Finally took the time to automate the #blogroll page creation process on my site based on the feeds in my reader.

As usual, I've overcomplexified things and the write up it too long, but now I don't need to think about it anymore :)


Could also be nice to build yet another blog/website generator but with something like a POSSE/syndication system integrated by default, for example. #indieWeb

I've been really struggling with starting to build my #CS50w capstone project for a while now.

I know I'm overthinking it, but I'd like to build something with at least a bit of value, at least to myself, not another todo application.

Well, my biggest contenders in the end (just like a todo application) are not very original, and that's blocking me.

I'd like something in the spirit of the #indieWeb and the #Fediverse and so I've been thinkin about yet another #RSS aggregator.


Next week! Front End Study Hall. Beginners welcome! Experts welcome! Always a great conversation (check the notes from prior meetings!). If you want to chat about HTML, CSS and everything related this is the right place for you to drop by. On Zoom. RSVP optional. Reply, DM, email or carrier pigeon if you have questions. #FrontEnd #HTML #CSS #IndieWeb

Petite ré #introduction car je viens de refaire mon site internet et ça m'a permis de remettre quelques petites choses à plat.

J'ai essayé de respecter les standards de #indieweb mais pas facile facile pour un noob comme moi. Si tu as des tips, n'hésite pas !

Je travaille pour #Greenpeace et ça tombe bien parce que les enjeux de justice climatique et sociale m'intéressent particulièrement.
Par ailleurs je continue à chercher comment faire advenir une société qui soit et démocratique dans son essence et anarchique dans sa réalisation.

En ce moment, je m’intéresse au #fediverse (je suis ici) et au #lowtech (j'ai un moulin à café manuel). J'en ai fait une page /now. Et puis bien sûr je fais tout ce que je peux pour que l'extrême droite n'arrive pas au pouvoir, et que la droite en parte.

Ici, je toote en français, mais je partage surtout ce que d'autres écrivent.

Je réponds volontiers à qui me parle. J'ignore les cris et les affirmations péremptoires.

A bientôt !

#indieweb folks - I decided to put a link to my latest blog post on the soul-sucking birdless app, aka X:

Now, I know the numbers don't reflect engagement (how many people read this all the way through?), but this platform continues to beckon me. I would prefer not to give Elon any of my work, and yet the hard truth is that there's an audience here. My friends are here, too.

How do you reconcile using a silo whilst also advocating for better alternatives?

@aaronpk I made the decision to go the indieway I hope by next week I should have everything setup #indieweb

Reminder that I write about a lot of stuff, blindness, life stuff, my author news. I never stick to 1 topic so if you wanna follow, my RSS feed is #RSS #Blog #IndieWeb

If you have a personal website, which I assume you do if you're following me here, you should add yourself to the Internet Phonebook while the call for websites is still open! They even have an "indie web" category!

3 blog posts in a week might be a record for adult me. Admittedly one of them I drafted in April and just finished now. (Teen me, of course, would routinely update my LiveJournal with frequency 😅)

#blogging #IndieWeb

New blog post in the People series: Library Denizens

I spent a LOT of time at the library growing up (playing video games), and met a lot of interesting people. Here's just a few that still stand out in my memory to this day.

#IndieWeb #SmallWeb #blog #ActuallyAutistic

The team behind the Internet Phone Book is creating a "physical directory for exploring the vast poetic web", and they are seeking "personal, poetic, and human websites".

#InternetPhoneBook #IndieWeb #PersonalWebsite #TheWeb #internet



Speaking at Peckham Digital

“…internet… slop… …I think the solution lies with human curation.”
Hear here!
#webdev #indieweb #documentation #docs

I updated the about me page on my website. The biggest change of those otherwise small updates is that I recorded and uploaded two audio files: the pronunciations of my name (Elena) and nick name (theresmiling). I may add a section about where my nickname comes from in the future.

#PersonalWebsite #IndieWeb #SmallWeb

Substack rival Ghost federates its first newsletter

Estoy contentísimo porque he implementado Webmentions en mi blog y además está conectado con esta cuenta de Mastodon, así que las reacciones (likes, reposts, comentarios...) a este toot se replicarán en mi blog para unificar la conversación.

¿Me ayudáis a testearlo?

#blog #Webmentions #WebSencilla #IndieWeb

Seit dem letzten Update des IndieAuth-Plugins funktioniert das jetzt tadellos.

Ein weiterer Punkt den ich jetzt abhaken kann.
