📝 Week Notes, No. 2024.28 | And So It Goes…
I think it's about time I made some banner(s) for my website since I added a links-page
Does a subscription wall to prevent AI scraping break the open web? How is it possible to preserve the open web without having creative work stolen?
Und ich habe gerade #webmentions auf meiner Website aktiviert.
Wenn du auf deiner eigenen Website auf einen Beitrag antworten möchtest, gib einfach die URL deiner Antwort ein. Am besten ist es, wenn du darin einen Link zur Permalink-URL dieses Beitrags einbaust. Dann erscheint deine Antwort (möglicherweise nach der Moderation) auf meiner Seite wie ein Kommentar.
And I just enabled #webmentions on my site.
So to respond on your own website, enter the URL of your response which should contain a link to this post's permalink URL. Your response will then appear (possibly after moderation) on my page like a comment.
Successfully implemented #Webmention on my blog.
Hopefully I can post to my site from any Micropub client now?
#Business #Approaches
Web content, the social contract, and copyrights · How can we deal with website copyright violations? https://ilo.im/15zcyi
#IndieWeb #SmallWeb #Blog #Website #Content #Copyright #Ethics #AI #Law #License
New blog post up!
This time it's my first entry to IndieWeb Carnival. I learned about it on @capjamesg@indieweb.social's blog. July 2024's topic is "tools".
I write about my scissors. As a lefty, that is a special topic.
I have also added a section to the About page about where my internet handle "theresmiling" comes from.
#PersonalWebsite #PersonalBlog #IndieWeb #SmallWeb #IndieWebCarnival
un nouveau blog indie francophone
Ça fait toujours très plaisir de voir arriver des gens dans l'indieweb francophone, encore beaucoup trop petit. Bienvenue, Guillaume !
Is there a trick to getting @tailscale working with an app running in Piku? http://piku.github.io/ #IndieWeb
Looking for something to write about this month? Join the IndieWeb Carnival!
The theme this month is tools, what they mean to us, and how they help us think.
Been working on a couple random websites in my head for a bit, which is I guess how I start them. And then I find bits and pieces, and now one is almost done (fully designed, TLD purchased, just need to make a couple edits) and another I just typed up a text doc with its bones. This is how it happens. Just randomly. It's so weird.
Been working on a couple random websites in my head for a bit, which is I guess how I start them. And then I find bits and pieces, and now one is almost done (fully designed, TLD purchased, just need to make a couple edits) and another I just typed up a text doc with its bones. This is how it happens. Just randomly. It's so weird.
#WebDev #IndieWeb #SmolWeb #WeirdWebsites #MakingStuff #HobbyWebDev
Today I am officially starting my IndieWeb adventure! I've been reading and hemming and hawing and procrastinating and today this is it! The goal is to have THE MOST BASIC PAGE (literally not even going to share it yet) up and running. I'll make it prettier and cool and Geocities level flashy later.
#indieweb #smallweb #fediverse #development #webdev #geocities #devops #today #developer #adventure #creativity #mediasaturation #goals #letsdothis #html #css #javascript #hcard #webmentions #dev
So with this new pipeline job that I just wrote the status updates that I create on my website should be automatically posted to my mastodon. Will it work? Could it be that simple?
#indieweb #POSSE (https://grgml.xyz/status/2024/7/12/2130846388/)