityPub has a screenshot of their early experiment. There’s also a lot about timing:

In 2024, for the first time, it finally feels like we have a critical mass of people and platforms who are interested in rewilding the internet to bring back what we lost, and create something new.

Not sure about “for the first time”, but that’s a minor nitpick, mostly selfish on my part. I’m glad Ghost is doing this and look forward to following their email series.

Help me out here #indieweb I currently have a statically generated site. How much of a headache is it going to be to integrate more IndieWeb features like reactions, mentions, etc? Am I better off going server side or using calls to endpoints on page load?

Comin' into day 10 of #weblogpomo2024 (~1/3 of the way through!) with some songs of the past 🎶

Must have been in one of my many "Yes” phases.

Edit: (Had to fix og:image)

#blogging #indieweb #weblogpomo

Setting up a web server on your home computer is a rite of passage that everyone does once, realizes what a pain in the ass it is, and then never does again.

#webDev #smallweb #indieweb #web #sysadmin #dev #developer #server #homeautomation #homelab

Some ShareOpenly updates

Back home from a great week in Bluestone. Excited to do more work on my “personal internet” this weekend. Looking at #indieweb #selfhosted #fediverse stuff

Recent thing on my website, All 2023 highlights. #IndieWeb #SmallWeb

Sometimes sparking creativity requires doing something else for a while. It's hard to force it.

andrei wrote about it in his #IndieWeb Carnival submission.

#creativity #blogging

I've recently had a decent long-term contract cut in half hours-wise.

If anyone is looking for a highly competent freelance #wordpress and #shopify #developer please get in touch or send them my way, it would be very much appreciated!

Link in profile.

#FediHire #getfedihired #fedidev #webdev #webdevelopment #wordpressjobs #wordpressdeveloper #shopifypartners #shopifydev #indieweb #eleventy

Enjoying this new-to-me #indieWeb #smallWeb #personalBlog search engine.

Killer feature: search queries can be turned into RSS feeds. Curious to see how well that works.

When I first installed IndieConnector on my KirbyCMS site, I knew that I needed webmentions to work, but I did not really understand the plugin screenshot, which shows a grid of posts, and collated likes, comments, and boosts from BlueSky and Mastodon. See how webmentions on the grid, feed into the Kommento section on the post, and how they display in the front end. #kirbyCMS #indieWeb

Feadin yearns back to previous times where he had more time and creativity. He shared his thoughts on the topic for #IndieWeb Carnival.

#blogging #creativity

An Interview With Jack Dorsey

“Own Your Web – Issue 10: Links Worth Sharing” by @matthiasott


> many of us seem to instinctively drop most of the interesting links we find right into the timelines of the many – oh, so many! – social media silos. With the recent revival of personal websites and blogs, however, a lot of people are rediscovering a more thoughtful and persistent alternative: sharing links on their personal…

#links #IndieWeb
