Apparently adding (only) an `inReplyTo` property is still enough to have “reply notes” on the ol’ blog show up in the correct place on Mastodon. (Yay!)

Of course, my server sent a webmention, too (to the post I was replying to). Maybe I should stop it from doing that? For “ActivityPub replies”?

#WordPress #ActivityPub #webmention

Questions regarding #webmention & #Mastodon replies:Does it only sync replies to a toot that has a link in it? In my brief testing today I noticed that of the 3 comments I made to this toot, only the 2 that were direct replies to the OP were synced back to #WordPress.

Also: is it possible to alter the incoming webmentions? It would be cool if there were a way to strip hashtags that are not in a sentence (ie the ones at the ends of toots).

And let's see if this comment is synced back to #WordPress or not...

#bridgy #webmention #posse

To the #Eleventy community: does anyone know of any projects to make an 11ty website a first class member of the #fediverse, similar to what The Verge is doing (via WordPress it seems like) and 404 Media will do once Ghost is ready (ref I did implement #webmentions on, using Bridgy etc, but it was unsatisfactory so I took it offline. I do want Cybercultural to be an “actor” on the fediverse tho, so now thinking about how to achieve that via 11ty.

Every time I hear the word "linkback" (e.g., in the context of webmentions), my brain slots it into the "pimp named slickback" remix that's been going around the Internet

#Shitpost #Memes #Linkback #Webmentions

We need an #RSS reader with “Reply” and “Repost” buttons. These actions would occur on a blog you connect with #Micropub or #XMLRPC, and use #WebMentions to notify the originating site.

We need an #RSS reader with "Reply" and "Repost" buttons. These actions would occur on a blog you connect with #Micropub or #XMLRPC, and use #WebMentions to notify the originating site.

Hey @marcuslindblom, do you have by any chance documented how to make #webmentions work with #astro?

I'm no #JavaScript and #NodeJS wizard so I'm currently stuck. Plenty of #11ty tutorials out there, but they're not helping me haha

OMFG!!! I can finally say I’ve got #webmentions working on my #11ty website!

I’ve tried loads of different tutorials but @chrisburnell’s article and eleventy-cache-webmentions plugin finally got me over the line. Thanks Chris!

Now to ditch IFTTT and it’s shortened URLs and figure out POSSE auto-posting and write some ABSOLUTE BANGERS!!! // @henry

Hey @henry just saw your talk at #11tyConf, loving the energy! 🔥🔥🔥

Too bad you only had 11 minutes, I'm currently exploring #WebMentions and would've loved to hear about it more in-depth. Did you already blog about this, by any chance?

To everyone else, here's the talk I'm talking about:

What did you use for your slides? For a moment I thought #iaPresenter 🤔


☝🏻 Apologies for the tag-in, but you might be the only person I know on here who has any ideas on my post above.

#IndieAuth #RelMeAuth

In an #IndieAuth flow, what are some authorization endpoint strategies (besides #RelMeAuth) for attesting that a person "owns" the domain they're authenticating with?

Some ideas in decreasing order of complexity: TXT DNS record, an HTTP header, a `<link>` element of some kind…

Well this is moving quickly! You can now spin up FedCM on your own website and log in to thanks to this open source project from Sam Goto! This is so much better than having to type out your website or even email address when logging in! Full instructions here:

Wrote a summary of web linking (AKA link relations; think rel="xxx" in a <a/> or <link/> HTML element).

The piece of the puzzle that's still unclear to me is whether WebFinger has been superseded, or maybe just generally ignored. There doesn't seem to be much adoption (except by Mastodon) or follow-on activity AFAICT.

#WebLinking #LinkRelations #WebFinger #IndieAuth

/cc @meissa @jsmarr

This weekend I built a prototype of using FedCM for IndieAuth! This gets rid of the need to enter your domain when logging in to websites using IndieAuth! Demo video and notes here:

@henrikjernevad Looks like I'd need to add IndieAuth support to my (WriteFreely) web site before I could use Probably not worth the effort.

#IndieAuth #WriteFreely #WebMention

Coded for almost six hours. Did the following:
* (Almost) wrote the #IndieAuth barrier, soon I will be able to protect sensitive #API handlers with it;
* Build a handler for viewing available syndications, #MicroPub client will need it in the future;
* Setup handler for creating new entries using the MicroPub protocol;

Soon I will be able to teach the engine to operate pages without having to manually create files on the server. :ablobowo:

I am now high on power and wrote my own serde #rust deserializer for the #indieauth scope query string

I don't completely understand #IndieAuth though. It appears to be a vastly simplified version of OpenID (which is great!), but unfortunately it also seems to be quite limited. I don't know if IndieAuth supports this (yet?), but with the Fediverse being as big as it is, it might not be a terrible idea to support double-@-style Fedi-handles in the login box (and then get Mastodon-and-friends to support it!).