I've seen so many cool #PersonalWeb sites in my #IndieWeb exploration recently and it's making me itchy to play around with mine... but I just need to find the time!

The 11ty International Symposium on Making Web Sites Real Good - YouTube

I wasn’t able to tune into this live (“tune in?” what century is this?) but I’ve enjoyed catching up with the great talks like:

The 11ty International Symposium on Making Web Sites Real Good
#youtube #video #talks #presentations #conference #online #virtual #frontend #development #css #html #11ty #speakers

Really enjoyed this post by @shellsharks on #PersonalSites being for YOU rather than for OTHERS.


There must be something in the global consciousness at the moment as I thought that just before discovering the post haha.


The previous host for the indieblog.page mastodon bot unexpectedly shut down last week. With the host completely gone, there is no way to transfer followers to the new host.

This means, unfortunately everyone has to subscribe again manually.

If you followed before, I'd be happy if you'd follow the new account again. New followers are of course also welcome 🤗

♻️ Please retoot to spread the word.

#indieweb #blog #personalBlog

This bot posts a link to a random blog post twice a day. If you encounter something that shouldn't be there, please report it to @splitbrain

See https://indieblog.page/ for more info.

#introduction #indieweb

@shellsharks EXCELLENT EXCELLENT POINTS. I’ve had my own feelings about this - even lamented at times that I didn’t always feel as if I was part of the #indieweb bc my site is built in Wordpress and not handcoded. Of course, I got over that real fast.

There have been some FANTASTIC people in the groups I’ve chatted with who are more than willing to share knowledge and help me grow. But I know there are gatekeepers, which pisses me off to no end.

As the #indieweb continues to grow in popularity and mindshare, more and more folks new to the scene have shown apprehension, shyness, disillusionment and alienation with respect to being "part of the community". This seems to stem from a fundamental misunderstanding of what the IndieWeb is. It's not some fancy protocol or construct on a website, it's just you being you on a site you own. The following note is a response to one such lamentation


#weblogpomo2024 #blogging

Starting day 2 of #btconf with Laura Kalbag and some #indieweb vibes.

Facebook news referrals: no sign of the slow-down stopping

Well I'll admit that I stayed up a little bit later than I intended but I managed to hammer it out. Some thoughts on the #indieweb #smolweb #personalsites movement (whatever you want to call it) and, incidentally, the first update to my personal website in 6 months.

I don't know if the world needed another one of these think-pieces but for me, at least, it's a sort of statement of intent. At the very least I hope to put some more effort into my personal site.


My homegrown static site generator (https://git.ussenterprise.xyz/huw/gohuw) and my personal website (https://huwfulcher.com) are slowly taking over my life.

Having loads of fun creating my "homestead on the internet" to share my thoughts & what I'm interested in.

#IndieWeb #blogging #personalwebsite

I'm thinking of writing something about the #indieweb for my personal site and it feels appropriate that I'm making notes longhand. (Though I swear it's not for hipster cred. I'm just tired of staring at my monitor after 8 hours of work.)

I really like personal homepages and have quite a list of them bookmarked. I'll post one every week until I don't or unless I fall behind this schedule. 😉 So here's Cool Personal Homepages #CPH Vol. 15: yyzkevin https://www.yyzkevin.com/

#SmallWeb #indieweb #smolweb #PersonalSites #homepage

IndieWeb Carnival is a monthly blogging event and this month is hosted by me. You can join by writing a blog post, recording a podcast episode or any other form of creation, publishing it openly for the public and letting me know.

I want to hear about what creative environments mean to you.

Deadline Friday May 31st.

You can find other's submissions at the bottom of this announcement post.


#IndieWeb #blogging #creativity

Our new service is the ability to submit any form directly to your email. No need for a complex database setup when all you need is the info.
#SmallWeb #indieweb #webdev #website #webdesign


Untapped – Using Simple Tools as a Radical Act of Independence

It would be much harder for a 15-year-old today to View Source and understand the code structure that built the website they’re on. Every site is layered with analytics, code snippets, javascript plugins, CMS data, and more.

This is why the simplicity of HTML and CSS now feels like a radical act. To build a website with just these tools is a small protest against platform capitalism: a way to assert sustainability, independence, longevity.

#html #css #standards #longevity #simplicity #complexity #frontend #development #indieweb #independence #digital #preservation #tools

Hm - how popular and/or useful are #webmention #webmentions and #indieweb ?

We recently came across them, and they would make for a great fit to our own website!

The H-Format is a little odd of a data format, but seem reasonable to parse, and rather trivial to add which is good, and we'd love to see what people can do with it - not to mention seeing comments on our pages without needing to worry about account management etc.

It seems very... Comfortable

I (almost missed and) really enjoyed the first-ever #11tyConf last week.

It had it all: From “_you_ can to that” to “you can do _that_‽”

#11ty #IndieWeb

Here's a comic I made for KayBug Kollective on Twitter for the theme Chaos which to me is the sensory overload of the web and my migraine prone brain and the desire for a simpler and less overwhelming sensory experience.

There's 9 parts (overall comic is quite large so I had to split it) so be sure to swipe / use the carousel to view each of the panels.

#comic #comics #webcomic #webcomics #fediart #fediartist #indieweb #popteamepic #manga #a11y #accessibility #deletesocialmedia #screenreader #migraine #autism #sensoryoverload #sensoryhell #neurodivergent