New post and old Roblox thing!

I published the script for that old Roblox video tutorial I plan to make, so even though there's no video and it's still a pretty solid resource. Not much info on this stuff online, so hopefully I can change that one drop at a time?

I also published it for motivation reasons - releasing bits at a time encourages me to keep going. Because I know if I start working on an actual video I will get lazy and stop.. oh well.


#blog #oldroblox #roblox #robloxdev #indieweb @jsit That last paragraph really resonates! From a solo creator's POV, even with bulk scheduling tools that can post across platforms, it's a headache to manage and detracts from content creation. I'm also pro- "own your content on your site", à la #indieweb #POSSE (Publish on your own site, syndicate elsewhere).

That said, an #RSS reader lacks the ability of, say, #activitypub to comment and interact directly with video content, creators, and other users. (1/4)

Would be it fun if indie web blogs have section of every post that is basically nonsense as AI poison contents? #AI #indieweb

An alternative to complex and privacy invasive Google Analytics. With key 3 metrics: unique visitors, pages visited most, and where visitors came from.

#indieweb #SmallWeb #webdev #website #design

I’m very busy and far from home this week (more on that later), but I have finally finished to convert my personal website from good old PHP to @astro ! Which means that it’s sitting on a better server and will be way easier to update going forward (no more drag and drop in Filezilla :c_hap: ).

If you haven’t yet I invite you to have a look!

Some highlights are my Art Gallery, the Grand Book of Quotes, and if you enjoyed the website you can leave a message on the Whiteboard :)

#PersonalWebsite #IndieWeb #Portfolio #AstroJS

#Business #Explorations
Should I remove this blog from Google Search? · To delist it, or not to delist it, that is the question

#Google #SearchEngine #Visibility #SEO #AI #Website #IndieWeb #SmallWeb #Ethics #Privacy

It's interesting to see how divided people are about comments section in a blog. Any wants to reply of why you're for or against it, feel free.

It's so I know what to include or not for my blog.
#IndieWeb #Blogging


Migrated from Discord to using a local install of, we’ll see how that goes. Still in the same #PHP and #IndieWeb channels, just on the other side of the bridge now.

Feature request: IndieWebify should support h-feed validation

website updating today!
i'm trying out a new design with a new sidebar on the right, and making the sidebars be floating panels. i'm using the right sidebar to display additional info like tags and table of contents.
i'm still figuring it out but all in all pretty swag!
also odonata!!

#indieweb #smallweb

My initial release of a slashdot /games page.


Little mobile accessibility note; by just adding 1 line of html for the viewport tag you can already make your site much more accessible and readable!

This makes the text on the screen scale with the device's screen size which enlarges it, making the websites text larger. This gets your site on mobile from "wow tiny text" to "eyy, can read this" :blobfoxcofe:

#webdev #webaccessibility #indieweb

Hey #Indieweb I know about /uses and /now but is there a slash page for games I’d recommend? /plays or /games?



・Why you should have a website | rscottjones











Why you should have a website



i finally got around to adding my garden plants catalogued and photographed for the gardening section in my hall of favorites:

i've really grown to love gardening, so i love being able to share this aspect of my hobbies with you!

#webdev #personalweb #personalsites #html #css #indieweb #web #internet #webdesign

Here's why Puss in Boots is my hero: he made something from nothing, and so can we.

This article was part of the June 2024 IndieWeb Carnival: DIY - Something from (almost) nothing, hosted by Andrei. There's a great roundup of the submissions.

Why not take part in the Carnival? July's theme is Tools

#indiewebcarnival #indieweb #writing #maker #creativetoots

I'm using an Slack Theme on Hugo and added alt-text through a markdown file. I noticed that it generated an

tag below the image as well as applied alt-text to the image.

Would this be alright for screen-readers or would it be annoying for them?
#WebAccessibility #IndieWeb

Hi #fediverse, #indieweb, #amateur #webdev s and all those who own their #website !

Decided that I would allow inspection of the source code of all my website's pages!

Not the html source everyone can already view. But the original, "native", source code. The one I write. Before the static-site compilation/building stage.

Would love to know what you think about it.

„Kev Quirk answered the question in his blog and I wanted to add my two cents on top. It’s a topic close to my heart as a website owner and personal web advocate. For Kev, the main reason to have a personal site is ownership. When you are only using social sites, you are completely relying on their decisions and whims. A site might go down, change direction, drop features or let people you don’t want to associate with run amok in the platform. All of these are potential reasons for you to lose what makes being on that platform worth while.

Having my own site and publishing my thoughts here, I can decide what gets shown, what is prioritized and what gets a spotlight. Not someone else and their recommendation algorithms. My website is the place where I can point anyone interested to. It’s like my home address, in the web.“

Quelle: Why a personal site rather than social media presence?

Jun 30th, 2024 by Juha-Matti Santala (

Here an additional link for a post by Matthias Ott about webmentions in his highly recommended serial about own your web:

Here some more infos and thoughts from Matthias Ott about ‚own your web‘:

It looks like I’m not the only one who is unsatisfied with the current state of social media and the Open Web. Many of us share that vision of a Web that lets everyone participate, a Web that is empowering and full of creative ideas, a Web that is home to respectful and welcoming communities, and a Web where people can truly own their work and the content they create and publish. And you know what? Drowned out by the noise on the large, attention-grabbing, enshittificated social networks, that version of the Web still exists. On our personal websites.

Having a personal website in 2023 is a superpower. It’s a place to write, create, explore, and share whatever you like, without limitations. It’s a playground to try out new things, tinker with new technologies, and build something beyond the ordinary. It’s a tool to make yourself heard, to participate in online discourse, create community, and make new friends. And, it’s a place to truly own your content and tell your story. It’s your personal home on the Web.

Now imagine a place where you actually own your content, your connections, and your online identity.

And now, imagine that this place is your personal website, under your own domain name, under your control.

This is the basic idea behind the IndieWeb. The IndieWeb is a community of independent and personal websites and the people behind those sites creating tools that enable a decentralized, people-focused alternative to the corporate web and its social media silos.

The IndieWeb has already been playing a key role in developing many of the tools that make an independent, decentralized network of personal websites possible. This in itself is invaluable. Now it is on all of us to implement more and more of those features into our sites, build even more tools and solutions for the independent web, and help to lower the barrier of entry so that the IndieWeb’s vision of owning your content and online identity will be more accessible to evermore people. Every step we take will change the Web for the better. Because ultimately, the IndieWeb is for everyone.

The next chapter of the IndieWeb awaits and the fight for an independent, open web seems more worthwhile and promising than ever. Tim Berners-Lee once said: “You can make the walled garden very very sweet. But the jungle outside is always more appealing in the long term.”

Let’s make this jungle wild, exciting, and beautiful again.

Imagine, just for a second, a future in which we all have our own websites and that those sites are at the center of everything we do and create online. Wouldn’t it be amazing to be able to collect reactions from other personal websites or large platforms when we publish something on our own sites? And wouldn’t it be exciting if we could actually enable decentralized conversations across our websites, by letting our sites talk to each other?

Well, there is a way to that today: Webmentions. Webmentions are one of the fundamental IndieWeb building blocks and a powerful way to establish rich interactions between websites. As I wrote earlier this year, comments used to be at the heart of the interactions that happened around blogs and personal sites. It’s time to bring them – and the people – back to our sites. Webmentions are a part of that.

#DataSovereignty #Decentralization #Indieweb #MatthiasOtt #Ownership #PersonalWebsite #Privacy #SocialMedia

#Business #Findings
Zero-Click Search Study 2024 · “Google continues to send less and less to the open web.”

“Almost 30% of all clicks go to platforms Google owns.”
#Study #Google #SearchEngine #SEO #OpenWeb #IndieWeb #SmallWeb #Development #WebDev