Helpful post from The Fediverse Report about Farcaster and they’re wild $1 billion valuable. They’re as valuable as Instagram when bought by Facebook, really? Some neat ideas buried in there, like the frame mini apps, but I’m having trouble seeing where this goes.

This site is developed and maintained by John Walker, founder of Autodesk, Inc. and co-author of AutoCAD.

Not only has he created a great company and product (created! I'm not talking about Autodesk circa 2024) but he has an active and breathtaking website.

#indieweb #SmallWeb #autodesk

I have updated the [[Discography]] in the digital garden to reflect Faircamp links if they exist. The template will display the svg by searching the platforms thread. This is actually a really cool aspect of TiddlyWiki

#faircamp #tiddlywiki #indieweb #svg #template #discography #composer #music #code

Reflecting on the idea for an #indieweb zine, and a personal library of websites

#websites #web

@disquiet a website that implements #indieweb building blocks like webmentions

Note to self. Maybe things would be far easier if just picked an SSG that generated an RSS feed rather than wanting to build every little thing manually from scratch?

"cool as heck" blog update! Added Now, Uses, and Blogroll pages.

#indieweb #blogging

How do you save jpgs in photoshop for use on a website?

#WebDev #IndieWeb #Photoshop

File -> Save/Save As/Save A Copy
File -> Export -> Export As
File -> Export -> Save For Web (Legacy)

"Random, scattered, diverse, subconscious, thoughts and feelings, swirling around, just waiting for the right moment to come along, and coalesce into a solution called creativity. And that eureka moment isn’t only a setting, a place, it’s also a time."

@disassociated wrote about how creative thoughts spark at various places at various times in this #IndieWeb Carnival entry.

Such a beautiful way to frame it.

#blogging #creativity

I've been playing around with different search engines recently .

I'm currently using Marginalia, and I've just discovered they have an interesting site overview page for any indexed domain, for example:

#indieWeb #search

Do you selfhost your website at home? Give me a link please (and a photo of that beast in your basement)

#selfhosted #selfhosting #indieweb

Building on the idea of an IndieWeb zine - Benjamin Parry

Speaking of zines, I really like Benjamin’s ideas about a web-first indie web zine: using print stylesheets with personal websites to make something tangible but webby.

#zines #print #indieweb #stylesheets #css #urls #personal #publishing #independent

This list is a GOLDMINE of great websites


after much configuration and long build times, I have managed to upload the 130+ albums from my :bandcamp: Bandcamp page to Faircamp, the amazing site generator by @freebliss for music catalogs by artists and/or labels.

#faircamp #music #indieweb #gavcloud #opensource #musician #data #autonomy

Found an interesting plugin for Obsidian called Webpage Export Really interesting for building simple static websites. You'd build you things in Obsidian as usual, click export et viola you have static html to upload wherever you want. I'm still considering where it will fit in my online life. I may rip and replace everything or just add on as a digital garden. #indieweb #obsidian

@writingslowly wrote a brilliant entry for #IndieWeb Carnival, discussing how our notes and the tooling we use to write them, acts as a creative environment. The aesthetics of our writing experience can affect our creativity!

#blogging #creativity

Question for my #indieweb pals - are there times where you just want to start over? Like I keep itching to just clear the slate with my site and begin again but then I really don't want to.

Maybe it's just an itch to start a new site or project. But I'm not even sure if I want to do that!


I'd like to create a /Listening page on my blog, and embed a "now playing" widget, as well as a listening history. 🤔


Happy to see my little site's reached 10k unique visitos in the last 30 days on a Monday morning.

It probably includes tons of bot traffic, but it's nice anyway.

#SmallWeb #indieweb