How do we keep the web open while keeping our work out of large language models? Should we even worry about it?
#AskMastodon #indieweb #blogging

send a friend a webmention day

Just a friendly hello to some pals from Homebrew Website Club! Joe, Sara, Tracy, James, Benji, Angelo, David, Pablo, gRegor, Jo… I’m sure there are several people I’m missing.


Somehow this video showed up in my YT rec feed (ugh, YT, give me more of stuff like this!). It’s 2 years old, but still relevant to the trend of people wanting to see more indie/slow/individual websites. I’ll be bookmarking and checking out the search engines and other sites mentioned here.

#web #IndieWeb #SlowWeb #SmallWeb #creativity #individuality

for various reasons I don't have analytics in my blog / personal website, but I do like to occasionally peek at the #nginx access logs to see what the traffic looks like. So I wrote this little #golang cli program that parses them into #sqlite and lets me query request counts with different criteria.

#indieweb #selfhosted

Updated #introduction!

👋 Hi folks, I'm a freelance web dev and web performance engineer.

On the #webdev side, I really love the #Jamstack, #eleventy, #11ty, and the #IndieWeb.

You can learn all about me on I write and speak about webdev and web perf.

I also love #LEGO, #boardgames, #gardening, and too many other hobbies to list.

@mms Post on my site and it flows into here #indieweb

Anyone interested in single sign-on / #SSO? Want a new toy to play with? I've been experimenting with it recently, and now I've got something to share: an experimental demo of how a "Sign in with the Fediverse" mechanism might work.

If you have a Mastodon or Hubzilla account, or an IndieAuth-style self-hosted identity, I'd like to invite you to try and sign in to my test site at

Headline features:
  • User authentication/authorization based on the Ory tools.
  • Supports signing in using an existing Fediverse (or other) account - or one you host yourself
  • Open source - well, not yet, but it could be, if people are interested in it
  • Written by a non-expert! Woefully insecure! All manner of attacks, just waiting to be found! Invite your security expert friends to the party, and laugh together at the n00b! Fun for all the family!

Supported identity providers include:

(There's a chance Streams might work, too.)

Protocols supported:

If you can get it to work - share a screenshot and let me know what you think!

(I'll try to keep this running for a while, but I can't guarantee it - partly because I haven't finished trying to attack it yet. If I have to take it down for some reason, I'll edit this post to say so.)

@whalecoiner I've used a tool called Hygen for something like that. #indieweb

How do you let your friends know about a cool website you found?


Added a Website Carbon Calculator score to my homepage - A+ by the way!

#CarbonCalculator #smallweb #indieweb #sustainablewebdesign

I like the idea behind (robots.txt entries against AI bots and other scrapers) but the execution leaves a bad feeling:

* access to the agent list only by authenticated API
* the API is fiddly and returns opaque errors
* the API does only give access to AI related bots, not the full list they obviously have
* the API only returns robot.txt format, not JSON with additional bot info
* no accompanying list of IP address ranges
* pushy to use their Wordpress plugin and Analytics
* unclear who's behind: "team with background in various abusive companies"

This really should be an Open Source project managed in the open for transparency.

#bot #bots #indieweb #robots #robotstxt

Digital Photography Tools

Added beautiful header artwork to my common pages on my personal website to give a personal touch to my personal website #indieweb #web #indiedev #webdev

And another Brain Rot!

「They don’t make movies like this very often, and we are lucky to have it.」

#scifi #marsexpress #movie #100daystooffload #blog #indieweb

Just got my elfeed setup in Doom #Emacs for #RSS
If you've got a blog and you think I should be on your list Id love to add you. I'm looking for #Tech #hacking #malware #rust #linux & #politics

The couple good RSS feeds I've got already I'll link below for all you lovely hackers out there

#indieweb #yesterweb

@Kristof Zerbe @6erriet mit ie 😁🐧🍓 #FuckAfD Es gibt ja ein IndieWeb-Wiki, in dem so einiges steht, auch Technisches.

Das IndieWeb zählt auch Fediverse-Protokolle und -Projekte zu sich, verwendet aber primär eigene Standards.

Wer allerdings eine Facebook-Alternative sucht, ist aktuell ziemlich gut auf Friendica aufgehoben, das ist schon seit 14 Jahren im Fediverse.

Oder man probiert (streams), das ist vom Friendica-Erfinder, am Ende einer langen Reihe von Forks und Friendica ganz ähnlich, aber fortschrittlicher und andererseits nicht mit Friendicas vielen Verbindungsmöglichkeiten.

CC: @Beko Pharm

#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #LangerPost #CWLangerPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #Friendica #Streams #(streams) #IndieWeb

Hat hier jemand was im #indieweb gemacht ? Also sei es ein blogseite oder sonst irgendwie was.