My own little patch


If the web is now a metaphorical barren wasteland, pillaged by commercial interests and growth-at-all-costs management consultants, then I’m all the more motivated to keep my little patch of land lush, and green, and filled with rainbow flowers.

So, feel free to stop by any time and stay as long as you like. I won’t track you, make you look at ads, ask you to download my app, harass you with popups, suggest you sign up for my newsletter or push you through a sales funnel. Enjoy the garden, and the peace 💐.

#indieweb #personal #publishing #independent #web #enshittification

What are your current favourite way to find new discover and find personal websites?
I find NeoCities too overwhelming and not great at filtering.
I am slowly going through people on Mastodon and searching for #indieweb. But there are just SO many people who are JUST blogging about indie web itself and nothing else lol.
Otherwise, there is a hackernews post here and there from an interesting person.
Also was pretty interesting it has filters for country!

Been thinking a little bit about how to store, bookmark and post small snippets of things to my website. Both micro blogging, but also small updates and journals. And maybe Signal Messenger endpoint is actually the solution for me? Quick, easy, I have access on all devices and.
Alternative could be email, but I don't use email on the phone really.

I finally got #webmentions for @astro working! Thanks to @henry sparking my interest for it (again) and anyone here who helped me along the way.

I would appreciate lots of likes, reposts and comments so I have more data to work with hehe

#WebDev #Frontend #IndieWeb #Astro #SSG #blog #html #JavaScript

"Any place can be turned into a palace of imagination if I’m in a good headspace, but they can also easily become prisons with different colored bricks when I’m not."

I like this notion by @saneboat in this #IndieWeb Carnival entry.

Thinking about creative environments from this perspective makes me think how I can improve my situation by focusing on the world inside me rather than the world around me.

This is a post from a few years ago when I got really into making sub-domains as a "digital garden" approach:

That was also the start of my journey building my own site builder. I'm finishing up the next iteration and I'm more convinced than ever that spending time reducing the friction of tooling is worth its weight in gold:

#WebDev #IndieWeb

a small blog post from me:

「 In the same time library books have seen a lot. They were touched by a lot of greasy fingers, seen a lot of toilets. Just look at those two. Both are still fully usable, despite the tired look. 」

#blog #indieweb #smallweb #100daystooffload

Fun update: if you scroll to the bottom of the post, I just coded a reaction button from scratch! I'll do a writeup of that later, but it's very similar to how I did the comments (, and I used another table in the same Supabase database. I even got the button to remember it's been clicked using window.localStorage.

#IndieWeb #Blog #WebDev #WebDevelopment #Programming #Coding #Supabase #Postgres #Database #Netlify

If you have an opportunity to attend this #FrontEnd study hall hosted by @artlung , do it!

The first session was amazing and super informative. As a result, ended up refactoring and simplifying the chaotic mess that was my stylesheets😊 Was unable to attend the second, unfortunately, but looking forward to the third this Thursday.

#IndieWeb #CSS #HTML

I did a write up of setting up Webmentions on my site! I had mentioned it earlier, but there was one stumbling block that took me longer to figure out.

Webmentions let me get notified when people share my posts, respond to my comments on other sites, etc., and lets me use my site for a lot of the kinds of interactions I'd otherwise have to do on social media.

#IndieWeb #Blog #Webmentions #Microformats #WebDev #WebDevelopment #Programming #Coding

The next decade of the web | James’ Coffee Blog

Things can be different:

The core value of the IndieWeb, individual empowerment, helped me realise a fundamental change in perspective: that the web was beautiful and at times difficult, but that we, the people, were in control.

#indieweb #empowerment #ownership #independence #personal #publishing #future

😁 Someone told me I made it onto #Flipboard! I still don’t really understand who curates these things and if they add one article or my RSS, but if anyone else wants my RSS, that is #RSS #Blogs #Blog #IndieWeb

Telling people about the things you make is what marketing and promotion boil down to.

#indie #indieweb #marketing #promo #maker

Sometimes you need to change your environment to spark your creativity, writes @bjhess in this #IndieWeb Carnival entry.

#creativity #blogging

Even better future-proofing @matuzo, is to Post to your Own Site, then Syndicate Elsewhere.

Control the primary location of your social media posts so you never need to worry that a "platform" will whisk them away or turn evil.

Syndicate your posts to whatever is popular at the moment, without making the mistake of depending on any of those.

#POSSE #IndieWeb #DataSovereignty #ProtocolsNotPlatforms

Still a few issues but quite happy with how my bookmarks / blogroll / RSS aggregator page has evolved

Would love feedback, criticism, suggestions !
Some personal thoughts about it:

#amateurwebdev #indieweb #blog #rss #blogroll

There are a number in the #IndieWeb community, generally under - and in fact what pointed me to your post to reply to, all via Micropub and Webmentions 😁

Hey #indieweb friends... I've decided to let my registration of lapse (it's good til February).

If anybody is interested in taking over that project, I'm up for a domain transfer. @aciccarello has indicated some interest, so teaming up with him might be a possibility

Why #Smolweb is good for the Internet

As a web developer for decades, I've witnessed the rapid evolution and increasing complexity of web technologies. The Smolweb concept presents itself as a refreshing antidote to the sprawling, resource-hungry nature of the modern web. Here's why Smolweb is a positive force for the internet [...]

#smallweb #indieweb