Reminder that I write about a lot of stuff, blindness, life stuff, my author news. I never stick to 1 topic so if you wanna follow, my RSS feed is #RSS #Blog #IndieWeb

I am planing to join the IndieWeb Movie Club for this month. The fist movie pick is The Matrix (1999). More info here on this post from Mark Sutherland.
#indieweb #indiewebmovieclub

New blog post on why I decided to remove Codepen embeds from my home page.


As it gets harder to find good content to read online, I’m enjoying link dumps from various bloggers. Here is one that you should follow.

#blog #indieweb #blogging #web

since i moved, here’s a new #introduction

hi, i’m alex. the grown ass trans guy that disrupts your nice communities.

i’m a disabled kitten in the pond. and i’m the admin of this instance! not minors DNI but i prefer adult audience

what can you expect from me?

  • bad financial advice
  • shitposts
  • dutch shitposts
  • rants on life
  • uncommon takes about things
  • autism

i learn dutch since march 2024 and friends say i do well, but that’s just their opinion. hopefully i move my ass to NL one day.

oh but i can speak polish and english fluently.

i do art! yes! i post it on @illustraties from time to time. i have a website at (that is going to be rewritten one day) - so drawing and indie web are one of my things!

i manage the following things, besides my site:

  • feDistricts, a directory of websites and fedi instances ran by fedi folks, akin to Geocities’ Neighborhoods
  • IDHM, a virtual museum dedicated to the history of internet culture and more
  • this instance!

there’s also the side of me that can get combative, especially about ableism/sanism and transmisandry in particular. i generally don’t take on debates.

i am not tolerant towards academia glorification as i think people should put lived experiences above abstract research that doesn’t care about individual stories. my life story is what radicalized me and that’s what makes people claim i’m “down to earth”.

do not come across if you’re a techbro, foss crusader, ai-bro or whatever flavor of a tumor-inducing replyguy you are. not interested in your opinion either.

also - i’m not interested in your bullshit if you try to act as a spokesperson for [marginalized group] when you’re not of said group. i want to hear from folks themselves.

anyways, feel free to AMA under this post, tag spam with my interests and all for reach: #art #digitalArt #disabled #disability #hardOfHearing #ActuallyAutistic #PTSD #mentalHealth #sanism #ableism #queer #LGBT #transmasc #transman #gaming #videogames #nintendo #yoshi #pokemon #kirby #indieWeb #webdev #webmaster #HTML #CSS #plural #languages #dutch #nederlands

It's been some months since I started syndicating what I post here to my own site, following the #indieweb PESOS model. This also serves as an archive of my microblog.

Wrote some about how I'm doing it using Mastodon's API and a small tool that I wrote, which runs automatically and integrates nicely with my #hugo site. The tool is rather agnostic, and likely fits any workflow involving static files or static site generators.

48 hours later I have learned that it's not possible to send email (pure email, not a service) from a Pages function. Apparently only from Workers. 😢

Now I have to decide whether I want my contact forms to do one of the following. What would you do? #IndieWeb #11ty #webdev

Ditch the form, just put an email address.
Use a Pages function to call an Worker that emails
Use an email API service with a free tier

I posted to my blog!

Jobs I don’t put on my resume
#Work #IndieWeb

@operationpuppet I am a big fan of using #WordPress with #ActivityPub and #WebMention enabled. That might not be an option for everyone but it has worked for me. That said, if you find a more efficient method, I'm all ears.

Recién descubrí que la web clásica #indieweb esta reviviendo
Realmente siento que son esos pequeños rincones del internet, aquellos que te alejan de la masividad de otras redes sociales son los que te reviven el cariño por el internet.
Ahora quiero empezar un blog en Tumblr (o en algún otro servicio) y una pequeña pagina web personal en #neocities

I finally got around to adding a /slashes page to my personal site, with links to all of my top-level slashpages.


I've started again to slowly chip away at designing/building my blog, I'm kind of getting a handle on Hugo's logic. It might take me awhile to master, but I'm in no rush. While Activitypub is nice it doesn't beat the independence and (technical) simplicity of a statically generated site under your own domain.

#Hugo #IndieWeb

"These convolutions are niche, techno-aristocratic IndieWeb fever dreams which discourage and alienate those desperate to break from corporate web-silos and start anew on a simpler, more human web. Ignore them."

#Indieweb "levels" are a turn off to be sure.

I also added fediverse creator tags to the site, so that'll hopefully pop up now on this link:

#SmallWeb #indieweb #videogames #reviews

This week on, I added filters to my big review lists!

In keeping with the goal of shipping the absolute minimum JS, the filtered pages are totally separate, with a control that makes it seem like you're moving between them.

It works great on desktop and decently on mobile (where page loads are more noticeable). May revisit, but am very pleased right now

Check them out:

#SmallWeb #indieweb #reviews #movies #videogames #books #webdev

“working in a similar fashion to the highly successful IndieWeb Carnival, where someone selects a film each month, and invites others to reply with their thoughts & opinions on that month’s movie. Followed by a round-up post by that month’s curator.”

I like this idea and am tempted to participate.

#Indieweb #Movies

who’s out here doing #blaugust2024 ? i’m setting up my #rss reader (moving back to omnivore from readwise/reader) and i wanna follow youuuuu

#indieweb #blogging