I added a #links section to my website with links to interesting things I read or watched recently https://www.mariosangiorgio.com/links/2024-06-16/

Looking for feedback on the current state of the OWTS-01 #specification (Guidelines for Open Web Technologies) as well as the certification process and tiers.

🔗 Specification: https://github.com/open-webtech/owta-publications/blob/main/specs/drafts/owts-01.md

🔗 Certification Process and Tiers: https://github.com/open-webtech/owta-publications/blob/meta/owta-certification/meta/certification.md

#OpenWebTech #IndieWeb #Web #Technology #OpenSource #FOSS #Openness #Freedom

We (the #fediverse, #indieweb, etc) should build a "everything you need to know" #wiki.

Like a federated multimedia/e-learning Wikipedia with lessons and resources for the topics of day-to-day life we might take for granted, but which are obstacles for the newcomer.

"How do I navigate the transit system in Fredericton, New Brunswick?" or

"How to shave?" or

"How to do income taxes/get ID/vote/find non-profits in [insert territory]?"

- Simple but complete video lesson(s) provided via #peertube including all accessibility features
- Links to actual helpful things
- Book recommendations via #bookwyrm

Imagine the #gopher networks between academia and enthusiasts, but in 2024 and via #ActivityPub.

For devs/contributors, AP items would be treated as first-class citizens.


#introduction :boosts_ok_gay:
this is your jester speaking. if you've ever heard of an eppa [deprecated name] or an alex. hi, this me.

i keep head low for the time being due to still being on hiatus, but for the newbs: i'm yet another t-guy who loves other men and is more of an otherkin than a furry. meow

things i'm known for: dutchposting, swooning over the king, drawing things, :neobun::neocube::miffy: emoji sets

if you want to follow me, send me a DM or at the very least interact with this and other post to make me let you in. i may omit this procedure if i already know you from somewhere or you've been vibechecked by my friends.

do not, and i mean, do NOT give me advice or criticism even if you "mean well". i have people whom i given explicit permission for that.

you are a guest here. behave or get booted.

tag spam with interests for reach: #videoGames #art #digitalArt #indieWeb #webmaster #languages #furry #nintendo #otherkin #plural #ActuallyAutistic #mentalHealth #hardOfHearing #queer #gay

Week 12. Mentioning WWDC, included my one blog post and two link posts I posted this week and finished reading Indie Microblogging by @manton


#a11y #accessibility #blogging #weekNotes #indieWeb

Towards a homemade web (roundup)

I'm trying a new format, which is sharing 3-5 links (with context) on one given topic. I'm starting with what I believe to be the easiest one, since I already have a giant collection about it: moving towards a homemade web.

This is inspired by Tracy Durnell's « article pairings ».
The problem
The Internet isn't meant to be so small is a good explanation o


#en #indieWeb #internet #PersonalWeb

🤖✀🌿 Gardening an IndieWeb webring

#🕸️💍 #webring #indieweb #update

I decided to pause webmentions for my site. I don’t think I’ve received a single webmention that’s not like me adding them manually. It’s a shame that you effectively need a webmention scraping service if you want webmentions on your site. It’s really the opposite how it should work: publishing tools should *send* webmentions for links you include in your content (provided you want to send the webmention for the link). That’s a goal I have with the CMS project for my website: when you publish, it’ll highlight links that are webmentionable and let you choose what you want to send. I hope to revisit them in the future, but for now I need less complexity to work around. #IndieWeb

I've updated my '1987' Hugo template to work Kirby CMS, getting it up and running on my site. 🔖 #kirbyCMS #indieWeb https://lee-perry.co.uk/notes/1987-theme

I'm evaluating different ways to enable commenting on a static website. Bumped into webmentions which seem cool. But how do you filter out spam?

#webmention #webmentions #staticpages #indieweb

I've updated my #Junited2024 post to highlight "Tech is cool; business is boring" by Justin Pot, about being excited for the technology itself, but not so excited about it being ruined by the business of big tech.



#indieweb #blogging #BigTech #AI #LLMs

#Business #Approaches
A fresh look at blogrolls · “We can use them to bootstrap a new kind of social network.” https://ilo.im/15z5ww

#SocialMedia #Connection #SmallWeb #IndieWeb #Website #Blog #Blogroll #Blog

IndieWeb Carnival

毎月開催されているオンラインイベントである「IndieWeb Carnival」の存在を知った。

IndieWeb indieweb-carnival https://indieweb.org/indieweb-carnival IndieWeb carnival is a blog carnival on topics related to the IndieWeb specifically.





Juha-Matti Santala - Community Builder. Dreamer. Adventurer. Indie Web Carnival May 2024: Creative environments https://hamatti.org/posts/indie-web-carnival-may-2024-creative-environments/ I’m hosting next month’s Indie Web Carnival and I’m inviting you to write about creative environments







・Recap of 11ty International Symposium on Making Web Sites Real Good

Juha-Matti Santala - Community Builder. Dreamer. Adventurer. Recap of 11ty International Symposium on Making Web Sites Real Good https://hamatti.org/posts/recap-of-international-symposium-on-making-web-sites-real-good/ Last week, the first 11ty Conference, also known as the 11ty International Symposium on Making Web Sites Real Good, took place and it blew my mind. Here are the best parts, which is pretty much everything.

・POSSE (Publish on your Own Site, Syndicate Elsewhere) に関する動画



Eleventy (11ty)という静的サイトジェネレーターも気になるな。





Good news. It is only one of my own websites having a problem. #WordPress #WebMention endpoint gets 403 for just that site. Technical support is helping me solve the problem.

My blog imports replies from other social media sites and displays them as comments.
This sometimes leads to people replying on my site rather than to the original commenter.
So I've hacked my WordPress theme to say "Reply on example.com" to give people the choice to leave a public comment or a more private reply.

#WordPress #WebMention #Blog

Apparently adding (only) an `inReplyTo` property is still enough to have “reply notes” on the ol’ blog show up in the correct place on Mastodon. (Yay!) https://indieweb.social/@jan@jan.boddez.net/112316070925037071

Of course, my server sent a webmention, too (to the post I was replying to). Maybe I should stop it from doing that? For “ActivityPub replies”?

#WordPress #ActivityPub #webmention