Is there any way to format incoming #webmentions? I want to get rid of the hashtags added at the end of the comment, which repeat all previously used hashtags.

#Indieweb #WordPress #POSSE

#Business #Analyses
Is Google’s search algorithm hurting smaller websites? · “Making ‘helpful’ content is not enough.”

#Google #SEO #SearchEngine #SmallWeb #IndieWeb #Website #Content #Development #WebDev #Frontend

thread 27/

Go wild. And don't just go wild on X, either - go the #IndieWeb POSSE route and syndicate your work to as many platforms as you want:

webmaster update, important PSA about emoji usage

If you link to either via a button exchange or because you use one of my emoji sets, you have time until May 10, 2025 to change the link to !!

Until that day, will redirect to the proper website.

Also, new look debuted! Go check it out!
#webmaster #IndieWeb

🌞 today is the day! our DESTINATION VACATION #codejam is running until june 21! 🌞

any style of webpage that fits the theme into the page is welcome to join. create or post something around a fictional place, a real-life favorite location of yours, anything centered around a vacation or trip you've taken, or make the webpage itself a destination! we just ask that you make a NEW page or blog post during this timeframe (and don't forget to link back to the code jam!).

#web #internet #html #webdev #css #coding #code #indieweb #smallweb #personalweb #cozyweb #slowweb #dev #neocities #website #websites

Introducing Forage, my new hybrid starter theme joining Roots Sage and FootMATE.

This is a project of love, giving me an opportunity to learn new technologies and simplify the WordPress theme I was using. While this might not technically be the last theme I apply to my personal site, WordPress is moving into a new direction of lots of Javascript to drive a WordPress block theme. (

#wordpress #vite #biome #laravel #indieweb


Likes Neatnik Notes · The InclusiveWeb.

An IndieWeb that isn’t inclusive offers no value to the world. An IndieWeb built by and for only certain people isn’t a web at all. An IndieWeb that allows someone to feel like less of a person is a tragedy.


We in the #indieWeb try to take good notes during our meetings. Here's today's:

هه هه، الان فهمیدم که سه هفته از رسیدن لپتاپ دست‌دوم تازه‌ام گذشته و دیگه تقریباً همهٔ کارهای آنلاین و آفلاین معمولم رو توش راه انداختم، و با این وجود، هنوز یک بار هم از این لپتاپ به #گوگل لاگین نکردم. سرویس‌های #متا (#فیس‌بوک و...) و #مایکروسافت رو هم که اصلاً ندارم که بخوام لاگین کنم یا نکنم. ایشالا قسمت همه بشه 🤩

#اینترنت_آزاد #فدیورس #indieweb #fediverse #redecentralized

@skribe I'm not the biggest reader of fantasy, but I guess there's a bit of worldbuilding in the mix, plus plotlines that are more intricate, compared to say literary fiction. Other elements also I imagine, that make for a longer, immersive experience.

But fantasy works seem (from what I can tell) to be shunned by the major literary awards, e.g. the Stellar or Miles Franklin. Maybe the rare title gets onto a long list, but no further? I know there's the Arthur C Clark and Aurealis Awards, but good writing shouldn't be excluded just because of genre.

Blog comments are off by default, too much spam, etc :(. It's also old school, #IndieWeb. Before blogs had comments (back in the day), just about the only way to reply to something you saw on someone else's website was to write a reply on yours! But yeah, maybe I should enable commenting more often :)

remaking my #introduction

i'm eppa. i'm the most autistic individual.

i am very open about my gayness online but keep in mind i'm also a t-guy. you cannot separate the two.

my body is my temple and my fedi profile is a willem-alexander fanpage. (but srsly, just having a hyperfixation on the modern dutch monarchy rn. and i am not interested in your actual opinion on it, even if we are most likely on the same page.)

i make drawings but i currently post them on @xenuline ! i have commissions open so consider hitting me up for that. i also like making static sites sometimes.

i'm also mentally ill and hard of hearing.

my only boundary is "no unsolicited advice/criticism". me telling you that is not a fucking invitation to do it. i will bully the shit out of you for it.

tag spam for reach: #gaming #videoGames #nintendo #art #digitalArt #ArtistsOnMastodon #ArtistsOnFedi #otherkin #alterhuman #ActuallyAutistic #disabled #HardOfHearing #webmaster #indieWeb #queer #transmasc #gay



Kev’s watch log

Bookmarked Improving My Watch Log | Kev Quirk.

I recently wrote about adding a watch wearing log to this site. I’ve been working away on improving it, and I think it’s pretty great.

Reading about how Kev has set up a full fledged watch wearing tracker has inspired me. I’m now thinking about implementing something akin to Goodreads reading tracking functionality here on my personal site, and using the site to store and display all my reading activity.

#Indieweb #Readinglog #Smallweb #Watchlog

People who have their own newsletters - outside of Ghost, what platforms are good? Substack is obviously out because they love to host Nazis, anyone else worth checking out?

#newsletter #indieweb

Tomorrow: Front End Study Hall 4! #IndieWeb event where we explore, experiment, hash out, and puzzle over #HTML and #CSS. Bring your curiosity and creations.

Audience: EVERYONE.

Prior meeting notes: