The IndieWeb’s next stage?

36 assorted things

Inspired by @niclake (and yes, I did 36 to be just one more than 35 😄)

#weblogpomo2024 #indieweb #blogging

@artlung has launched Blog of the Day, a site that broadcasts an RSS feed with a single, randomly-selected personal blog to share every day.

Check it out at

#indieweb #blogging #rss #blog

Besoin d’un coup de main pour monter ton site ?

L'indieweb, ça compte beaucoup pour moi : c'est le fait d'avoir son propre site, où on fait ce qu'on veut.

Si tu veux un coup de main pour avoir ton propre site Wordpress mais que ça te fait un peu peur, ça me ferait plaisir de t'aider !

(Je suis pas dev, j'ai pas beaucoup de compétences techniques, mais les bases de Wordpress et les conseils pou

#fr #indieWeb

I feel like geocaching should be implemented with web mentions

#geocaching #webmentions #indieweb #geocache #webmention #cache #web #mention #webDev #smallweb #posse

Some (silly) stuff I posted over the weekend for #weblogpomo2024

- A little snapshot of my desktop workspace / "Mission Control”

- A list of crimes committed by Bowser across the history of Mario games

#blogging #indieweb #mondayblogs

Current plan:

- Build a replica of my website using #WordPress.

- Add an e-commerce section on top of it using WooCommerce.

- Build an e-commerce section for my music on my *current* Jekyll website, using #Shopify.

Then I'll decide which one's best, and potentially move on from Bandcamp. I'm not going to leave the platform, however I want to act on the principle of #BeYourOwnPlatform

#IndieMusic #IndieWeb

Gig publishing is clogging up the indie publishing space. #NoPaywall #Blog #Blogs #IndieWeb #SmallWeb

Got the site to the point where I figured it would be better to push it out, and at least give a smoother experience for scanning a QR code with a mobile browser. Layout for larger screens but the first pass of altering the CSS grid after a breakpoint did get most of what I wanted out of the layout.

not too bad for my first hand-coded CSS I think.

Check it out at, it looks better at mobile sizes at the moment

#Frontend #WebDev #PersonalSites #Hugo #html #css #indieweb

Kurzgesagt essentially promoting the indie web isn't something I was expecting. A cutesy video, as always.


Independent, open-source search engine focused on non-commercial content. #SmallWeb #IndieWeb

Finally! An Voyager episode I disliked!

「I’m making a hiatus in Trek, and I’ll have to return to those assholes from Equinox. They will most likely need to attack Voyager or something. They need to be the assholes, because we are not allowed to have nice things.」

#startrek #smallweb #indieweb #100daystooffload

I need everyone's idea on how I must build my personal blog / portfolio.

#poll #help #suggestion #indieweb #personal #blog #portfolio

Build both front/back (+ have it on GitHub)
Build front + use several APIs
Use Ghost for now then turn back to it

Week 8. In this weeknote, I mentioned about modifications to my blogging workflow, discovered a new web analytics provider, and subscribed to a few indie blogs.

Thanks to blogging collection by @birming I found Tinylytics on @gavinanderegg blog. Check out their blogs.

I recommend you to check out blog by @ldstephens

#a11y #accessibility #blogging #weekNotes #Readwise #indieWeb #links

May 2024 Divestment

Freeing up space and tabs this month are a few themed stock image collections and an odd assortment of other stuff.

Fun fact: Did you know more than 30 people live in the UK?

Bridges and stairs

Most of these were sitting in my download folders for a project I like to call, “train your AI on this” which can be found on Matrix […]

#AI #divestment #IndieWeb #ProjectsAndIdeas

Linking Indirectly, No Content Shared (LINCS)

I think there may be a trend in some spaces on the web to make moral judgments about how the web is used. Or maybe not. Maybe I’m just reading into it. A recent blog entry by Manuel Moreale about how chooses to allow readers to interact with his "content"1 got me thinking about how I chose to engage via the OpenWeb.

My content lives here, on my site. Everything in here is under my control and it’s then distributed through three distribution channels.

The first—and most obvious—is [...]

Still sitting with the awesomeness that was this past week and weekend’s 1-2 combination of:

#IndieWebCamp Düsseldorf —
#btconf Düsseldorf —

Great seeing old friends and meeting new amazing people as well. So many thoughtful inspiring conversations germinating new ideas for creative projects.

Took lots of photos and notes.

We recorded all the IndieWebCamp day 1 #BarCamp style breakout sessions, and I believe all the Beyond Tellerand talks were recorded as well. I’m looking forward to rewatching the sessions and talks and reconnecting with all the ideas and open tabs in my browser.

Aside: this past Tuesday, the second day of the 2024 Beyond Tellerand talks, was also the five year anniversary of my closing talk at btconf DUS 2019: _Take Back Your Web_ ( )
#IndieWebCamp #btconf #BarCamp

It’s 2024. Do you still expect sites to support dark and light mode?

#indieweb #SmallWeb
