Anche oggi, per l’ennesima volta in cui mi faccio distrarre da #collegamenti colorati durante la mia #navigazione errante nell’oceano del #web, scopro nuove cose #interessanti. 😼

Nel #footer di un sito c’era un collegamento ad un “#IndieWeb #Webring”, il cui nome di dominio è una sequenza di emoji. Lo apro, e anziché una classica lista di membri, mi trovo un insolito modulo che mi chiede di fare login nel sistema inserendo il #link del mio #sito. Scopro che questa cosa posso farla con questo sito #WordPress, dopo aver installato il #plugin #IndieAuth; quindi, ci provo, e mi viene chiesto di aggiungere alla home del sito i link di navigazione del webring, e poi di preparare #dati del #profilo secondo lo standard h-card. 📟

È stata un’occasione per fare una robina che mi sono sempre seccata, cioè inserire le #info del mio profilo autore (inclusive di bio, come escono sul Fediverso) sulla sezione #MicroBlog del fritto misto. Purtroppo, questo #standard ben predicato sembra razzolare male: non c’è stato verso di far vedere al #validatore del webring la mia descrizione, e mi devo accontentare di URL, nome, e foto profilo… però, un validatore a parte, che viene consigliato dalla stessa pagina, invece valida tutto come vorrei io. Uno #schifo. 😶

Comunque (seppur con #metadati castrati) ora il mio sito è stato inserito nella directory del webring… tutto in automatico, il che è veramente #epico! E in totale ci sono appena ~250 utenti, pensavo peggio. 💖

#collegamenti #dati #epico #footer #IndieAuth #info #interessanti #link #metadati #MicroBlog #navigazione #plugin #profilo #schifo #sito #standard #validatore #web #Webring #WordPress

Ok, I now know roughly how #indieauth works, now I just need to figure out how implement it

@farshidhakimy Wie nischig darf es sein?

#IndieAuth ist Login mit der eigenen Website:

Mastodon benutzt auch OAuth. Glaube das könnte man auch benutzen, aber nicht 100% sicher.

Auch interessant #WebAuthn . Aufgrund der Neuheit vermutlich abschreckend für den Durchschnittsnutzer

Yay, I wanted to log into my linkblog using IndieAuth but for some reason that’s not working anymore since the last update of the IndieAuth WordPress plugin. Guess that’s something to debug in the New Year then.

#IndieAuth #Indieweb #Wordpress

#Signal community forum supports 4 possible authentication methods. 3/4 of them are advertising proprietary software based online services.

#OpenID provides the functionality of discovery identity provider by just specifying an arbitrary URL. #IndieAuth specifies another redirection level to still allow URI-based (self control) of how you want to be identified.

Would you consider adding support for any of these two auth mechanisms ?

Removing IndieWeb Plugins (Again)

While IndieWeb tools aim to improve data portability, the varying standards and protocols can sometimes result in interoperability issues, making seamless data exchange between different systems challenging.

#ActivyPub #Backfeed #Bridgy #IndieAuth #IndieNews #IndieWeb #POSSE #PostKinds #SemanticLinkbacks #Webmention #WordPress

In the beginning of this month, I created a "indielib" Go library combining my #IndieAuth module with a brand new #Micropub module that I extracted from Eagle. You can read more here:

If you are looking for something to #WebMention reply to - I have an entire site for that:

“Own Your Web – Issue 14: Webmentions” by @matthiasott


> Wouldn’t it be amazing to be able to collect reactions from other personal websites or large platforms when we publish something on our own sites? And wouldn’t it be exciting if we could actually enable decentralized conversations across our websites, by letting our sites talk to each other?



John Peart is doing it right!

John Peart’s “Send me a WebMention” box looks amazing. I’m loving the style that box has.

#style #WebMention

Writing a spec compliant implementation of a server that receives webmentions in #golang.

Making sure I cover all edge cases is so time consuming...

#webmention was created to start a federated (distributed) directory of topics where by using #WebMention and #ActivityPub we can discover others talking about topics that interest us.

“Own Your Web – Issue 14: Webmentions” by @matthiasott


> Wouldn’t it be amazing to be able to collect reactions from other personal websites or large platforms when we publish something on our own sites? And wouldn’t it be exciting if we could actually enable decentralized conversations across our websites, by letting our sites talk to each other?



I've added some text to a section about "WCAG and the Smol / Indie / Revival Web" on which is verging on opinion. My opinion.

I want to open this opinion to criticism, even if I'm sort of scared of it.

The intended audience is tinkerers and self described misfits with websites such as those seen at

Thoughts welcomed. Thank you!

#accessibility #smolWeb #indieWeb #revivalWeb #oldWeb

@FediTips Since X-threads are no longer visible to the unregistered, X-users also need personal websites for #OpenAccess.

1. Does anyone know of an HTML template for long text-&-alternating-image posts in the format of Mastodon or X posts? & with similar ease-of-use for presenting 2-3-4 images, including click-through larger versions & alt-text?

2. Is there a way of archiving individual threads/conversations while preserving this format?

#IndieWeb #POSSE @jsadow @mastohost @carrideen

Is it because the Fediverse doesn't have an invite system, compared to something like Discord, that people find the on boarding more complicated? It's weird that two actions that are so similar could elicit such different responses. A lot of people experience technology as an obstacle, not as something cool that can be enjoyed on it's own terms. Linux adoption on the desktop probably faces challenges of a similar nature.
#fediverse #indieweb #socialmedia #opensource #mastodon #holbewoners

The principles behind #indieweb can help building more secure and safe journalism and media practices.

If you liked Popular Facebook posts. my feed URL is #RSS #IndieWeb #SmallWeb