As an opinion piece, for forums to have a better chance in the modern #IndieWeb I think their UX needs to be improved. The old conventions, and the (often odd) responsive workarounds added on top of the old layouts must go.

I think for a multitude of historical reasons most forums have been worked on by general programmers, not so much by web (front-end) specialists.

We should have more small forums, they serve their own purpose, but we should also bring in some new fresh life to the space.

Great to hear @molly0xfff's thoughts on not just the fediverse but lots of #dweb and #indieweb technology.
The points about UX are so right, been thinking about this a lot.
Portability, attribution and ownership are also key
Thank you @mike and the @Flipboard team for producing these #dotsocial podcasts

Do you archive (make local copy) of other people’s sites in case they vanish? If so: how?


I joined the IndieWeb webring! I've been wanting to join a webring for a while, and this makes me happy.

I also added a proper h-card to my site and verified it:

#IndieWeb #Microformats #PersonalSites #Blog

Wanted to have a site-wide default favicon (/favicon.ico), didn't want a rule for it in the server. So added file uploads to the service. Still qualifies as solving the problem at hand… Or does it?

Such #indieweb #SmallWeb much #webdev wow.

So much good can come out of making your own place on the ‘net.
Even better still would be to thank others for their own efforts at making the web a force of humanity and good.

It’s the least we can do. And a simply reply or thanks costs nothing but a moment.
#journal #blog #indieWeb
By @adactio

Yet another reason #testing and #qa are so important.

#badwebpractices #badweb #indieweb

Happy Global Accessibility Awareness Day everybody!

Recently I've been diving into the world of independent and personal websites and for that community I hope we remember today that the web is for everyone.

Of course consider #accessibility when you build your personal website, but if you're in a position to mentor a newbie make sure you teach them #a11y principles, not just HTML tags and folder structure.

#GAAD #indieweb #smallweb #personalweb

IndieWeb principles · Paul Robert Lloyd

I really, really like Paul’s idea of splitting up the indie web principles into one opinionated nerdy list of dev principles, and a separate shorter list of core principles for everyone:

  1. Own your identity An independent web presence starts with an online identity you own and control. The most reliable way to do this today is by having your own domain name.
  2. Own your content You should retain control of the things you make, and not be subject to third-parties preventing access to it, deleting it or disappearing entirely. The best way to do this is by publishing content on your own website.
  3. Have fun! When the web took off in the 90’s people began designing personal sites with garish backgrounds and animated GIFs. It may have been ugly but it was fun. Let’s keep the web weird and interesting.
#indieweb #design #principles #development #ownership #independence #freedom #building #tools #control #fun

Just watched an inspiring presentation on IndieWeb from 2019: Take Back Your Web by Tantek Çelik


In this #IndieWeb Carnival entry, @vhbelvadi explored the idea of how the music we listen creates a creative environment.

I love this quote:

> It was not the physical space that defined my environment but the music that transformed it.


I gave some thought to this month’s IndieWeb carnival theme because it’s such a wonderful thing to write about; and for everything I do address, I can’t quite justify not writing about so many others. In the end I chose to write about something that means a lot to me and is my interpretation of the theme. This month’s IndieWeb carnival is hosted by @hamatti – again, what a wonderful theme this was.

#IndieWeb #IndieWebCarnival #CreativeEnvironments #CreativeSpaces #Music

Just curated a list of reasons why people #blog because sometimes I forget why I love #blogging so much and think it's all pointless anyway (it isn't!). Hopefully, it'll help you too:

#writing #AI #IndieWeb

@artlung is hosting a Front End Study Hall next Thursday.

This meetup is a great opportunity to learn practical HTML and CSS skills you can use in your projects.

See the event information and calendar invitation on the #indieweb events page:

#html #css

@artlung is hosting a Front End Study Hall next Thursday.

This meetup is a great opportunity to learn practical HTML and CSS skills you can use in your projects.

See the event information and calendar invitation on the #indieweb events page:

#html #css #frontend

I came back to this instance like a long lost lover. I'm Eppa, I draw, listen to music, shitpost and be a goober.

I am on fedi since 2022, I have seen and lived through Shit.

I am very openly gay on the internet, less the trans male part. Men are very cool and you should not follow me if you hate unfiltered homosexuality on your timeline.

I have a website over at where I keep my things, mostly art (woah!)

I am also on as "haasyuu" if you recognize me from there.

Follow me if you like pre-Switch Nintendo games, are gay, like drawings, shitposts, like to see a goober struggle.

Proud haver of the Dutch-flavored autism, ORANJEEEEEEEEEEE

Posts CWd with "mooi" is just me gushing over a random man, some may be lewd.

#art #ArtistsOnFedi #ArtistsOnMastodon #Pokemon #Nintendo #VideoGames #gaming #webmaster #IndieWeb #FBPE #LGBTQ #queer #transmasc #transgender

Recent thing on my website, Gig publishing is clogging up the indie publishing space. #IndieWeb #SmallWeb

I'm about to go to sleep but I just wanted to share one last thought I had regarding Google Gemini, AI/LLM search, and the future of the web.

I've been feeling pretty pessimistic about it, but one positive thing I considered is that this might force content creators and publishers to become less reliant on Google and traffic from search, and instead make their websites a more user-friendly destination.

The #indieweb has the right Idea. Hopefully mainstream content creators will catch on so we can save the web.

Is there a way to cross-post to Threads? Asking for a friend. #indieweb

I was just at the Homebrew Website Club Europe meetup, and I learned that webmentions were a lot easier than I had been thinking. I was able to use to set them up, and if I understand right, they should be working on my blog posts!

#IndieWeb #Webmentions #Microformats #Blog #Website #PersonalSites #PersonalWebsite