“As social networks become less reliable distributors of the news, consumers of digital journalism are seeking out an older form of online real estate.”


#indieweb #socialmedia #journalism

I've just learned about Tiny Awards https://tinyawards.net/ which celebrates small website that are fun. Sites built by smart creative people. Recommend going and having a look at some of the entries. #smolweb #IndieWeb (https://techlifeweb.com/blog/2024/07/2024-07-22-post-214910/)

oh my goodness!!! https://marigold.town is a finalist for a tiny award! i'm so honored and grateful to feel seen. 🥺

voting starts tomorrow. please consider voting for marigold town to win!


#smallweb #indieweb #smolweb #tinyawards #webhosting #code #webdev

Back down the rabbit hole of HTTP signatures + ActivityPub today. Fixed an issue, and reviewed the new community group draft. Don’t feel great that my code mostly resembles the make friends and verify requests blog post from 6 years ago rather than newer docs.

The list of sites nominated for this year's https://tinyawards.net is now online, and the public voting will open tomorrow!

Thanks to @researchbuzz for the heads-up!

#TinyAwards #IndieWeb #websites #TinyWebsites

An Open Mentions idea: A small web tag

I have an IndieWeb META suggestion for OpenMentions.com. I was thinking that there should be a topic tag for small web aka smolweb. Should it go under IndieWeb or somewhere else?

#IndieWeb #OpenMentions #smallWeb

OK, so I updated the repos at https://github.com/janboddez/indielol and https://github.com/janboddez/janboddeznet.

These are the “base” theme for this site and a couple others, and the child theme for this site specifically.

Mind you, these were created for, I think, WordPress 6.4, and before I’d even looked at block hooks. Don’t think they represent, you know, “best practices” or anything. I’m planning to still update them. One day.

Like, in my child theme, I define this “Post Meta” block that I actually use twice in most of my templates; I then output just the one occurrence for certain post types and the other occurrence for, well, all other post types.

The code I use to dynamically populate this Post Meta block’s innerBlocks is very similar to … what you’d do with block hooks.

Let’s see, what else? Oh, the child theme has this activitypub folder, which is where my Add-on for ActivityPub plugin goes looking for certain templates. (While the ActivityPub plugin has since added support for extra “actor profile” fields, I still like my implementation, haha! Plus, there’s all these other features, of course.)


Wie ich mit n8n.io alle Mastodon- und Blueskyposts automatisch auf meinem Blog archiviere: https://kleinheld.ch/automatisierung-mastodon-und-blueskyposts-zu-ghost-blog/


Hi Fediverse, I’m Alec! As for an #introduction, I’m a technology professional who works in the public sector.

My interests constantly change, but I always come back to #linux and #BSD, my #homelab and #selfhosted things, #python, and recently, #golang.

I love small, simple things, and I’m especially interested in the relationship between tech and humans. I’m on a journey to understand how to make and use the internet better, and the #indieweb community seems like a good starting point!

@KentNavalesi @academicchatter Though I am pretty much but one more of those "tech-focused" indieweb blogs you speak of, I have made an effort in the past few years to start writing about non-tech things. As someone who has embraced the idea of the #indieweb, I feel my site/blog is a space to write about all things me, and not just my professional/other-techy pursuits. I file all of these under the tag "life" on my site, the list you can peruse here!


Today designed a very simple landing page for this app: https://www.thoughttonote.ai/

Took longer than I expected (designing was easy. Did with #claude ; hosting took time.) But glad at least a placeholder page is up and running

#buildinpublic #indieweb

Re: Do people IRL know you have a blog?

In which I respond to bacardi55's question of whether people in real life know about my blog.


#blogging #personalwebsites #indieweb #smallweb

🔖 New bookmark: What helps me browse a personal website | Bacardi55's Web Cave

🔗 https://bacardi55.io/2024/07/09/what-helps-me-browse-a-personal-website/

I find myself highly aligned with bacardi55's preferences!

🔥 https://flamedfury.com/bookmarks/what-helps-me-browse-a-personal-website-or-bacardi55s-web-cave/

#web #indieweb #smallweb #webmastery

I think all WordPress blogs should install WebMention

I am a huge fan of WebMention and a WordPress user. This is why I am so thrilled that Matthias Pfefferle created the fantastic WebMention plugin for WordPress. I think we should all use WebMention and in this post, I will explain why.

What is WebMention?

TL;DR: WebMention pings a page you link to to tell it about the link. The linked-to page […]

#blogging #IndieWeb #Webmention #WordPress #BlogsAndBlogging

Have you heard about our lord and saviour, WebMention?

I am on a mission to spread the holy word of WebMention (and the great prophet Matthias Pfefferle) to as many non-technical bloggers as possible because WebMention makes blogs 210% better.

#blogging #IndieWeb #WebMention

Anyone know of a search engine that looks for lengthy blog posts? Not AI generated padding either but something like @feedle but it displays very lengthy blog posts from the search Result? I’m talking, with an estimated read time of 45 minutes or longer. I am that person that will sit and read a two hour blog post all of the way through #SearchEngine #SmallWeb #IndieWeb