#Business #Initiatives
What are you interested in? · Discover website authors’ passions in a fresh way https://ilo.im/15ys7n

#Conversation #Community #SmallWeb #IndieWeb #Blog #Website #Design #WebDesign #Development #WebDev

Hi! Sorry for inactivity~

I have made a personal website
you can check it out here https://mooi.moe/

It is still being worked on, please understand

#IndieWeb #webmaster :neocat:

“The simplicity of HTML and CSS now feels like a radical act. To build a website with just these tools is a small protest against platform capitalism: a way to assert sustainability, independence, longevity.” — Jarrett Fuller

#Business #OpenWeb #IndieWeb #SmallWeb #Website #Blog #WebDesign #Development #WebDev #Frontend #Quote

btw any kitties that see this post and have a personal website, you are welcome to join my cat themed web ring!!


#neocities #personalwebsite #indieweb

More on Health and Safety

#HealthAndSafety #organizing #covid
@thisismissem@hachyderm.io re: “issue might be with what you're federating out maybe”, possibly except that regardless of what I’m federating out, the point in my reply to @flaki@flaki.social is that #Mastodon is still getting it half-right, which is a bug in Mastodon regardless of what I’m federating out.

Either Mastodon should be treating my hashtags precisely as hashtags, (re)linking them to the local tagSpace *and* ignoring them for link previews, or it should be treating them “purely” as links, and not changing their default/published hyperlink and considering them for a link-preview.

Re: “help to have the activities json representation” — my understanding is that should be automatically discoverable from my post permalink, so all that should be needed for a bug report is my post permalink. Perhaps @snarfed.org can clarify since I’m using https://fed.brid.gy/ to provide that representation.

Either way, is there a validator for the “activities json representation” that we can use to test a particular post permalink, have it auto-discover an activities json representation, and report back what it finds and the validity thereof?

For example, since my posts use the h-entry standard, I am able to validate my post permalinks using the IndieWebifyMe h-entry validator:


Which finds and validates that I have marked up my hashtags/categories correctly.

Re: “@flaki@flaki.social's Mention there got federated as a Link instead of as a Mention (since replying to this post didn't automatically include flaki's handle)” — this too sounds like a (different) Mastodon bug, since I believe @flaki@flaki.social was notified of my reply and mention of their handle. Perhaps Mastodon is getting it half-right: notifying but not canoeing¹?

Did you receive a notification in your Mastodon instance/client of this reply and its mention of your @thisismissem@hachyderm.io? Or only one but not the other?

#federate #federating #federated #hashTag #hashTags #atMention #atAtMention

Post glossary:



¹ https://indieweb.org/canoe
#Mastodon #federate #federating #federated #hashTag #hashTags #atMention #atAtMention
@flaki@flaki.social no cross-posting at all, that post, and this reply are federated directly from my personal domain. If you look at the top of my post in your Mastodon client / reader you can see that it’s from @tantek.com — no need for a username when you use your own domain.

Regarding “why the expanded link preview is to one of the (first) hashtags and not to one of the links in the post”, that’s likely a #Mastodon link preview bug with how it treats hashtags.

If you view your reply in your Mastodon (client), you can see that the first hashtag in my post #webDevelopers is correctly (re)linked to your Mastodon’s tagspace: https://flaki.social/tags/webDevelopers, so Mastodon is at least getting that part right, recognizing it as a hashtag, and linking it correctly for your view.

However, Mastodon is still for some reason using the default link for that hashtag on my site (where I am using https://indieweb.social as the tagspace¹) as the link for the link preview.

Since you use Mastodon, perhaps you could file an issue on Mastodon to fix that bug? Something like:

If Mastodon recognizes a hashtag and converts it to link to a local tagspace, it MUST NOT use that hashtag’s prior/default hyperlink as the link for the link preview shown on a post.


#hashTag #linkPreview #federation #fediverse #federated #tagSpace


¹ https://tantek.com/2023/100/t1/auto-linked-hashtags-federated
#Mastodon #webDevelopers #hashTag #linkPreview #federation #fediverse #federated #tagSpace

If you liked All 2023 highlights. my feed URL is https://robertkingett.com/feed/ #RSS #IndieWeb #SmallWeb

Do quick notes work on personal websites?

#Indieweb #IndiewebCamp

This was exactly what I was thinking all day today! I appreciate this post by @anarodrigues


#IndieWeb #SocialMedia #Anxiety

Made a breakthrough in how I think I can make this digital garden work. It always comes down to finding the right tool for the job, and I may have an idea of what might work for me.


#DigitalGarden #IndieWeb #blog

For displaying webmentions on a static site, I went with using webmention.io as my webmention endpoint and fetching responses in the browser using https://github.com/PlaidWeb/webmention.js

To send webmentions, I have an automatic process in my Netlify build to check my feed and send mentions, but you could also use https://webmention.app/ to do the same.

Followed the steps on https://indiewebify.me/ to integrate #webmentions on my #blog and made some real good progress after plenty of commits.

No clue though how to actually show them using @astro but that's Tomorrow Steve's problem not mine

#IndieWeb #WebDev #Frontend

I definitely want to add more pages, and once I add dropdowns within the menus, that'll be easier to organize. My main thing is that I don't know how to strike a balance of "personal" and "portfolio" in the content I put on my site.

Does anyone else have experience/thoughts on this? (2/2)

#IndieWeb #DigitalGarden #SmallWeb #SmolWeb #Blog #Composer #Musodon

I'm at an odd place with my personal website. Before Dec. 2023, it was a "professional portfolio" for my compositions. Now that I'm interested in the IndieWeb community, I want to make something more personal. I don't *think* I want to make two sites, but I do still need a portfolio for my composition work.

I just read @maggie's post on "digital gardens" and I really like that idea. (1/n)


#IndieWeb #DigitalGarden #SmallWeb #SmolWeb #Blog #Composer #Musodon

Site.js - Small web construction set


#smallweb #indieweb

@huwfulcher Lots of services to integrate with - several static generators have libraries one can use to capture and interact with web-mentions. See https://indieweb.org/Webmention - I don't recognize your flavor of SSG but it looks to be in Rust? Peruse https://indieweb.org/Rust and if you see missing pieces feel free to login and update that page. #IndieWeb

The first update from Ghost about ActivityPub has a screenshot of their early experiment. There’s also a lot about timing:

In 2024, for the first time, it finally feels like we have a critical mass of people and platforms who are interested in rewilding the internet to bring back what we lost, and create something new.

Not sure about “for the first time”, but that’s a minor nitpick, mostly selfish on my part. I’m glad Ghost is doing this and look forward to following their email series.

Help me out here #indieweb I currently have a statically generated site. How much of a headache is it going to be to integrate more IndieWeb features like reactions, mentions, etc? Am I better off going server side or using calls to endpoints on page load?