The next decade of the web | James’ Coffee Blog

After the last decade, where platforms have emerged as a core constituent of the web on which many rely, it may feel like things cannot change. That the giants are so big that there is no other way. Yet, to give into this feeling – that things can’t change – is not necessary. It is the way it is is not true on the web. We can make change. It’s your web.

#indieweb #personal #publishing #sharing #community #empowerment #independence #internet #worldwideweb

I gave up on selfhosting bc it's too hassle

I could use some suggestions for a solution to host my personal web site

it's gonna be striclty static, no php, python, no databases

I'd like to be able to sync through rsync over ssh

namecheap offers a service that seems interesting, it mentions ftp users, I don't uunderstand how I would sync


hell yeah just got RSS working on my new blog! happy #blaugust2024 everyone!

#blogging #indieweb #rss #eleventy #smallweb

I don't normally post about my #art stuff here, but since it has to do with my site, I figure I'd post here too: I just made an RSS feed for my art page!

I usually post my art over on my Pixelfed account
@BoneALisa, but recently I've been trying to post my art on my main site and syndicate it out from there. A month or so ago, i main the main art page at and only now got around to making a proper feed for it.

Ive been having a blast building this site out, and have a lot of other projects I want to tackle in mind aswell :D

#mastoart #indieweb #rss

🔖 New bookmark: Don't Lie To Me About Web 2.0


> Web 2.0 was not social media! You’re rewriting history that’s less than 20 years old!

Should Web 2.0 be defined the rise of social media? Or should it be defined by the troves of individual websites that appeared across the web on individual hosts and servers?


#web #indieweb #smallweb #webmastery

Wrote a new blog entry. It’s about my week off from IT training and some retro gaming :blobcat:

#blog #personalBlog #personalwebsite #indieweb #retrogaming #nintendo

hey i’m late to the #blaugust2024 party but

here we go! cheers, to starting fresh!

#indieweb #blog #blogging #eleventy #11ty

non sono ancora pronto per self hostare il mio blog nascituro

sarà interamente statico

no php, no python, nessun db

dove è conveniente comprare l'hosting al giorno d'oggi ?

ovh ? Aruba ? Namecheap ?

posso usare qualche strumento di sincronizzazione comodo, non so rsync ?

Posso entrare in ssh sull'host ?


#W3C #SocialCG #20240802 #2024_215 #ActivityPub #ActivityStreams #relAuthor

How to find blog readers the IndieWeb (small web) way

You have an IndieWeb-ish blog. Great. Now what?

This post is my guide to connecting with readers in the IndieWeb way. I make no claims to completeness or dependableness but I think this is mostly right. Feel free to correct me with replies, mentions, or comments.

Table of contents

Am I qualified to write this?

Before you […]

#1 #blog #blogging #blogs #community #IndieWeb #readers #smallWeb #Webmention #BlogsAndBlogging

New blog post: That time I wanted to "extract" three packages from monorepos, in two different repositories, all while maintaining the existing commit history for those files. Git hijinks ensue…

Spoilers: I used git-filter-repo

#indieweb #git #development

I've published the changelog for my website!

It uses the Conventional Commits specification. Also, it doesn't present all the changes made to the site but a curated list of notable changes worth noting. You may check out here:

#indieweb #blog #changelog

Imagine if #Firefox, #Chrome, and their derivatives could render Markdown, AsciiDoc, LaTeX, EPUB, and Gemtext as seamlessly as they handle PDFs. This could revolutionize the way we publish lightweight websites, making it as simple as dropping a text file into a directory.

#smolweb #smallweb #indieweb

Call for startups

I wasn’t planning to this time around but accessories at times provide function. Picked up a case and headphone adapter for the Pixel 8a.

#blog #blogging #indieweb #pixel #tech

Have I got Quill working again? #IndieWeb #Micropub

Reposted by Jan.
In reply to by @janboddez.

OK, so replying to Fediverse posts was already possible not just using ActivityPub’s own Federated Reply block, but also using IndieBlocks’ Reply block … on the condition you also had my […]

#ActivityPub #IndieWeb #socialMedia #WordPress

Reposted by Jan.
So, version 3.0 of the ActivityPub plugin for WordPress comes with a Reply block of its own. Like, I’ll probably stick with my current implementation and continue to just use IndieBlocks’ Reply block for all things microformats, Webmention, and ActivityPub, but: pretty cool […]

#ActivityPub #IndieWeb #socialMedia #WordPress