🕸️👉👈💍 Ordering an IndieWeb webring

#🕸️💍 #webring #indieweb #update

my small hand-made web-place has been secretly online for a little while but now I think it’s 'done enough’ to share! (just hid all the pages I'd been procrastinating working on…)

check it out ~ http://orf.place ~

goin on a little holiday to Naarm, excited to add more of my art to it when I get back.

#indieweb #smallweb

@jordesign These are excellent observations, ones that also have been implemented for the #IndieWeb movement as post kinds.


If we could get Microformats2 support in #WordPress core, it would be a huge win for quickly connecting WordPress with the fediverse.

Time for a little #LiveCoding -

Working on my #RustLang static site generator for the #IndieWeb


In more cool news, the volume of #Burnley content on @feedle tripled over the last few days, as my site feed finally made it into the index. #indieWeb #posse https://lee-perry.co.uk/notes/2024-06-24-2-micropost

:blobcatcoffee: Random Sunday morning question: Does anyone think that website UI's and UX's (in general) have gotten worse in recent years?

#AskFedi #WebDev #Indieweb #UI #UIdesign #UX #UXdesign #WebDesign

I've made some final(🤣) amends to my new Kirby CMS site - site search, and a lightweight social share widget. #kirbycms #blogTinkering #indieWeb https://lee-perry.co.uk/notes/2024-06-24-1-micropost

I only meant to add a human-friendly Feeds page to my site but ended up ranting about walled gardens again

#IndieWeb #RSS #AtomFeeds

#Business #Outlooks
The internet is a series of webs · “The future of the web isn’t just open source code, it’s open creativity.” https://ilo.im/15z6x5

#Internet #IndieWeb #SmallWeb #OpenWeb #Community #Website #Blog #Sustainability #Creativity #OpenSource

@gisiger that's my impression too – after all, the #IndieWeb and #Fediverse are recreating the internet experience of our youth.

🙌 the 32-bit cafe's fourth community code jam has officially concluded, and the display page is now up for viewing!


everyone's entries are sooo good! :D and, bonus, there's a collectible element to participate even if you didn't submit an entry! <3

hope to see you at our next coding event!

#indieweb #smallweb #personalweb #codejam #codejams #html #css #webdev

“RSS isn’t dead; it’s the secret weapon of info-savvy rebels.” — Joan Westenberg

#Business #OpenWeb #SmallWeb #IndieWeb #Community #Website #Blog #Content #Curation #RSS #Quote

I finally finished this!!! https://marisabel.nl/rss-reader

Today has been a productive day. I should have stopped sugar a while ago. .😁😁😁

#php #indieWeb #smallWeb #blogroll #rss

Excerpt feeds

I have a wish: If your RSS feed only shows excerpts (I’m fine with that, usually click through anyways) please indicate that there’s more to the post than what’s shown in the feed. A link to the post at the end is great.

A lot of people have replaced Twitter with “microblogging” through their own platforms. Like I have. As shorter posts become the norm, it’s not always obvious at a glance that there’s more to the post than the lines included in your feed.

#Excerpt #Indieweb #Rss #Smallweb


Finding the IndieWeb

Bookmarked https://disassociated.com/now-we-have-indieweb-how-to-find/..

Blogrolls/links-pages, web directories, and web rings, are among ways to promote the work of other IndieWeb adherents. But you need to be within the IndieWeb realm in the first place, to go on the journey these aggregators will take you. They’re great for their members, but, unfortunately, overwhelming for newcomers

Been thinking about this lately. I don’t know the solution, yet, but I think it starts with normalising a life outside big tech’s walled gardens. People have become accustomed to opening their browsers, typing a certain URL and then just working their way from that.

For the #indieweb to become more maintstream, we have to figure out how to offer up that kind of convenience for the average person who just wants a hit of information of whatever.

Also, topical aggregators that are manually curated and easy to “plug in” to will probably play a big role in this hypothetical future. It, of course, paves teh way for a whole host of different set of problems, but none that even registers on the scale of significance compared to relying on BigTech’s algorithms.

#ContentDiscovery #Indieweb #Smallweb
